
Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Southeast Asia

This was one of the most amazing experiences in my life. I got to meet some amazing people from around the world and travel to 3 different countries all whilst learning new things and having fun. The leaders were really nice and funny. They were always available if you needed help or even just if you needed someone to talk to. The volunteering was so rewarding and humbling. It was also really hard work but in the end, it was totally worth it. The places we visited were also very varied and so were the activities. We went to several big cities, had some outdoor activities such as hiking, we went to some museums and also several beaches.
I really recommend this trip to anyone who wants to travel and discover a new culture all whilst having fun.

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Yes, I recommend this program


This trip has brought so much knowledge and joy into my life. From the people involved, to the places traveled it was an amazing experience.

We traveled all around Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam for 2 months, staying in 14 different hostels. We visited beaches, temples, elephants, major tourist attractions, and went on hikes leading to beautiful waterfalls. There was always something to do or something for us to see!

Although the people in the group had chatted online, I was still nervous spending two months with people I barely knew. Luckily, I enjoyed spending time and learning about different cultures within the people in the group.

We had events that included everyone in the group, as well as free days that we could explore the cities by ourselves, and optional activities that we would pay out of pocket to participate.

Our guides were awesome! They were supportive at all times, and people could go to them with any problem they had. They were proactive and did everything in their power to make the trip fun for everyone!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Life changing

Okay so you know when you read those super cheesy reviews and you’re like “oh, they’re probably being so over dramatic” well no I’m not, I’m being damn straight with you. This trip was incredible. I’ve not only become more equip to deal with traveling (solo or group) but I’ve learned a bucket load of life lessons. (If your piss is orange please drink more water) Oh and don’t forget the life long friends I’ve made who I can now crash at their houses while traveling ;) #budgeting but for real, like Ellie said in her comment and I believe Kate said it too, this trip changes you, you come out of it more humble, experienced and damn well more confident. I really do recommend this trip for anyone willing to take that screw it leap of faith because I promise you, you will have the time of your life.

-Bring good reliable water bottle
- Do your research, I mean going in blindfolded can be fun but probably not the best choice when entering a foreign country....
-Don’t over pack, you will be angry at yourself
-Air con will make bus/train rides cold so please bring a jumper and warm pants (or a travel blanket)
-There is never such a thing as too much bug spray or sunscreen
-Highly reccomend 3 pairs of head phones because if you’re like me you will lose 2
-Group trips are so much more fun with a speaker ;)

What would you improve about this program?
As a few others said
-Water should be included into the food/money budget I can’t tell you how much money I spent on it...
- Over budget, I think $150 is appropriate, maybe $200 if you want to live lavish...
- Please, pretty please with a cherry on top rewrite that packing list, it is absolutely dreadful. I didn’t use half of the stuff it told me to bring (aka hence the over packing comment where I was slightly upset with myself for bring that much stuff)
- More activities would be better however set down-time days would be nice too (kind of enjoyed how we ventured away from the itinerary)
Yes, I recommend this program

Best experience ever!

The Southeast Asia Explorer trip has been one of the best experiences of my life so far! We have seen some AMAZING things like Elephants, waterfalls, mountains, halong bay, temples and so much more. There is a multitude of things to do here that you can never be bored!
This trip has given me the confidence to travel on my own and to navigate my way around any situation. I feel like I’ve become a more strong, confident, independent woman who can face the world.
In conjunction with that, this trip has also made me a more open minded person. There are so many ways of life that people don’t see on tv so it’s a bit shocking at first but seeing how others live gives you the drive to want to change the world. For example in Cambodia there was an obscene amount of garbage and there were children begging on the streets. It was something I’m not used to but it’s how things are. The situation in Cambodia (and many other parts of the world) is not helping global efforts to stop Climate change. We as a whole world need to stop producing so much waste and leaving it to rot on the ground or in the ocean but it’s a group effort that will get us to our goal.
Back to the trip: I would recommend bringing more money that was suggested on the website since there are many optional activities that cost a bit more money. We went on a hike that cost 900 baht ($27 or £21) and that took a chunk out of the $100 per week. Maybe bring $150?
Another reccomendation is research where you’re going beforehand since there was some flexibility in the itinerary so we were able to go where we wanted. Like in Cambodia we went to the palace and some other places that I don’t believe were on the original itinerary.

