CIEE Teach Abroad & TEFL

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Go to Spain!

The real value of the volunteer in Spain experience rests somewhere beneath the surface. Volunteers gain insight into life in Spain that tourists almost surely never see. The result is a rare life experience that I will continue to appreciate. Perfect for those who wish to: see the world and travel, learn about a different culture, build their resume (especially educators), career break (especially lawyers), acquire or develop foreign language skills (especially Spanish), and grow personally. At 35, for three months in between careers, this was a perfect opportunity.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
“Morcilla” or blood sausage
  • The Spanish people
  • Spanish cuisine
  • Spanish nature
  • No cons so far :-)
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Yes, I recommend this program

Teaching in Getafe

I love living and working here in Getafe! The work-life balance that this job offers with the 4-day work week is great, and it really gives you the chance to travel abroad and experience Madrid. The job itself is fulfilling, and has a nice flow to it. In my day to day life here, I feel grateful, hopeful and content-- its amazing the impact that good food and art, public transportation, and walkable communities can have. I truly do not take it for granted that I can afford rent and groceries with euros leftover to travel/save/etc, and that is something that you can achieve through this program!

CIEE has been a really great resource and support throughout this process, especially as I was moving and settling in! I found their visa guides, "to do lists" and resources for Spanish bureaucratic processes really helpful and reassuring.

  • Can afford rent/necessities with money leftover to travel
  • Public transportation/walkable communities
  • CIEE paperwork support
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Madrid Experience

When moving to Madrid CIEE was extremely helpful with answering any and all questions. They provide information on every topic that you may deal with when moving. I knew one person when moving here but through CIEE orientation I have met so many new friends all sharing the same experience as me. I like being an assistant because I enjoy being in the classroom. The teachers and staff were extremely welcoming, and continue to treat me as part of the staff. CIEE sends weekly emails about what is happening in Madrid as well as recommended spots to go eat. Mov ing abroad was very intimidating at first but CIEE has held my hand throughout the whole process.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
For me, it is a struggle almost every day to learn Spanish. I studied in high school and tried to relearn the basics before leaving. If I were to go back to the day I found out I was accepted I would have immediately started working harder to learn. Duolingo can only do so much!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Teach Abroad in Spain with CIEE

This is my first year abroad in Spain and I chose CIEE out of all the other programs I was looking at. I liked that CIEE would help me with the VISA paperwork beforehand and I wanted to be guaranteed a position in Madrid. You do have to pay a fee compared to the other programs but it was worth in my opinion as you had support before you left as well as support if needed while in Spain. They had a 4 day orientation when you arrived to help go over the program and what you needed to do to get your metro card, bank card, etc. I also liked that there was an orientation because it gave you a chance to meet other people and make friends right away. Madrid was amazing, lots of things to do in the city, the school I work at , the teachers are really nice and its a 4 day work schedule so you either get Monday or Friday off which is amazing if you like to plan weekend trips to other cities and countries. Your stipend is 1000 a month, which depending on where you find your apartment and what your overall goal in Spain is, can be enough for your budget and still have money left over to travel or eat out and shop but I would suggest having some money saved up beforehand just for emergency. :D

What was your funniest moment?
The funniest moment I can think of was when some friends and I were planning a day trip to Segovia one weekend and we were going to take the train, which is super cheap and fast to a lot of places in Madrid. Since we were planning on getting there 20 minutes early, and it was our first time at the station, it took us a while to figure out which platform the train was leaving from. By the time we figured it out, it was exactly the time the train was leaving and we ran to the platform and got there just in time for the doors to close just as we arrived and the train was leaving. We realized that trains at least close the door about 10 minutes before departure time, which makes sense in retrospect, but at the time we couldn't believe we had missed it. Luckily there was another train going there but instead of the high speed train which would have taken us 30 minutes to get there we had to take the Cercania which took 2 hours. Overall, we learned our lesson and especially when traveling in Madrid, better to get there at least 30 minutes in advance.
  • Placement in Madrid
  • Monday or Fridays off
  • Support with VIsa Documents and deadline reminders
  • A fee for the services upfront
  • It can take a while to find a decent priced apartment in Madrid so be patient and be willing to live outside of the CIty Center for cheaper rent
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No, I don't recommend this program

Review of CIEE Teach Abroad in Madrid

I would only recommend CIEE for people who are very self-sufficient. The only helpful thing I felt they did was the packets provided and guaranteeing Madrid. I had a very difficult Visa process and CIEE did not help get me in contact with anyone at the embassy or have any information that could truly benefit me. The orientation provided helpful information about residency cards and paperwork for the schools, however, it had a lot of expensive social events (such as a flamenco show) that felt like a waste of money, given we were only given a hotel for four days and most people did not find apartments in this time. I love the friends I made at the CIEE orientation, but aside from those four days I did not feel like CIEE was extremely helpful or worth the extremely high costs. Getting a school in Madrid was great, but I think if you are independent it would be worth it to take more of a risk and apply through other programs.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
Finding an apartment is extremely nerve-racking if you don't speak Spanish. It is extremely hard to message and speak to landlords in a language you don't know and escape being scammed. I was lucky enough to find a good apartment and roommates within a few days, but most people are not that lucky.
  • Making friends
  • Paperwork help
  • NA
  • Orientation is not worth the high cost
  • No true Visa help
  • Rude over email when you are struggling
Response from CIEE Teach Abroad & TEFL

