CIEE Teach Abroad & TEFL

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

CIEE Teach in Spain & TEFL

Teaching in Madrid has been an incredible experience so far. Moving to a new country can be daunting, but CIEE provided plentiful resources, guidance, and pre-departure support. They provide an online course which provides a broad overview of Spanish culture and the education system in Spain, as well as resources for things you will need once in Spain such as comparing rent in various neighborhoods, phone companies, electric, wifi, etc. The online course also included information about the visa process and other important documents that was super helpful.
In addition to the pre-departure online course, there is a four day in-person orientation once in Spain. The in-person orientation basically repeated all the information that was in the online course, however, it was an opportunity to meet other people who were also moving to Madrid which I found invaluable. If you are worried about finding roommates and don’t have anything set up by the time you head off to Spain, do not stress, you will definitely find people you connect with during the in-person orientation.
CIEE also offers an online TEFL certificate course with various start dates. If you have no background in teaching it is a great way to feel more prepared before stepping into the classroom. The course relays teaching methodology, has mini grammar lessons, and strategies for teaching. I tend to over prepare and took the course even after receiving my Masters in Teaching in June before leaving in September. If you have a background in education, the TEFL course is not necessary and you will get all the information you need from the pre-departure course. However, I still learned new strategies and have used some of the materials from the course.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
The most anxiety producing obstacle was finding housing. What helped to alleviate some of my worries was exploring the resources that CIEE provided regarding different neighborhoods in Madrid. The resources were very useful in narrowing down the areas in which I would want to live. Additionally, since I had my school placement, I could compare my commute time to various neighborhoods. Narrowing down to a few neighborhoods in which I wanted to live made my search much easier once in Madrid.
  • In-person orientation
  • Online course/resources
  • Staff support
  • Same information presented in-person orientation and online course
Response from CIEE Teach Abroad & TEFL

Hey Lauren, glad that you're enjoying the experience and that you found the TEFL training to be good preparation. Thanks so much for sharing your perspective, to help other applicants think about what might be a good fit for them!

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Yes, I recommend this program

A Year Abroad with CIEE

I joined the Auxiliary Program with CIEE to take a break from teaching in the States. I was torn between working another year as a teacher in the USA or taking the chance to teach abroad and regain my passion for teaching. It helped that I knew people who lived in Spain and had visited before, so it wasn't an unfamiliar place. Between different programs, I chose CIEE because it was a guarantee that I would be placed in Madrid, where I wanted to work. I also enjoyed the pre-departure help to recieve my visa and the communication on when to do documents where and the exact way to fill them out. It is a bit pricey compared to other programs for teaching abroad, but the help you recieve before traveling and at the 4 day orientation which includes the hotel, food, etc. helps justify the cost. I met some really great friends through the orientation process that help with the adjustment of living abroad and have been able to travel within Spain and in Europe has been great! I think this is a great program for recent college graduates who want to have an experience abroad while building skills and having the opportunity to travel.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice is to be flexible and open to the different culture, be attentive and ask questions. Be flexible not only in the work environment, in making friends, but also in finding an apartment and making travel plans. It is not fast paced compared to the US in my opinion, so things can take a while to figure out, but overall be willing to learn and have fun!
  • The program helps with pre depature documents.
  • They offer a 4 day orientation to help people get settled in and ask questions.
  • 4-day work week with guaranteed Monday or Friday off so you can travel on the weekends.
  • Have to at the begining for this specific program.
  • Depending on you criteria for apartment in Spain it can be hard to find one right away or for the amount you like so be open minded and be willing to rent an apartment outside of the city center of Madrid. CIEE does not help with this, they will offer ide
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Yes, I recommend this program

Once in a Lifetime

Teaching in Spain is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Imagine how incredible it is to be in a brand new place, about to meet a whole bunch of like minded people in the same place as you. I wasn’t expecting so many people to have the same outlook on life. The CIEE support team sets you up for success in the city of Madrid. From the beginning of orientation to the end of your time in Madrid/end of the program, they’re there for you. They’re kind and responsive and understanding. It’s a great program!!

