  • Bahamas
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Program Details

Scuba Diving Snorkeling Swimming


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Price Details
What is included: UK Briefing Day, airport transfers, experienced staff, accommodation, meals, science training, technical dive equipment, all dives, 24/7 emergency back-up, community visits, social activities, t-shirt
Extras: PADI dive training: Open Water (£300), Advanced (£250) and EFR (£100)
Jan 11, 2023
Aug 21, 2018
22 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

In the teaming waters around Andros island Gapforce groups work with the Bahamas National Trust to survey the Island’s valuable reef and its inhabitants. Our results help create protected marine parks, assist local communities and teach conservation awareness in primary schools.

Being based in a small community in the Bahamas is a massive plus and a short walk from our base on Andros our volunteers work with the local school – Staniard Creek Primary School.

So as part of the team you’ll experience unforgettable diving, make a whole community of friends, become PADI qualified diver, and help ensure that future generations will care for the reef and its long term survival!

This program is currently not being promoted on Go Overseas by its provider. Check with Gapforce for the most up-to-date information regarding the status of this program.

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We are committed to exert a positive impact on the regions, countries and communities which we visit. For us it is paramount that the local organisations and communities benefit from our cooperation by working with trusted local businesses and project partners who align with our sustainability objectives.

Ethical Impact

We are passionate about travel and the positive impact it has on young people’s outlook and future prospects. Our mission is to help people become global citizens through authentic, socially and environmentally responsible travel experiences which aid self-discovery and personal development.

As a small team, we are committed to providing a highly personalised service from your initial contact right through to your chosen adventure. We achieve this through our dedicated team of program leaders and support staff, all of whom are passionate travellers united by a common purpose to help young people explore the world.

Program Reviews

4.80 Rating
based on 30 reviews
  • 5 rating 83.33%
  • 4 rating 13.33%
  • 3 rating 3.33%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Impact 4.3
  • Support 4.6
  • Fun 4.1
  • Value 4.7
  • Safety 4.7
Showing 25 - 30 of 30 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program


We went scuba diving almost everyday, we saw sharks and turtles and dived in a blue hole for the first time! One of the nurse sharks even came really close to the shore, we could see it from the volunteer house!
Met some of the most amazing people who I will never forget. Thanks for one of the best experiences ever Greenforce!

What would you improve about this program?
Cost was high for what was given (food, etc)
30 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Bahamas July 2013

I could write pages and pages about this amazing experience. As someone from my phase said to me, it sounds cliche but it is indeed a life changing experience. I can only agree.

As a advanced open water, I was looking forward to dive the reefs of Andros. And they lived up to my expectations! The oceanic blue hole King Kong is the most stunning dive I ever did. The geology is outstanding!! The reefs lay deep, but provide an amazing topography and the drop off called Tongue of the Ocean is dramatic and makes one realize how small and insignificant a human being is in the ocean. During every single dive we had a lot of fun, fooled around (of course within saftey regulations) and cracked jokes before and after.

The camp itself was perfect. We had a huge group (I recon 25 volunteers +staff) so they were people everywhere. But if one wanted time off, relax and enjoy the silence, people went up on the balcony where the `chill area` was and could do just that. Otherwise there was always something going on. The other volunteers were fun loving, it did not take long until we all became close friends. I really hope to have a reunion. Same goes for the staff, they did a awesome job coordinating our group and making sure everyone feels good and gets to dive as much as possible. I can´t lie, they were just as fun loving as every volunteer and always good for a laugh. And yeh, Saturdays were the best evenings.

About the lectures, teaching, and the program: If somebody is interested in Marine Science I would highly recommend it! It is a great chance to get some skills, knowledge and to be involved in intercultural education as it is a big part of the whole program to educate the local community about various topics. We also did beach clean ups, set up survey sites, did a lot of identification dives and had lectures about Fish, Corals, Invertebrates, Turtles, Ecology and and and...we watched documentaries in the evening from time to time which gave us a great idea about issues and life out there.

Other days were spent at the blue wholes, which you see in the videos (one of the best days we had was there) or by some randome activities which were up to you.

Before I go on and write a book let´s just say that this trip was not only great but a perfect chance to dive every single day and learn about the oceans and marine conservation. If you can imagine doing this for weeks or months, go!! Don´t hesitate because I am sure you will never regret it.

What would you improve about this program?
FOOD. Small portions, high carb diet. Well better count in some extra bucks for food. But that sounds worse than it is. We all were good with it, as we bought some things from the local shops and mixed it up.
34 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Bahamas Marine Conservation July 2012

The experience of living outside by the ocean for 5 weeks is one which I will never forget. There is not a day that goes by which I don't think about my time on Andros and I would recommend this trip to anyone.