Hi Erin,
We're sorry to hear that the value of our program services did not meet your expectations. We know that getting a visa and searching for housing are stressful, and while we can't change the overall circumstances that make them difficult, we strive to provide our participants with the best possible tools and guidance so they can accomplish those tasks and get set up for a great experience in Madrid. I'll email you shortly to ask for suggestions about what we could do that would be more helpful, and to get more details about the unsatisfactory email communication that you mentioned. I hope that, now that you're set up in Madrid, you have a great experience!
- Luke Beland, Associate Director, CIEE Teach Abroad & TEFL

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Yes, I recommend this program


CIEE was super helpful in getting me set up when I arrived in Spain. All the information that they prepare before my arrive to Spain has honestly been worth the money. And that doesn’t even include all the help, activities, and events that they organized for my first week in Spain. The week paid for stay at a hotel was also extremely helpful in getting me set up. As someone that has never moved abroad all of this helped me be able to take the giant leap and move to Spain. I would recommend this program to anyone that’s thinking of doing the same and doesn’t know where to start!

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Yes, I recommend this program

My year with CIEE

CIEE and its U.S. and Spain staff were very helpful and accommodating with my move and transition to Spain. Lauren Massey was particularly patient and helpful with all of my visa questions. The Spanish staff were also very helpful and friendly during orientation week. CIEE provided a plethora of information regarding living, working, and getting around Madrid as well as how to navigate the Spanish bureaucracy and tips and tricks for finding housing. I would recommend this program to anyone who is new to living abroad or would prefer the extra assistance and benefits such as the travel insurance which other programs do not provide for their first year in Spain.

Response from CIEE Teach Abroad & TEFL

Hi Alex, we're glad to hear that you found our US and Madrid staff to be helpful in your process of preparing and moving abroad!

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CIEE Language Aux. Madrid

We have really enjoyed our time here in Spain. I was an elementary teacher in California for 28 years and took a year leave to come and experience Madrid. My wife and I came to Spain to spend my last year before I could retire from California. Being a Language Assistant has been a great way to get to live and travel throughout Spain all while making money. CIEE has been very supportive and I would recommend them if you are considering coming abroad to Madrid. Knowing some Spanish has been super helpful. I would recommend learning Spanish and being willing to try and communicate with the locals. Even if your Spanish isn't perfect...trying to speak with the locals is a great way to make friends.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Be flexible and ready to just "go with the flow". Things don't always go as expected...but usually work out.
  • Living in Spain
  • Meeting the locals
  • Great public transportation
  • cold winters/hot summers
  • missing family
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Mí Me Encanta Madrid!

Madrid is such a lovely city, and I am so lucky to have gotten this opportunity to move here with the support of CIEE. This city has so much to offer. A few of my favorite things are the easily walkable streets, parks, constant outdoor dining and drinking, and the colorful lights that adorn the city throughout the winter. I am so happy I chose to do this program. At first, I was nervous about coming to Madrid, but with CIEE's support at every moment throughout the application, visa, and travel processes, I was ready to finally arrive in Madrid. Going to school every day to impact children's lives and teach them English and about American culture is so special. The kids truly are so sweet and always bring smiles to my face. At the end of the day, I get to spend time with friends, practice Spanish, go to dance class, and enjoy the weather that, compared to my home state of Minnesota, is nice all year round. This experience is one like no other!

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
It was my third day in Madrid, and I was living alone in an Airbnb. I was nervous to meet people, but I also really wanted to meet some people. I found a group of people through a facebook group and joined them one night for a bar crawl. I was anxious to go out alone to meet people I had never met, but it turned out to be great. I was able to meet really great people and have a fantastic 3rd night in Madrid!
  • So much to do!
  • Weather
  • Endless bars/restaurants
  • No beach (not a con for everyone)
  • Sunlight is lacking
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Thailand Adventure

My adventure to Thailand took place in the beautiful province of Petchabun. It was more of a rural placement and that initially had me a little nervous about potential challenges. However, the challenges were not too daunting! I quite enjoy the nature and peaceful area while still being able to travel to more busy areas to do other things. In a short period of time, I was able to enjoy holidays and festivals, hang out with other teachers and explore the local area. In free time I can learn Thai, cook and exercise. The staff at the school always offer their time to support and share with you their culture. So overall, there are many things to do as long as you take the time to plan it. I really cannot wait to explore more and travel throughout the country.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My best advice for someone new to coming to the Thai adventure would be: take it upon yourself to challenge yourself to do new things, solve new problems that come up(for big or especially small things as well!) because you'll learn and grow a lot more that way.
  • The cultural connections you make
  • The beauty of the country
  • The people
  • It will challenge your comfort zone, but ultimately that is a good thing!