Travel and Teach Recruiting Inc.

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Company for Teaching Abroad

I highly recommend Travel and Teach Recruiting Inc.! TTR was the best place I could have possibly got involved with. The process was very easy and they guide you the whole way through. I don’t believe there is anyone better. They aren’t you’re typical recruiting agency and you’re definitely not just a number. My recruiter Andy treated me like I was his first priority (as he does with anyone who wants to get involved with TTR). It seemed like TTR was doing all the work while I was just going through the steps submitting the required documents they asked for. Any questions I needed answered, Andy replied back within a couple hours and sometimes minutes! Once you’re ready to start applying TTR sends you a list of schools that you might be interested in.. no pressure... and before you know it you are interviewing with a school! I can’t thank travel and teach enough for what they have done for me and my brother. My brother and I were looking to teach in the same area and TTR made it happen.. set us up with the same school! The process is super easy and they know what they are talking about! Once the job was set up with the school, TTR continued to prepare us with information all the way up until the morning of the flight! I used to be the person who would read these reviews and thought people were sugar coating their reviews but here I am trying to get people to go through TTR like I did haha! If your having trouble making a decision about teaching overseas I highly recommend contacting TTR. I was teaching in Korea 2 months after I started the process and it was the best decision I could have made. Please go through Travel and Teach!!!!! Trust me... you’ll be writing the same review as I am once you arrive in Korea telling people how awesome this recruiting agency is!

What would you improve about this program?
Nothing.. this program is perfect :). There was nothing that I would improve. Everything they did was in my best interest and I was beyond pleased at how well they did their job!
Response from Travel and Teach Recruiting Inc.

Thanks for the amazing review, Nicholas!! It really was a pleasure to work with your and your brother - you guys were super easy and nice to work with.

You are going to have the time of your life this year! If you need anything, you know where to find us!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Love this program

I used this website to help keep find a job in Korea. Everyone was helpful and my recruiter Andy was very quick to reply and answer any questions I had and make sure I had all my papers in order. I am also getting help with my secondary contract and being able to work in Korea another year. I am am happy for this program and the quality of help that they offer and give when looking for a job in another country. I would continue to recommend this program and this website to everyone. It's also a plus that they dont charge you to use the website and help put you with schools looking for teachers. Unlike some websites and programs they help you without charging an arm and leg and they also help make sure you have all your papers in order and ready so you can get your Visa also.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
I've been able to travel and experience new things.
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Yes, I recommend this program

very helpful

my recruiter guided me through the entire process of preparing my paperwork, interviewing with schools, obtaining my visa, arranging my flight, etc. i am now very happy with my position. my school is wonderful, and i feel that my bosses actually listen to me and take me seriously, as well as really caring that i am happy and comfortable here. it seems the administration at my school is very interested in keeping both students and teachers happy and healthy, and this is clear in the little things like the nutritious, well-balanced free lunches every day (which also provides effortless exposure to the local cuisine). the location is an up-and-coming area, and there are many interesting things to see and do around here. i have easy access to food at all price points, as well as excellent public transportation, which really enables me to explore anywhere i choose. i couldn't have found a situation more ideal for me, and i feel very lucky.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Kid's College via Travel and Teach

Overall the experience was positive. There is a large amount of initial red tape in coming to Korea, both before and after arriving, but this amounted to an annoyance more than a deterrence. Travel and Teach was very helpful with keeping the recruitment process moving and in providing interesting work locations. Teaching may not be the most lucrative job you could find overseas, but so far it has been exceptionally rewarding and enjoyable. The exposure to Korean culture from within the school setting has been eye-opening, and has likely proved more fruitful for understanding Korea than a few months bumming around hostels and hotels. I would highly recommend this position to anyone hoping to spend a year overseas and who would like to have the greater support network and stability that comes with a full-time job and other expat coworkers.

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Yes, I recommend this program

What a great agency for a job placement!

I recently had been placed in Korea for one year contract to teach in Korea. The recruitment process was easy to follow and they had inside knowledge that no one else knew about the second copy of apostilled diploma being needed to submit in Korea after you arrive. If Andy had not told me about the issue, it would have been a nightmare, since some of my co-workers from other agencies had to order their diplomas from Korea remotely.

On top of that, my entire process only took about 3 months, as I was on top of getting all the documents as instructed. Just follow the instructions they give you on the emails, and you will be fine.

I love the school that I am working at right now, and the contract is good. It is not a piece of cake either, but very rewarding and fulfilling, if teaching is your true passion and calling.

Yes, I recommend this program

First Time Teaching Abroad? Choose Travel & Teach Recruiting

When looking into which recruiting service to go with for my teaching experience in South Korea, I spoke with at least 7 agencies. What sets Travel & Teach apart from the rest is the care and consideration they place into sorting you with the best school option based on your personality and needs. Andy made sure to be with me every step of the way (he was even available for support when I landed at the airport)! There is a little mystery when going into this adventure, so you must be ready for the unexpected. It's been a month so far into my journey and I feel so thankful that I chose Travel & Teach because my school is fantastic and it only took two months from the first phone call to arriving in Korea (so fast)! The pay and ability to have free rent (in a beautiful studio apartment) will definitely set me up for success in saving money from this experience too.