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
The most nerve wracking moment was putting myself out there right away when I got here. I didn’t know anyone, but neither did anyone else!
  • New place
  • Like minded people
  • Far commute
  • School not treating you well
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Yes, I recommend this program

Auxiliar de conversación Madrid- CIEE

I would do this program over and over! There are many challenges to moving abroad but CIEE helped it go as smoothly as possible. The team is very helpful with visa and moving information. I don’t think I could’ve done it without the extra help. I was able to start the teaching position just fine without any prior experience. The school placements aren’t always ideal but Madrid is well connected and the hours aren’t long anyway. I feel like the pay and benefits are fair and with savings suffice.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Come with an open mind and a decent amount of savings to burn through. The best thing has been being able to travel around Spain and Europe during school breaks.
  • Program length
  • Short hours, school breaks
  • Madrid is a great city
  • Prechosen school placement
  • Language barriers
  • VISA/TIE troubles
Response from CIEE Teach Abroad & TEFL

Hey Lauren, so glad that you are loving your time in Madrid! It's easy to renew your position for a second year directly with your school and the regional government, lots of people do it and it sounds like you might do it as well. Enjoy your time!

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Yes, I recommend this program

CIEE Review

So far, I've loved my time in Madrid. CIEE made it so easy to get here with step by step instructions for the visa and everything in between. I definitely think this program is worth it, coming from someone with no travel experience and having never left the states. CIEE sends weekly updates as well throughout the year about things going on in Madrid and even help with Spanish.
Everyone has been so helpful thus far. My school placement is perfect, right in the heart of Madrid, in the Salamanca neighborhood.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
I think the most nerve-racking moment for me was finding housing because I speak 0 Spanish. I joined every Madrid Facebook apartment search group I could find and eventually found one close to my school, in my budget, and with girls my age.
  • Living in Europe!
  • Getting more career experience (for teachers)
  • Improving/learning Spanish
  • Language barrier
  • More hours of work in the city (schools practice siesta)
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Yes, I recommend this program

Teaching in Madrid, Spain with CIEE

Teaching in Madrid with CIEE has been a wonderful experience so far. The program offers in-country support which is invaluable. There will be many challenges in your move abroad and they are there to help you with all of them - from filling out government forms to finding laptop friendly cafes! Support during the visa process was also helpful as the embassy I used was extremely delayed. Additionally, CIEE runs an in-country orientation which is a great way to get settled; you have a comfortable place to stay while you retrieve your transport card, tour apartment, and go to document appointments. The biggest plus of in-country orientation is that it is an opportunity to meet people and start your experience abroad with friendly faces who are facing the same challenges you are. While CIEE Spain does not provide housing, finding an available and affordable apartment is doable, though it can be difficult in Madrid.

What would you improve about this program?
Though they try, CIEE cannot fully prepare you for what to expect when working in a Spanish school. From my experience, different age levels, schools, and neighborhoods can create drastically different environments. Also your school will utilize you how they see best. For example, I independently create lesson plans and teach full class periods every class (with the teacher only stepping in to translate particularly difficult things) while some of my friends assist teachers in the classroom and never lead a class independently. Also, while CIEE mentioned cultural differences in the classroom, it would be helpful to have discussions about homophobia, racism, and sexism in the classroom (especially high school) from students and teachers and strategies to deal with that in a culturally aware way. My only other suggestion is that CIEE offer social events or day trips available to teachers for a small fee like they do for study abroad programs.
  • Easy to meet people
  • Language immersion
  • Gain teaching experience
  • No housing provided
  • Mixed work expectations
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Yes, I recommend this program


I think CIEE website at times was a little bit difficult to navigate. I remember there being twenty tabs open just so I could figure out how to submit my stuff for my visa. If there was maybe a website that had all the information instead of opening up a bunch of different tabs. I think that’s where there was a lot of difficulty. as well it seemed really difficult to find the right information which made it really stressful and difficult at times. If there were major problems CIEE was great about communicating and helping out. I feel like when we got to Madrid the orientation was great but after I felt like CIEE did little to help us get accustomed to Madrid life. I know that’s not apart of the program, but it was difficult to adjust at first without much help especially on housing. I’m grateful for CIEE and all the friends I’ve made through the program and getting to be placed within the community of Madrid was so helpful!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Don’t be afraid to reach out to anyone you know in Madrid. If you know someone whose done the program I think it would be really helpful to reach out to them! It’s always great to have a resource and familiar face that can help you in times of need!!
  • Placement in Madrid
  • Help with TIE
  • Help with making friends
  • No help with housing
  • Difficulty navigating website/sheets
  • Information seemed to be all over and hard to find at times
Response from CIEE Teach Abroad & TEFL

