High Mountain Institute

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

We’re not friends we’re family

About 9 months ago I was where you are now: scrolling through the internet trying to find the program for me; and honestly, I chose the perfect one. I chose HMI Fall Trek because I wanted a structured first half of my gap year and to learn wilderness/travel skills. However, the reason why I chose this program has grown along with my own growth. I’ve not only developed wilderness skills, but also developed my community-ubuilding, communication, and leadership skills. If your willing to learn how to be comfortable in the uncomfortable, this is the place for you.

  • Places we visit
  • community building
  • Less emphasis on cultural immersion in south america
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Yes, I recommend this program

My HMI Experience

My HMI experience was very fun and I would recommend to anyone interested in it. We backpacked and climbed in Colorado, Utah, and Patagonia. It was a very positive experience and I met a lot of cool people who learned with me which was nice. The instructors were very nice and taught us along the way as well as provided insight too. The classes taught and the people who I have met during this experience and taught me things were very positive and I hope to take those lessons with me wherever I go next.

  • Great Sights
  • Great Instructors
  • Fun people
  • Physically challenging
  • Harsh conditions
  • Limited free time
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Yes, I recommend this program

HMI F-Trek ‘22

I had an incredible experience with HMI Gap’s fall Trek program. We did primarily backpacking for about 80 days and I learned a lot about wilderness skills, maps, and navigation all within good balance. The environmental studies curriculum opened me up to new ideas that I plan on taking into college and exploring more. The lessons in leadership and feedback helped me gain more confidence and create a strong community within our group. Also the staff were so supportive and kind in both the group and individual environment. They helped create the amazing experience I had. I recommend this program for anyone looking for a little bit of adventure, personal growth, service work, leadership, wilderness skills, environmental ethic lessons, and community.

  • Community
  • Personal Growth/Leadership
  • Wilderness Skills
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Yes, I recommend this program

HMI experience

I had a great experience on the fall traverse semester. There was a good balance of rock climbing, backpacking, rafting, community service, and environmental sciences classes. I learned a lot this semester about myself, environmental ethics, and wilderness/climbing skills. The staff was very supportive and friendly and helped us build a strong community of students. I would definitely recommend this semester to a friend or anyone who is taking a gap year/semester and is looking for a place to make new friends and experience the outdoors.

  • leadership
  • learning
  • community
  • small group
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Yes, I recommend this program

Hmi Traverse 2022

Hmi Gap year programming is awesome, the staff was always very engaged and professional. They provided the situations necessary to foster personal and communal growth. Through rock climbing and backpacking our group was able to grow and all find our place in the community. 80 days was long, but I wouldn’t have wanted it to be any shorter because the last couple expeditions were the best. The format HMI provided of two week long expeditions with transition says in town also made the semester seem much more luxurious.

  • Community
  • Learning
  • Personal Growth
  • Too few students
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Yes, I recommend this program

Patagonia Gap semester

My time on this program has transformed me in the most incredible way. You gain outdoor skills, you challenge your perspectives on the environment, and you learn how to communicate better. I learned so much about myself through this program. The instructors very intentionally create a space we’re you can be yourself and grow without judgement. I highly recommend this program. You will meet the most incredible people and accomplish more than you ever thought possible. It is physically and emotionally challenging, but 100% worth it.

  • Community
  • Amazing hikes
  • Knowledgeable instructors
  • The food
  • Physically challenging
  • Not a lot of down time
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Yes, I recommend this program

Spring Trek Patagonia

The experience I had with HMI was absolutely amazing. I have never been backpacking before and it was daunting to come down to Patagonia with no experience but I quickly learned everything from the staff and students. My group was so supportive and the community we built together was nothing like I’ve ever been in before. I can’t wait to take my learning home and apply it to backpacking by myself and others. I’ve grown so much from this gap trip and will miss my instructors and peers so much and will hopefully keep in touch for a long time.

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Yes, I recommend this program

HMI Gap Patagonia 2/2022-4/2022

HMI gap was such an amazing experience. I have met my new lifelong friends and people who I love dearly. Every place we went was such an impactful experience. I learned so many new skills, and the instructors taught us so much. I improved my trekking, outdoor living, and community building skills so much over the past few months. I would highly recommend. Be prepared for cold, snow, rain, sun, and all the inbetweens! Learning to be flexible, patient, and “tranqilo” is very important, but we became closer as a community when we were in uncomfortable and harsh weather environments.

  • Trekking
  • Rafting
  • Map navigation
  • Limited free time
  • Long car rides
  • Harsh weather
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Yes, I recommend this program

HMI Gap Patagonia

This experience was exactly what I was looking for. It was the perfect combination of challenging and rewarding backpacking and formal educational experiences. I loved the intensity of the river expedition, getting to know local farmers in Futaleufu, practicing hard navigation off trail, and participating in field research near the solér glacier. I feel as if I made meaningful connections to the land and the people in a way that will stay with me as I begin college. I would definitely recommend this program to all gap year students invested in community and the outdoors. Thank you HMI!!

  • Challenging Treks
  • Intimate connections with nature
  • Community
  • Not too much down time
  • Not enough exploration time in transition days
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Yes, I recommend this program

Go HMI gap!!

This program was amazing. We spent a lot of our time in the wilderness of the Andes mountains backpacking. If you do this program, you will becoming a master at backpacking. There is a lot of focus on building an intention community, something I loved and felt like HMI fostered really well. We had cultural experiences like doing a traditional Patagonian Asado and visiting gauchos in the countryside. We summited mountains and saw amazing views. We spent so much time outside, and each person developed a much deeper connection to nature. Overall, it was an amazing adventure and I would highly recommend.

  • Explored the Andes in a personal way.
  • Built a strong community.
  • Challenged myself mentally and physically.
  • Not very much down time.
  • Don’t really get to explore Chilean towns.