
Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Costa Rica Review

I had a great time on my Costa Rica trip with gapforce. I was really nervous going into it because I had never traveled alone before. Everyone was super nice and supportive, so I quickly made some great friends. I loved every second of the trip and feel that I grew as a person. I spent the first 2 weeks in Quepos on the pacific side learning to scuba dive. That was a lot of fun and our instructors were awesome. Our group stayed at a home stay which allowed us to practice our very beginner spanish and really get a feel for the Costa Rican culture. The last 2 weeks we went to the Caribbean's side. There we volunteered at a macaw sanctuary, a cocoa farm, and a turtle sanctuary. It was a lot of hard work, but it was very rewarding. Overall I had a great experience and met a lot of really cool people. I definitely recommend this trip to anyone looking for an adventure!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice would be to step out of your comfort zone and have fun! I was terrified, as this was my first time travelling alone. I had an amazing experience and grew a lot as person because of this trip!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Marine Adventure

I had an absolutely amazing time in Costa Rica! Despite being nervous about travelling alone and not knowing anyone there I felt so comfortable as soon as I arrived. The first two weeks of my trip involved learning to scuba dive, getting to see the coral reefs and the marine life that calls it home was incredible, my instructor Sam was so helpful and a brilliant teacher! I loved exploring the area in my free time and had some of the best moments of my life with the friends I met on the trip. The last two weeks of my trip involved volunteering on a few different projects, which was mostly a great experience, especially visiting a indigenous cacao farm, as well as the turtle conservation, despite not being lucky enough to see a turtle. I didn’t really enjoy the volunteering at the Green Macaw sanctuary; it required lots of digging up mud and because the trip is so full on and the hot, humid conditions it was very hard work. Living in the jungle for a few days was an exciting experience, I had a lot of fun especially on solo night, making my own fire and cooking my own food and quickly got used to the many animals and sounds that seemed pretty scary at first! Our group was able to go out for a few nights out to experience the local nightlife and traditional food which allowed us to relax, have fun and get to know each other better, salsa night was a personal favourite of mine! To sum it up I had an amazing experience with some amazing people and I would recommend this to solo travelers who are looking to do the same.

What would you improve about this program?
Personally as a first time traveller I would have liked to have been able to see the itinerary a few days in advance just to get a better idea of what we would be doing as some of the activities on the brochure can change.
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Yes, I recommend this program


I would recommend this trip to anybody wanting to travel to South East Asia and meet new people. Within the two months you will go from being a group of strangers to a family. I have had the best two months, experiencing the rich cultures, tasting delicious foods and making lasting memories. During the trip we spent time in cities, more rural areas, travelled to beaches, temples and so much more. The trip is action packed and can be tiring at times but rest days are also included. Not only do you travel with a group of new people but you will also travel with an amazing leader. Our leader Terrence always prioritised our safety as well as our enjoyment of the trip. Everything was well organised And above all I can honestly say that Terrence made these two months better than I could have imagined ! We couldn’t have asked for a better leader.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
Most nerve wracking moment was meeting new people, however that was eliminated almost as soon as you meet the group, everybody is in the same situation !
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Yes, I recommend this program

Incredible trip

Taking part in this trip was the best decision I made for my gap year and I would recommend it to anyone wishing to travel around Asia and explore new cultures , experience beautiful landscapes, meet new people from all over the world who become like family by the end and really find yourself while doing it all. The best part about the programme is while doing all this , with activities planned nearly every day for you you have an experienced trip leader who ensures you get the most unique authentic experiences and your safe while doing it all. Our leader Terrence was the best leader we could have had he priotised our experience , feelings and safety throughout and became a good friend aswell . Also for young people who wish to travel alone and meet new people but fjnd goinh completely solo scary this is a great form of travelling to meet a bunch of new people , many who haven’t met before and travel around together - you form strong friendships with these people and go through a lot together which is a huge part of the trip , even if it makes the good byes pretty tough ! Definitely recommend !!!!

Emily Ann
Yes, I recommend this program

Best Trip Evaaaaa

If you're looking for a trip to introduce you to the world of backpacking then this is the trip for you. I seriously just had the best 2 months of my life travelling around Southeast Asia with 12 other strangers whom I now consider my family. Before starting this trip the thought of travelling alone seemed daunting but now I am so much more confident in my abilities in travelling and it is all thanks to our star leader, Terence. Throughout all of our excursions, T was exceptional at making sure we were all safe. I never once felt at risk while in his care. He was also very patient with answering our questions to the best of his ability while also encouraging us to be more independent and find out answers for ourselves. T was much more than just a leader however, he was our friend. When other members were going through hardships, he'd reach out to them to help them feel better. He'd show us the best places to eat, cute thrift stores, book shops, etc. Having T as our group leader was a big bonus as the trip really wouldn't have been the same without him.

