Internships Abroad

The Most Unique Internships Abroad in 2024 (Work & Travel!)

Check out our list of immersive and skill-building unique internships abroad and do something amazing in 2024.

Internships are a fantastic way to build skills and get practical, hands-on training for your intended career path. But when it comes to turning a good resume into a great one, consider taking your internship overseas! All over the world, there are organizations ready to work hard to place you with companies that share your passions and align with your interests.

The following internships are unique because they're not held within the confines of a traditional office. Instead, you'll learn about your field where it happens. From archaeology in Rome to wildlife photography in South Africa, you will be truly immersed in real-world settings.

These internship providers were carefully chosen to reflect the best in support, benefits, safety, and participant satisfaction. As trusted organizations, they are experienced in facilitating great learning opportunities that are sure to foster personal and professional growth.

If you’re looking for unique internships overseas that will allow you to gain new skills and see the world this year, consider the following 10 best off-the-beaten-track opportunities for 2024.

1. Help save the Amazon with Hoja Nueva in Peru

Woman holding wild boar.

Program length: 1-52 weeks
Price point: $$$
What's included: accommodation, 3 meals a day/7 days a week, airport pickup, in-country transportation
Compensation: unpaid


  • Gain extensive hands-on research experience across a wide range of specialties like statistical ecology, mammalogy, and herpetology.
  • Past interns felt welcomed into the Hoja Nueva program like family, both by the staff and fellow participants.


  • Living deep in the jungle isn't for everyone -- be prepared to live a rustic life and get dirty!
  • Wildlife rehab interns must stay a minimum of two months.

Whether your passion is animals or conservation, you'll have the chance to experience both through an internship with Hoja Nueva. Interns will work at a remote research center in the Amazon where they will be close to nature and able to make the biggest impact. Tasks include water and wildlife research, community health and development projects, and animal care and rehabilitation.

Staff is trained in CPR and wilderness first aid guaranteeing an experience that's both fun and safe.

"I stayed at Hoja Nueva for two months doing a general internship. I decided to go there because they run a really vast variety of projects ranging from Herpetology and Mammal Ecology to the reintroduction of all kinds of animals. This gave me the absolutely perfect opportunity to figure out which area of biology I later want to specialise in!"


Program Details

Rainforest Conservation: Wildlife Research & Animal Husbandry in the Amazon
Starting Price:
$730.00 USD
4.60 Rating
based on 10 reviews
  • Growth 4.6
  • Support 4.6
  • Fun 4.6
  • Housing 4.7
  • Safety 4.6

2. Become a divemaster with Caribbean Reef Buddy in Grenada

A diver taking an underwater photo of a turtle.

Program length: 3-8 weeks
Price point: $$$
What's included: hotel accommodation, breakfast and dinner 7 days a week, training, 1 excursion a week
Compensation: unpaid


  • Get involved with a wide range of activities such as reef regeneration, reef monitoring, and marine photography.
  • There are opportunities for total newbies to gain the experience and certifications needed to progress to Divemaster training.


  • Interns must budget extra for daily lunches.
  • If you're looking for PADI certification, Caribbean Reef Buddy provides advanced training through Scuba Schools International (SSI).

Earn your Scuba Schools International (SSI) professional Divemaster certification in Grenada and further your conservation or tourism career. Caribbean Reef Buddy's Divemaster internship is perfect for those looking for intensive training that will improve their diving skills and knowledge of scuba safety. Over a three-week period, students will earn their certification in addition to getting involved in marine conservation projects.

All equipment is provided but interns are encouraged to bring their own gear in order to get comfortable diving consistently with the same equipment.

"Coming here has been a revelation! These guys really know what they're doing and have a programme which is structured perfectly to prepare you to become a divemaster. They're thorough, diligent and very very professional. I came away knowing that I needed to continue in this direction because diving is the career choice for me."