Hi Graham, thanks for sharing this review! We know that it can be overwhelming trying to stay on top of things with the visa, apartment shopping, and other preparations. We can't do it for you, but before departure we make sure all participants get detailed resources on the visa process and housing hunt, both in written format and in live online presentations with Q&A. We're always looking for ways to make our visa guides as simple and clear as possible, while still being detailed and comprehensive and explaining all the variation at each different consulate. Thanks for the feedback!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Teaching English in Spain? 10/10 Recommend

I have loved my experience with CIEE so far. What I've loved most is how helpful they are with the application and getting my visa. This was the most stress-inducing aspect of applying for me. At the time, I was working a full time job and did not have hours each week to try and figure out the visa process. Because of the knowledge and guidance that CIEE provided, I was able to get my visa on time and arrive in the country when I needed to. The consulate changed their visa process in the middle of me applying and without CIEE's help, I would have had no idea how to navigate it. Even though there are several different programs that are available for teaching English in Spain such as NALCAP or BEDA, the cost of CIEE was well worth it.
In addition, CIEE offers orientations when you first arrive in Spain. This was almost as valuable, if not as valuable as the guidance they offer with the visa process. When you move to a new city, you have to start from scratch with making social connections. Almost all of the friends that I have in Madrid are through CIEE. I do have a few friends who went through the NALCAP program and some of them really struggled to make friends and find people to live with. Overall, I would recommend CIEE to anyone who wants to teach in Spain, ESPECIALLY if you want to teach in Madrid!

Response from CIEE Teach Abroad & TEFL

Hi Savannah, thanks for sharing this review about your experience. You're 100% right - the visa process is always stressful and changes all the time. We're glad that our guidance helped you navigate it!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Safety in Spain

I feel like my experience has been wonderful! I am in a great school, I made friends with the bakery lady by my metro stop, and I have been in love with the city since I stepped off the plane! I think the initial presentation and steps leading up to the first day have been very informative and educational. Knowing that people like Lauren, Luke, and the "Lauras" are there for you while you start this next chapter is amazing! I feel like I have my very own safety net and support system all wrapped up into one. With the comfort of feeling safe I have been able to travel outside of the country, let my foodie flag fly, and even get an opportunity to share my stories on the CIEE Blog page. I have enjoyed my experience so much that I am planning on renewing for next year!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
I would say seeing the different aspects of Spanish culture. For example, I forget the name of the tradition but one of my first few weeks here there was an event where sheep were allowed to run through the streets of Madrid.
  • Met some amazing people!
  • Allowed me to grow independently!
  • Gave me an opportunity I would have never had without this program!
  • Stressful paperwork situations
  • A little confusing with communicating appointments needed
  • Clearer instructions for MOOC project
Response from CIEE Teach Abroad & TEFL

Hi Alexis, thanks for the kind words. We're so happy to hear that you feel safe, comfortable, and supported in Madrid, and that you plan to renew for next year to continue the journey!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Best decision ever

This has been an amazing experience. I’m so glad I have had to opportunity to do this. I have met so many cool people and have been able to immerse myself in a new culture. I have learned so much, and seen the coolest places. My school and my kids are awesome and the support I have from the programs are incredible. I am so glad that I chose to do this after college as a way to get to know myself and see more of the world. I recommend this to anyone who doesn’t know which career path they want to take.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Keep an open mind. Challenge yourself to try new things and get out of your comfort zone. It will make your experience so much better and you will learn so much about the culture and yourself.
  • Meeting new people
  • Living in a new country
  • Program support
Response from CIEE Teach Abroad & TEFL

Wow, thanks Amy for the review and awesome photos! That's great to hear that teaching abroad is living up to the expectations and helping you explore your world and your career direction!