Basically this trip is amazing as a stepping stone to becoming a solo traveler. It gives you confidence, perspective and love for the world around you.

What would you improve about this program?
More included activities, water should be paid for (it shouldn’t be part of the food budget) and more clarity with what is going on.
Yes, I recommend this program

My Gap Year experience

I really enjoyed this expedition overall, it was an amazing experience and a great way to start my gap year off. I would really recommend this expedition to anyone who is looking to learn about different cultures, ways of living and try some amazing food! This expedition is definitely for people who love the outdoors and who love being active. The rest days you have will be very much appreciated! I felt that going through a company like Gapforce was really beneficial as it meant I was able to experience these 3 amazing countries with no stress about travel or accomodation. The safety of the trip was pretty good overall. Some areas felt more safer than others but that is the beauty of travelling. As the trip progressed I found I was embracing the local cultures more and more and I felt a lot more comfortable. Being with such an amazing group of people really made it easy to settle in and avoid homesickness. To give some highlights, I really enjoyed our trip to Angkor Wat and our trip to Koh Tao island in Thailand. The volunteering was also an amazing experience and learning about the education system in Cambodia. Halong Bay in Vietnam was also an amazing experience and a great way to end our trip!

What would you improve about this program?
Not a lot could have been improved on this trip personally. However I feel as though the advised amount of money per week could have been increased as I found I was spending more than I expected. I would have liked there to be more included activities, mainly so we could spend more time as a group in the day time. I also feel like some of the hostels could have been placed in more convenient locations near the city in order to avoid costs on taxis to get to the city and back. Overall I really enjoyed the trip and have definitely made friends for life!
Yes, I recommend this program

South East Asia 2018

Highly recommend this trip especially if this is your first time traveling alone. I was able to meet so many new people from all of the world and explore beautiful places without worrying about planning my explorations.

I would recommend bringing more money then advised because there are so many optional activities that you do not want to miss out on. One of the more expensive optional activities on the trip was scuba diving in Koh Tao island but paying the extra amount was so worth it!
Also pack minimally! You will buy way more things than you think. Or at least I thought.
Our guides Terence and Laszlo were super helpful throughout our journey. They Always had fun activities planned for us. One of the highlights of our trip was white water rafting and hiking in Chiang Mai!
This trip is the perfect chance to discover more about yourself and come out of your shell. The best advice I could give someone going on this trip is to always say yes because you won’t want to miss out on anything South East Asia has to offer.

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Yes, I recommend this program

South East Asia

This was my first time leaving North America and it was a great way to step out of my comfort zone. I had an amazing time learning about each of these unique countries and their cultures. The staff made me feel safe and comfortable ever step of the way. This is an extremely valuable trip for anyone wanting To experience different culture and make friends from all over the world. The time I spent here allowed me to explore who I was independent from the comforts of home and gain a better understanding of who I am. I would highly recomend this trip to anyone who is unsure of what to do out of high school or just looking for a break. For me the highlights of the trip where the Thai islands, Angkor Wat, and all of Vietnam. The best part of the trip however was probably all of the different foods. There are options for every kind of diet and all of them delicious. Over all great experience. Thank you Gap Force!

What would you improve about this program?
Allowing for more time in one place so participants have more time to explore the area.
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Yes, I recommend this program


I had been wanting to travel to Australia for years, but not wanting to go to the opposite side of the world all by myself, I looked into group trips. Gapforce’s Australia program stood out to me right away. They had one of the longer programs available, and the itinerary looked great too.
When I arrived at the airport in Sydney I had no idea what to expect, but was immediately greeted by our wonderful Expedition Leader Joe and another group member. They were so warm and friendly, and made me instantly feel comfortable. There were 11 of us on the trip, and within just a few days they all felt like family.
The first 4 weeks of our trip were spent traveling up the coast while doing many fun activities and trips along the way. Highlights for me were Byron Bay - the cutest little beach town, Australia Zoo, Fraser Island, Airlie Beach and sailing the Whitsundays + sleeping overnight on a sailboat. Every day was a new adventure!
The last 3 weeks were spent in Cairns, two of which were spent volunteering for the Cairns City Council. The work felt rewarding, and the people we worked for were very kind which was a plus! I enjoyed staying in one city for multiple weeks as it gave us a chance to really familiarize ourselves with it. We had our favourite burger restaurant, and our favourite ice cream spots - it really started to feel like home!
Joe was always there to make sure we were awake on time and ready to go (which some of us were not very good at), but also gave us a lot of freedom. He was able to answer any question we threw at him, and happily coordinated anything we needed. He was a great leader and also a great person. The other group members were amazing people and we quickly all became good friends. When the 7 weeks came to an end, it was very sad to leave.
I would definitely recommend the Australia trip. If you are ready for the adventure of a lifetime while in the company of great people, it is perfect!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Australia Adventure with GapForce