Program Details

CRB, Ethical Impact: Eco-Divemaster Training in Carriacou, Grenada
Caribbean Reef Buddy
Starting Price:
$8,040.00 USD
5.00 Rating
based on 14 reviews
  • Impact 5
  • Support 5
  • Fun 5
  • Value 4.85
  • Safety 4.85

3. Fight climate change with Richmond Vale Academy

A group of interns pose in front of a table of food.

Program length: 6 months
Price point: $
What's included: accommodation, 3 meals a day/7 days a week, books and materials, local transport, pre-departure support
Compensation: unpaid


  • You'll work closely with your team during the 6 months, forming close and lasting friendships.
  • You don't just learn about permaculture and sustainability, you'll be planning and carrying out projects.


  • Past participants noted that the location was remote and lacked reliable public transportation.
  • If you are looking for a lot of downtime or alone time, this may not be the program for you.

If you’re looking for practical experience on the frontlines of climate activism, roll up your sleeves and jump in with Richmond Vale Academy. During this internship, you'll work side by side with professionals to learn about everything from reducing fossil fuels to sustainable agriculture.

Your internship doesn't stop in the classroom, though. Once you get a solid foundation of the principles of climate change and mitigation, you and your team will get out in the community to work on projects such as helping families and schools build their own organic gardens. As an intern, you'll also raise climate change awareness and provide education to local residents and schoolchildren.

Participants should be ready for an intense and action-packed internship!

"First of all, my experience would not be the same without the people I met here. It was amazing to learn and grow from and with each other. I learned how important it is to take responsibility. I understood what it means to live in a community. And I recognized what is possible if you work together as a team. For me it is making the impossible possible."


Program Details

6 Months Climate Activism in the Caribbean
Richmond Vale Academy
St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Starting Price:
$3,800.00 USD
4.55 Rating
based on 67 reviews
  • Growth 4.45
  • Support 4.3
  • Fun 4.5
  • Housing 4.25
  • Safety 4.4

4. Photograph endangered animals in South Africa with African Impact

Three lions on a rock.

Program length: 8-12 weeks
Price point: $$$
What's included: accommodation, 3 meals a day on weekdays, in-country transportation, airport pickup, training and extensive mentoring
Compensation: unpaid


  • Past interns felt safe and comfortable at the lodge where they stayed.
  • This program is suitable for beginners to professional photographers.


  • Participants must come with their own SLR camera and laptop.
  • You will need to budget extra money for weekend meals.

With African Impact's wildlife photography internship, taking pictures is more than just a way to capture incredible memories -- it's a way to raise awareness. Both aspiring and seasoned photogs will contribute to an important body of work to be used for conservation and education while growing their own portfolio. Interns will stay near Kruger National Park while they receive expert mentoring from professional conservation photographers.

Through their partnership with The African Impact Foundation, African Impact gives its interns the opportunity to attend cultural presentations, discussions on poaching, and even stargazing under the open South African skies.

"I always wanted to come to Africa as a photographer. The experience changed me. I had tears leaving the place."


Program Details

Internships in Africa with African Impact
African Impact
Multiple Countries
Starting Price:
$1,295.00 USD
5.00 Rating
based on 12 reviews
  • Growth 5
  • Support 5
  • Fun 5
  • Housing 4.85
  • Safety 5

5. Learn traditional medicine with Linguistic Horizons in Peru

Man jumping in the air by Machu Picchu.

Program length: 2 weeks to 6 months
Price point: $$$
What's included: shared accommodation, breakfast and lunch or dinner on weekdays, airport pickup, excursions, guided hikes and cultural activities, workshops, health & accident insurance
Compensation: unpaid


  • You'll be acclimatized to the change in altitude with a hike.
  • There are no educational or degree requirements to participate -- just a passion for traditional medicine and nutrition!


  • Additional trips, like Machu Picchu, aren't included but can be purchased separately.
  • Be prepared for lots of walking and hiking -- those with mobility difficulties may find this program challenging.

