High Mountain Institute

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

An Incredible Semester!

I came into HMI Gap without any backpacking experience at all and came out at the end with unforgettable memories, lifelong friends, and a whole set of backcountry skills with which I feel competent spending weeks in the field. It was a super supportive atmosphere of learning by experience. The community we built was so much fun and we became incredibly close, and the instructors were amazing mentors. The places we were able to see are so beautiful, and I was also really happy to have service work and environmental studies curriculum incorporated into the program. Some highlights for me were rappelling through canyons in Southern Utah, cowboy camping in the desert almost every night, and seeing the glacial valleys in Patagonia. I had a great experience!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
While we were hiking in Patagonia, we saw wild flamingos!
Yes, I recommend this program

An Unforgettable Experience

I had the most incredible experience in Patagonia. I learnt to backpack in style, deal with challenging situations and work with peers; I learnt about leadership, environmental ethics and so much about myself. Having to share this unique journey with 8 other inspiring people is so rewarding - we shared laughters and tears. The space we created was super meaningful, and I learnt the importance of having an intimate community like we had. The natural scenery was awe-inspiring - the most beautiful place I've ever been, and I could not have gone to the places we went without coming with HMI. The time spent exploring culturally, building the community and out in the wilderness was well-balanced. The best part was gaining so many useful skills while having so much fun. Definitely recommend!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Semester Backpacking!

I went on the Spring Semester in Patagonia and it could not have changed my life more. I started the semester never having backpacked before, only to leave with strong wilderness travel skills, improved Spanish and environmental ethics, and a community of friends and instructors I knew would follow me into my life beyond gap. The environmental studies curriculum and cultural exploration in the front country allowed me to connect with the spirit of Patagonia, while the leadership and community courses taught me how to be a better leader and team member, in and out of the wilderness. I cannot speak highly enough of the instructor team, some of the most wonderful people I know, and the logistics and risk management that left me feeling safe and happy at all points during the trip. Overall, I am leaving more confident in myself as a leader and prepared to take on college and life beyond.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Don't be afraid to embrace the adventure! You get out of this what you put in.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life changing semester!

The spring semester in Patagonia was absolutely incredible! HMI had awesome connections in the area that allowed us to really connect and interaction with the culture. The instructors were well qualified, fun, and very supportive. For it being the first full semester in Patagonia, the logistics were well refined. HMI provided awesome support to help us continue interacting and thriving in the outdoors after the program was complete. I left with improved Spanish skills, a strong environmental ethic, and lifelong friends. The first aid curriculum was also very useful. I would recommend the trip to anyone who is up for a challenge, wanting to fully submerse themselves in a different culture, willing to ask hard questions, and have a life’s changing 80 days.

What would you improve about this program?
Give students a few more days to independently explore the front country
Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Semester!

I did the Spring Semester in Patagonia and I could not be more thankful that I did it. I learned how to live well in the backcountry, had really meaningful conversations about environmental ethics, improved my Spanish a ton, and made incredible friends. We also got to explore the town our base camp was in and did some really cool cultural activities, like harvesting fruit and making jam, learning to make traditional Chilean dishes, and watching traditional dances. I could not speak more highly of the instructors who were overall incredible human beings. The places we were able to explore were incredibly beautiful and super off the grid which I really appreciated. I don't think I would have been able to figure out for myself how to gain access to all the cool spots we were able to go to. I would highly recommend the program to anyone considering it.

What would you improve about this program?
I would have liked the Spanish curriculum to be more incorporated towards the end of the semester.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Learning through HMI

I learned a lot through HMI gap, both physical skills and perhaps more importantly things about myself and what I want out of life. I gained countless skills in climbing, such as setting anchors, multi pitching, placing trad gear, and much more. I also learned valuable things not related to climbing, like how to food plan and shop, how to cook creative meals, and stay happy in uncomfortable situations. Throughout the program I learned a lot about myself and what makes me happy. HMI made me question my current ideas about my future and helped to shape an image of the kind of life that I want. The instructors of the program were amazing, and kept everyone safe and provided support in any way that they could. All in all, it was quite the experience for me, and I took away a lot of valuable lessons.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Grow Through HMI Gap!