I have never traveled abroad by myself before, and needless to say I was anxious when I got off the plane. However, my fears were immediately put to rest when I met up with the GapForce group. Being a relatively small group (11), it made it easy to get to know one another and made it much easier to stay together as a group instead of splitting up. We formed strong bonds throughout the journey, and I am grateful for the friends that I made. Our trip started in Sydney and we went all the way up the coast to Cairns. Along the way, we participated in numerous activities that were simply breathtaking. I will never forget when we went kayaking in Bryon Bay and whales swam right under us. There was also the three day camping trip on Frasier Island, which was one of the best experiences of my life, aside from getting rid of the spiders for my tent mates. We also went sailing at Whitsundays and got the chance to snorkel and see tons of marine life and sleep overnight on a sailboat. Those were just a handful of all the activities we were able to participate in, and I loved every one of them. However, none of that would have been possible without our group leader Joe. He made sure that the group was organized and prepared for everything. He made sure we all got the most out of this trip and even suggested some additional activities. They were mainly nature walks, but the ones I did go on were great. He made sure I got everything I could have out of this trip and I can't thank him enough for that. I would highly recommend this trip to anyone who wants to travel abroad because this was one of the best experiences of my life.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Australia experience

The Australia adventure was the first trip with Gapforce that I have done and I would highly recommend it. There was only a small group of us (11) including our leader Joe who made this experience even better. I couldn’t have asked for a more amazing group of people to spend the 7 weeks with. I learnt a lot about the Australian culture along the way as well as involving myself in many activities at the different locations visited.

We started in Sydney and although the weather was a bit miserable, we all got to know one another while visiting the harbour bridge and opera house on our harbour cruise tour and after visiting the blue mountains. One of my favourite locations we visited was Byron Bay. This was where we kayaked in the ocean and got to see dolphins and whales which swam right underneath us. Such a breathtaking experience and definitely once in a life time.

Many other activities which were included was the Australia zoo. We got to stroke koalas and crouch right next to kangaroos and also feed them. Later on in the trip we spent 3 days on Fraser Island. We travelled around in 4x4’s and camped out right next to the beach where we could get up to see the sunrise.

Additionally, we spent 1 night on a sailing boat on Whitsundays. This experience is something that drew me to the trip originally when i signed up and I was not disappointed. Our leader Joe, was always organised as to where we were going next, where we were staying and made sure our trip ran as smoothly as possible.

When we arrived in Cairns we spent 3 weeks here which is also where we said our goodbyes to the few people who only signed up for the 4 weeks. The rest of us spent the time volunteering for the Cairns council, mainly gardening and helping within the wetlands and botanical gardens. It was very rewarding knowing you were helping the community and especially as the leaders from the council were lovely people themselves.

Within Cairns, our leader Joe found out about different activities we could do whilst we were here as 3 weeks can go slow if we weren’t doing a lot but it flew by. Joe told us about how we could do our Open Water diving course which allows you to dive to 18m when qualified. He organised everything for us and all we had to do was the payment and getting outside our hostel for the bus to pick us up. It was the best thing I could have done while I was there! Not only did I learn to dive but I did it on the Great Barrier Reef where we saw turtles, reef sharks, stingrays along the way.

Joe gave us enough space and freedom for the group to get out of the trip what they wanted and enjoy the trip as much as they could, but enough structure when we needed it and asked for it for us to feel comfortable ‘alone’ on the other side of the world.

I’d highly recommend this trip to anyone looking to get away from home to travel but not wanting to do it alone as you get to meet some amazing new people, and I can easily say I’ve got friends for life who I will keep in contact with. The memories I have will last forever and I can’t wait to share it with my family.

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