There wasn't ever an average day on Andros but most days were spent diving for half of the day and then learning about either the various types of fish and coral and the marine environment. We also learned about other conservation efforts taking place around the world and species that were in danger. Diving is one of the most incredible activities and the reefs around Andros were a spectacular vantage point for marine life. It felt like descending into a complete other world on my very first dive - one which I never wanted to leave once I was in it.

Other days were spent seeing the island and taking in the local culture. We would take trips to the amazing blue holes on the islands, sometimes with picnics and sometimes stopping at local cafe's and restaurants. We would also get involved with teaching local kids to swim or educating them about what they could do to aid the protection of the marine environment.

By the weekends after all that hard work we'd definitely earned alot of rum drinks from the beach bar we were based near to. The social side of this project was brilliant and the pictures from our Saturday nights will always help us to remember the amazing times we had together. On this trip you can't help but make friends that you'll keep for life.

If you want an out of this world experience, cut off from the world's life in one of the most incredible settings, where you contribute to the conservation of the world's oceans then this trip is definitely for you!

What would you improve about this program?
The food wasn't very varied and the portions were smaller than usual to try and minimise the costs so that money could be spent on more important dive equipment. It was a high carb diet to give you all the energy you needed for the dives so you didn't tend to notice the portions but some big eaters might want to factor in extra costs of food from the locals shop.
32 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Bahamas 2012 : July Phase

I love the ocean and marine life, so when I stumbled upon the greenforce Bahamas trip I was excited but really didn't know what to expect. However, once I got there I never wanted to leave! The relationships I made with the interns, supervisors and other members are ones I will always cherish, and we are all still in contact. We became a team and looked after each other, we all had chores and all worked together to make the experience as good as possible. I not only developed a true passion for the marine environment, but through fish and benthic lessons and actually seeing the underwater world first hand, am now studying environmental science in Uni, using a lot of what I learned in the Bahamas. I would recommend this to anyone, it developed me as a person who is more open to making new friendships, and 'literally' diving into unknown experiences.

What would you improve about this program?
The variety of food lacked, but we always had fun experimenting with what we had. Meal times were never boring.
33 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing experience!!

I spent 6 months on the island of Andros. 3 months as a volunteer and 3 months as an intern. Both phrases were excellent!!
The island holds some awesome natural beauty which include the blue holes and the beaches. I loved waking up every morning on the beach and seeing the sun.
You do work hard during the week with many dives, school lessons and fish learning but this makes the weekend fun at the bars feel even better.
I will never forget my first dive on the reef, it felt like I was on another planet and I would recommend diving to everyone because of that experience.
If you like sun, sea, sand and alcohol this is the trip for you!!!

32 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Bahamas 2012

I had the best diving trip of my life out in The Bahamas. I felt it was a very authentic experience of the country because we weren't in any touristy areas. Having a huge bay all to ourselves was brilliant and being able to stop the boat and dive anywhere without anyone else around was a unique experience I haven't had diving anywhere else.
Day to day we would be up early; first group would dive while the rest of us learnt how to identify all aspects of marine life from the fish to the reef. Then everyone would be in camp for lunch before we would swap diving and lectures around.
With perfect conditions we were able to get 2 dives per boat trip, but due to weather it didn't always happen.
The marine life was insane with me seeing my first site of sharks, sea turtles and a spotted eagle ray within my first 2 dives!
The people were just awesome as well and made the trip that much more of a quality trip. We've already had one reunion in the UK and have another on the way.
Things didn't always go to the exact plan, however that's what this kind of trip is all about. It made the experience that much more exciting!

32 people found this review helpful.
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Questions & Answers

Hi Brooke, After 14 years of successful marine conservation work, our programming has come to completion in the Bahamas in January 2019. We have since opened new marine conservation programs and continuing the worldwide efforts in helping to save our fragile marine ecosystems. Costa Rica is ticking many of our marine conservation boxes, and as such, we are happy to announce that new programs have...

Hi Michael, After 14 years of successful marine conservation work, our programming has come to completion in the Bahamas. We are looking forward to opening new marine conservation programs and continuing the worldwide efforts in helping to save our fragile marine ecosystems. Costa Rica is ticking many of our marine conservation boxes, and as such, we are happy to announce that new programs have...

Great question and the advice given by Rhiannon is absolutely correct. It is most common for participants to travel alone to all of our programs. The majority of our participants are between the ages of 17-24, and are looking for an organized travel program. We set up a Facebook group, so you can get to know everyone else traveling before you go! It is not uncommon for participants coming from...

You don't get any protection, but they aren't interested in humans, we have far too many bones for them. They might be curious but it's highly unlikely that you'll see an aggressive shark whilst you're diving, mostly nurse sharks, reef sharks and, if you're lucky, a hammerhead, but they will teach you what to do if you do. Most sharks will avoid you, and if they do swim up to you then won't come...