HMI gap was an awesome program. I participated in the Rock climbing and conservation semester. We started off by backpacking for 11 days in Colorado and doing a little bit of climbing as well. Then we went to Moab for a month and really focused on learning climbing skills and everyone advanced to lead and multi-pitch climbing. Finally, we went down to Chilean Patagonia and went backpacking for a few days and then spent the rest of the time climbing. I came in to HMI gap expecting learn how to backpack, develop my outdoor climbing skills, and learn about conservation, and while I did learn all of those things I also learned so much more than I ever imagined I would. I learned a lot about building community and conflict resolution, you kind of have to because you're spending 80 days with the same people in an intense environment. But most importantly I learned a lot about myself. I learned how to rely on myself, and how to let myself rely on others. I learned when to push myself, and when to step back. HMI gap truly was a life changing experience, I have made great friendships with the people on my course and will always look back on the time I spent with HMI as a great experience.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Grow Through HMI Gap!

HMI gap was an awesome program. I participated in the Rock climbing and conservation semester. We started off by backpacking for 11 days in Colorado and doing a little bit of climbing as well. Then we went to Moab for a month and really focused on learning climbing skills and everyone advanced to lead and multi-pitch climbing. Finally, we went down to Chilean Patagonia and went backpacking for a few days and then spent the rest of the time climbing. I came in to HMI gap expecting learn how to backpack, develop my outdoor climbing skills, and learn about conservation, and while I did learn all of those things I also learned so much more than I ever imagined I would. I learned a lot about building community and conflict resolution, you kind of have to because you're spending 80 days with the same people in an intense environment. But most importantly I learned a lot about myself. I learned how to rely on myself, and how to let myself rely on others. I learned when to push myself, and when to step back. HMI gap truly was a life changing experience, I have made great friendships with the people on my course and will always look back on the time I spent with HMI as a great experience.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Challenge Yourself with HMI Gap

The High Mountain Institute, as offered by its name, is foremost an establishment of learning. At HMI, I learned how to to navigate through mountains and canyons, to cook an array of backcountry meals, and to set up the perfect tent. However, the little nuggets of knowledge I acquired are both harder to pin down and perhaps more universally applicable: learning how to share cramped spaces with (potentially smelly) people; counting down from three before doing something that absolutely terrifies you (e.g., crossing a slippery log over a raging Patagonian rapid or diving headfirst with your best friends into a glacial lake); screaming at the top of your lungs when your whole group is frustrated, tired, and confused. HMI really is “where nature and minds meet” because, with each daily skill or challenge, your instructors and your peers encourage you to thrive and test your limits. In the same vein, HMI combines the best of backcountry hard skills (e.g., navigation) and intellectual stimulation (e.g., conservation curriculum) to provide you with an experience that leaves you stronger, both physically and mentally, than you were before.

HMI Gap changed my life. While I remain mostly the same person I was before, I experience more intensely my passions, my family and friends, and the world at large. I chose HMI Gap in search of challenge and wonder; I was delighted to find myself face to face with both of those things virtually every day with HMI.

What would you improve about this program?
HMI Gap is a relatively young program, so the few flaws it possesses mostly revolve around logistical difficulties that tend to resolve over time. That said, in my experience, HMI Gap's "youth" did not in any way noticeably detract from the overall experiential quality of the program.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Fun & Challening Experience in Personal Growth!

Spending 80 days, most of which are entirely in the backcountry, with a small community of strangers is remarkably challenging and rewarding. I came out of this trip with backcountry and wilderness skills I had not even known existed, lifelong memories, crazy stories, and seven very close friends. Some highlights of the trip for me include canyon running in southern Utah, learning about environmental studies through a very well-developed curriculum, and spending 21 days in the Patagonian wilderness. On my trip, the group was very heavily extroverted, and our instructors were rotated throughout the three different locations we travelled to (Colorado, Utah, Patagonia). I was not experienced in backpacking prior to this trip, and I still enjoyed it and would now consider myself a relatively experienced backpacker. Most nights (~80%) were spent in a tent and sleeping bag, and we cooked nearly all (~99%) of our meals for ourselves. If you are looking to be challenged physically and mentally and want to reap the benefits of both Type 1 and Type 2 fun, then I would really encourage you to look more deeply into this program.

What would you improve about this program?
As a somewhat young program (I went in its 4th year), HMI Gap can improve on smoothing out the logistics of the trip (i.e. organizing food and gear, providing good maps and compasses, etc.). I believe that the program has the potential to improve in this area quite quickly, as the staff becomes more experienced.