Travel and Teach Recruiting Inc.

Program Reviews

Sahara Desert camel ride
Yes, I recommend this program

Travel and Teach: Hanvit Academy Daegu

I've just arrived in Daegu, South Korea for my placement with Hanvit Language Academy. Travel and Teach helped me with every step of the process to get me to this point! Niko was readily available to help answer any questions I had and guide me through each hurdle for the visa process and physically getting here. Having studied abroad, I knew that the process could be long and tiring. But Niko did not seem to mind all of my questions, and he always had an answer for them! Now that I am in Korea and getting settled, the ease of the recruitment process and everything that got me here has definitely made it feel like a made the right choice!

Yes, I recommend this program

Travel & Teach

This recruiter was absolutely fantastic. They helped me with everything, gave resources, advice, and answered all of my questions. They are so reliable and I love my placement in Korea! I would advise anyone to work with the T&T team!
This recruiter was absolutely fantastic. They helped me with everything, gave resources, advice, and answered all of my questions. They are so reliable and I love my placement in Korea! I would advise anyone to work with the T&T team!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Travel and Teach for the win!

Wow, I absolutely loved my time in Korea and attribute much of my experience to Travel and Teach. My recruiter, Niko, had spent a year in Korea himself and therefore had the most insightful advice. Initially, I was very anxious to go, but Niko was very patient and explained the whole process to me in detail, calming my nerves. I was placed at a small, private school in Incheon. The kids, local teachers and fellow foreign teachers were kind and helpful. Teaching was a breeze as the kids were extremely well behaved and the hours were easy. I spent most my weekends exploring various parts of Korea, which was a treat in itself. Overall, I would recommend everyone to use Travel and Teach and to go teach English in Korea. It's an unforgettable experience!

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Yes, I recommend this program

1 Month into South Korea

My agent with Travel & Teach was the most effective and efficient compared to other agencies. Other agencies required a greater number of ultimately unnecessary documents and interviews which were 6X longer.

My placement has everything I could ask for and I was moved into a neighborhood with other Westerners which helps prevent homesickness or constant isolation.

Save time and worry by trusting in you Travel & Teach Agent and start preparing to leave early. Despite the unbelievable nature of teaching overseas, it is real, you will be hired, and you will have to travel and adapt to a new country.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Really helpful recruiters! Korea is awesome!!

I've only been in South Korea for a few weeks but so far I'm really loving it! I'm just beginning to explore but so far the food is super SUPER delicious and my co workers are really nice and helpful. Thank you so much Travel and Teach for helping me get through the visa process. I'm not gonna lie, I was definitely scared at first because I thought that getting visas would be really really hard. Anyways, my recruiter helped me with the whole process so it wasn't that bad! I would def recommend this program to anyone who wants to teach in Korea!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Great Experience!

I've only been in Korea for just over 2 months now, but am loving my experience so far. The management and other teachers have really made my transition here very easy. My training was thorough and included shadowing the teacher I was replacing, so I was able to see how things were done in each class, which I found helpful.

I just wanted to thank Nicole and Kyungjin specifically for getting me here! To be honest, I really didn't know what to expect from the visa process, but found it a bit complicated. However, with the help of these two reps from Travel and Teach, I just followed their lead and was able to get my visa done without any hassles. I also really appreciated the additional documents that I was given (teacher's guide, information package on teaching and living in Korea and the e-book) as they gave me insight on what to expect, which was not only the good but some of the not-so-good parts of living in Korea.

All in all, a great experience so far! I'm happy I chose to go with Travel and Teach! Thanks again!

What would you improve about this program?
Nothing I can think of with Travel and Teach. I do think that teachers should do their research on living in Korea before they get here. It was a bit of a shock coming from a small town to the way things are here, but I like that experience - I can see how others may not though.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Hello from Bundang!

When I first applied to Travel and Teach Recruiting, I didn't think I would ever actually get a position anywhere. My background was in education administration and literature, not teaching. But within a few days, I spoke with my recruiter, Niko, and then a week later I was speaking to my current director. Travel and Teach Recruiting took my experience and found the perfect position for me.

Once I had a position, Niko helped me through the process of getting my visa. He answered all of my questions and was so helpful throughout the process. Since arriving, he's checked in to make sure everything is good. I'm so appreciative to him and Travel and Teach Recruiting. I'm having an absolutely great time here in Bundang!

What would you improve about this program?
I can't think of any way to improve!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Very good!

The thing that stands out for me about ESL teaching in Korea is that the community is so great. Each area has its own welcoming groups of foreigners (and not just groups for drinking abut also sports, clubs etc) which is really great. I’ve read about lots of people who go to teach for th e first time around the world but their life is a bit isolated, but here no problem. Before I arrived Travel & Teach were excellent, they kept in touch via email, skype and if I had a problem I could contact them at any time and get a quick reply. My main contact was called Jennifer and she was excellent. Talking to my friends here it seems many recruiters are more interested in getting the money/commission then just ignore their teachers, but I didn’t/haven’t experienced this. I would recommend them to others even people just curious about committing themselves to a year abroad teaching.

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Yes, I recommend this program

South Korea

I would recommend travel and teach to anybody thinking of doing a year in South

korea, the process seems huge but actually required very little worry and stress

from me as they took care of everything pretty well. I think for me there were no

problems and my school have been really welcoming. Sometimes Korean bosses

are a little more extreme than in the west but you get used to it haha, and my

coworkers are lovely. My apartment is in quite a nice neighborhood with lots of

convinient stores and easy access to the subway. I'm looking forward to staying

here at least one year.

Good things about Korea-
- 24 hour convinience for everything!
- Nice friendly people
- Good quality of life
- Big expat community
- Korea is very safe esp for women

Bad things-
- Sometimes very cold haha
- Language barrier is sometimes an issue for things like banking

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Yes, I recommend this program

My Seoul Experience- so Far

I'm really happy that I made the decision to go with you guys, I googled a lot of recruiters and travel and teach seemed the best choice, and they have delivered in helping me get set up with my school and made sure things are ok for me out here! Honestly I havnt had any major problems so I havnt even really needed to contact them at all since I have been set up here, but that can only be a good thing! At first working in a korean workplace took some getting used to but now I feel I am in the groove and I'm really enjoying teaching here, 99% of the kids are awesome and ive even met a lot of parents who are so nice.

What would you improve about this program?
before I arrived I found it a bit difficult to get some detailed information on my neighborhood where I would live in Seoul, perhaps the school/recruiter could provide that or point people towards a website etc.