What would you improve about this program?
I think this program could have more resources on what to expect before you go. Luckily I did my research, but I think other programs offered better resources/materials on what to expect from the culture before arriving.
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Yes, I recommend this program

New Adventure!

I had done a lot of research since the moment I decided to teach in South Korea. I contacted Travel and Teach to help me find a job. They responded right away and I had a set interview the following week. Andy made the whole process super easy! In no time I had an interview with my current school, although it was the first school to have an interview with, I was offered the job after two interviews. Which I’m glad I did take the offer! It’s my third week with my school and they’ve been wonderful in everyway! The school has Korean teachers as well as many foreign teachers, which are super helpful! The hours are as expected for a kindy and afternoon hagwon. Travel and Teach actually helped 3-4 of the foreign teachers to get jobs in my school. It’s definitely a fast process, so be ready with all your things! Definitely recommend Travel and Teach to help you find your next adventure in South Korea!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Back in Korea in NO time!

I lived in Korea for a short while a few years back and absolutely knew I needed to come back and live here longer. I was absolutely determined to get a job and when I found Travel and Teach, they were very determined to support me every step of the way. It didn't even take them long to find job offers for me, and when they did, within the span of three days, I accepted it, had a phone interview and received the job.
The process with Travel and Teach was so amazing, they were extremely fast with my responses (a big shout out to my recruiter, Niko for dealing with the millions of questions I would send in the middle of the night), and all of my questions were answered in full details every single time. From getting the job to walking off of the plane in South Korea, this was the simplest and easiest process ever. In fact, it was so smooth that the only thing I stressed about was whether I had enough room in my luggage to move everything!
The school, oh my goodness, the school and students are absolutely wonderful. They pay very generously and provide an apartment. I live in Seoul so during the week, I drive my focus in teaching the children and over the weekend I go out into the city and enjoy the amazing sights. (Not to mention, this was my first official teaching experience ever, I dove into this headfirst without knowing anything and the school staff has been so helpful of everything)
Once Travel and Teach becomes your recruiter, they have your back. Thank you T&T!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Korea is Amazing!

I found Travel and Teach randomly online one day when I was looking for companies to help me get to South Korea to teach. I am always a bit skeptical about things at first, and it took me about 6 months of research and looking elsewhere before I was ready to apply. I am so glad I chose Travel and Teach!! It was a bit strange to me at first that they offer all of there services for free, but I got in contact with someone who was currently in Korea thanks to Travel and Teach and she assured me that they were a legitimate company. The schools pay them so you just have to focus on preparing to move. When I applied, I had an email from Niko the next day wanting to set up an interview to make sure I was qualified and I knew what I was getting myself in to. He asked me a few questions like if there was any specific area that I wanted to be located and how good my Korean was. (Note: I would highly recommend learning some basic Korean before going. I quickly realized how terrible my Korean knowledge was when I got here and it's been a bit of a struggle sometimes. However I am studying and improving and being immersed will help a lot as well.)
I got started on all the paperwork as I knew that the process was long. (Note: DO NOT put the paperwork off. My situation was a bit rushed, but if you put it off, you will be spending a lot more on shipping to get things to where they need to go as fast as possible to make sure you have everything done by the time you need to get on a plane.) About a month later, Niko emailed me saying that he found a school that wanted to interview me. A few days later I had the interview, and the next week I had signed a contract. Everyone's situation will probably be a bit different, but for me, I signed the contract at the end of May and they originally wanted me mid-June, but because of the paperwork the earliest I would have been able to get there was mid-July. Be prepared for the possibility that everything will happen super fast, but don't be discouraged if it takes a little while longer to find a job. Niko was very helpful throughout the whole process by answering all my questions quickly and helping make sure I did all the paperwork correctly. He also helped clear up any miscommunications that occurred between the director, Travel and Teach, and me. I've been here for about a month now, and I absolutely love it. The school pays for my apartment and gives me a very generous salary which allows me to do exploring around when I'm not teaching. I live in a city near Seoul which is connected by the subway, so I can just hop on the train whenever and within an hour, be in Seoul to explore (which I have been a lot).
One thing to remember is that you are there to teach first, not to be a tourist. Education is very important to the society and they expect you to do your best. Most of the children are very well behaved and want to learn. (You always will have some troublemakers.) They are a lot of fun to work with and I probably learn more from them than they do from me everyday.

Yes, I recommend this program

Helping Every Step of the Way

After reaching out to Travel and Teach, I was set up with my first job interview within 2 weeks and received interview tips that aided me in receiving a job offer right away. Throughout the the entire visa process I had hit almost every hurdle imaginable and Niko was always there to help offer solutions and support. When my papers were almost not accepted by immigration due to the error of one of the companies, Travel and Teach fought for me until an agreement was reached and the papers were accepted.

Now I am in Korea and I love the job that I was paired with. The location and apartment are extremely nice and convenient and my bosses and coworkers have all been very kind and welcoming.