Be prepared for the busiest 2 months of your life. From bathing with elephants, to rock climbing in caves, and partying in the streets of Bangkok, there was never a dull moment. I have learnt so much about other cultures and lifestyles that I will continue to apply back in my life at home. Its cliche but I really did find myself in SEA. I'm much more confident and assertive day-to-day and I have a better understanding of what I want to do with my life. I would highly recommend this program to anyone of my friends and anyone who wants to change their life for the better.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Take out more money than the recommended amount to avoid the ridiculous atm fees because you WILL overspend on smoothies and iced coffee.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best 2 months of my life :)

I’m not exaggerating at all when I say choosing the SE Asia Expedition is probably the best decision I’ve ever made! The people I’ve met and the things I have experienced have changed me as a person for the better- I am more confident, happy and up for trying new things. Between jumping into rivers full of elephants, eating club sandwiches on boat roofs in exotic Thai islands and building a house for a poor Khmer family, this trip is both incredibly fun and also extremely eye opening. Our leader Terence couldn’t have done a better job at making me feel safe, providing emotional support when I needed it and making sure everyone was enjoying their trip to the best of their abilities- thank you T you the man!!
The people I was with on this trip became family to me- choosing this trip means choosing to make friends for life.
Thank you Gapforce for providing this awesome adventure for young travellers, it truly is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice for future travelers is make sure you either have 2 cash cards or a decent amount of emergency cash that you don’t touch- my card got munched by an ATM half way through the trip which made my life a bit difficult
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Yes, I recommend this program


Having just arrived home today after 2 months travelling with our gapforce group, I’ve come to realise the impact the trip has already had on me.
I’d say it was the best period of my life so far, having experienced such a vast amount of incredible places and people in such a short period of time with such a brilliant group of people, who I now consider family.
Terence (or big T as we called him) was such a great leader: cool headed and wildly knowledgable, whilst also being a genuinely good friend proved that he was the best gapforce leader you could ask for. Whenever anyone needed help or advice, he was there with all his attention devoted to you. (If you’re reading this T, thanks so much man).
This trip was so ideologically enlightening and important to my view of the world and the people within it, I genuinely think this is something that everyone should do at some point in their life. Visiting such vastly different cultures to our own expands your perspective in such a refreshing way that I feel like a much improved person because of it, and for that; I have gapforce to thank.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Try to understand what you’re getting into with backpacking in general. Do not expect some luxury holiday where your babysat and everything is catered for you. Travelling on this level is an adventure: it can dirty, physically challenging and sometimes even emotionally straining (especially towards the end with the final goodbyes). However it is so worth it when you consider the memories and personal improvement that this kind of travelling involves.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Experience

I had an amazing time in Costa Rica! I was really nervous before the trip but the minute I got there GapForce made us feel welcome and very safe. The staff are amazing and really supportive all the way through the trip. We travelled all over the country and I did things I never thought I would do and will likely never get the chance to do again. For example, zip lining over ravines, or going to a Coffee Farm. Made great friends and met interesting people from all over the country. I would recommend this trip to anyone who is travelling alone, or who wants to see a whole new culture and lifestyle. Going into the jungle was massively interesting and nowhere near as scary as you’d think (if you don’t mind insects too much). I saw loads of wildlife such as crocodiles, monkeys, sloths and coatis. An all round wonderful trip!!

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
Walking into the jungle for the first time terrfied me as I don’t have much experience in the out doors but it was amazing once I was in.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The best trip ever

We had Terence and Lazlo on our trip as group leaders. They were so welcoming and we all bonded as a group really quickly. The trip was well organised and we did so many activities and also had a lot of free time to explore. Met some amazing people who I will be friends with for a long time. There was only one negative which was some of us got pretty ill. However it was sorted out quickly with a trip to the hospital where we had Terence helping and adapting the plans so we wouldn't miss out on activities. It was my 21st Birthday mid trip, everyone made it so memorable and we a party. We all grew so close really quickly, respected each others space and had so much fun. It was difficult to say goodbye. But we've all planned to have a reunion in 5 years.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Dive in head first and be yourself. Be confident and friendly and you're bound to have a great time. Seek discomfort and go for it.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Southeast Asia Explorer

I wasn't quite sure what to expect this trip to be like, but I am so glad I decided to go with a group like this. It was a very authentic, backpacking experience, which was fun but also character building. Staying in loud busy hostels, being constantly in the heat, and frequently taking night buses creates a sense of adventure, but it also isn't for the faint of heart. It's easily exhausting, but the locations we visited were worth it all. We saw a lot of Thailand in a relatively short time, and every place was unique and amazing in it's own way. Cambodia was also a very eye opening and life changing experience. There was a good balance between it feeling like a vacation while on the Thai islands, and productive while building a house in Cambodia for a family in need. While being abroad, I was able to create relationships with people from around the world, and the smaller group size allowed for great friendships to be created. I also enjoyed the sense of freedom this program creates. Our leader was there for us as needed and organized where we were going and staying, but we always had free time to find our own adventures. I definitely recommend this program for anyone that's looking for a true and authentic trip, able to be responsible for themselves but also able to be a positive and enthusiastic group member.

What would you improve about this program?
-Better budgeting plan for food. It was complicated getting our food allowances because of bank restrictions and how the company organizes it, resulting in having to take out a lot of personal funds to cover paying for meals.
- Budget for water ($1 a day or so)
- I would have liked the option to be able to spend a bit more for more secluded rooms in hostels. We sometimes had issues with what time people were going to sleep, it was pretty split. If the group was more divided in the hostels I think everyone would have been happier and better rested.
- Some of the "optional included" activities were not actually included.
- Give exact dates and times when we should arrive and depart for flights.
- New and better packing list