Linguistic Horizons prides itself on its commitment to meaningful and impactful projects and their Holistic Nutrition and Natural Medicine internship is no different. Set in the Sacred Valley of the Incas in Peru, participants will learn from local professionals and holistic medicine and nutrition practitioners.

Excursions will focus on exploring organic farming, hunting for medicinal plants, and visits to markets to identify superfoods. Interns will also engage in hands-on workshops to gain skills in vegan cooking, herbology, and cleanses. Outside of the learning opportunities, guided hikes and cultural activities will introduce participants to the beauty and heritage of the local areas.

If health and medicine aren't for you, they have a wide range of other fields available that can be personalized to your interests.

"The program and experience was indeed a trip of a lifetime, and it will forever change me as a person. The hardest part was leaving this incredible place, as three weeks was just not enough time!"


Program Details

Customized Internship: Sacred Valley of the Incas, Cusco
Linguistic Horizons LLC
Starting Price:
$2,795.00 USD
4.93 Rating
based on 15 reviews
  • Growth 5
  • Support 4.95
  • Fun 4.95
  • Housing 4.95
  • Safety 5

6. Get creative with ArtBound Initiative in Berlin

A woman stands in a square in Berlin.

Program length: 2-6 months
Price point: $$$
What's included: professional and career coaching, access to the ABI networking platform, pre-departure and visa support
Compensation: unpaid or paid, depending on specific placement


  • ABI partners with over 250 international companies including CBS and Vice.
  • You'll be coached before going into the interview process to ensure you do your best to land the position you want.


  • Due to visa restrictions, you need to be currently enrolled in a university or have graduated in the last 12 months.
  • Housing is not included in the program fee and can get expensive in Berlin.

ArtBound Initiative helps you break into Berlin's iconic arts scene with an internship in a variety of fields. Interview for positions within studio art, art administration, gallery and curation, cultural management, design, film production, and more. ABI's personalized coaching and mock interviews will help you secure a place in a top company doing what you love.

Generally, short-term internships are unpaid, but some companies may offer stipends or payment to interns who commit to longer durations. US citizens can intern visa-free for up to three months. For longer stays, an internship visa is required, but don't worry! ABI is here to guide you through the process.

"Amazing support, having the ABI team walk me through the bureaucracy that comes with living internationally has been so beneficial, in addition to the career coaching. Having an industry professional review your CV and portfolio have been invaluable, and the program as a whole has really allowed me to kickstart my career."


Program Details

Creative Internship in Berlin with ABI
ArtBound Initiative
Starting Price:
$3,250.00 USD
4.70 Rating
based on 27 reviews
  • Growth 4.6
  • Support 4.7
  • Fun 4.55
  • Housing 4.15
  • Safety 4.7

7. Become a safari field guide with GVI in South Africa

People in a truck watch a line of elephants.

Program length: 6 months or 1 year with an optional add-on of 1, 3, or 6 months
Price point: $$$
What's included: shared housing, all meals, all equipment, in-country transportation, airport pickup, certifications, pre-departure support, 24/7 emergency support, career coaching
Compensation: unpaid


  • This experience is extremely immersive and will directly expose you to the big 5 animals, countless birds, and diverse plant life.
  • Past interns made fast friends with other like-minded participants on base and bonded over a passion for wildlife.


  • Long-term programs can be expensive -- check out GVI's scholarships.
  • Life on base isn't always luxurious. You may take the occasional cold shower and will have to wash laundry by hand.

GVI's career internships give you long-term opportunities to break into the conservation field. Choose from 6 months or 1 year and spend your time with Field Guide Association of Southern Africa (FGASA) certified trainers learning the ropes of field guiding.

At the conclusion of your internship, you'll be able to show off a range of qualifications including The FGASA Apprentice Field Guide (NQF2), CATHSSETA National Qualification (NQF2) in Nature Guiding, Cybertracker track & sign, a wilderness first aid certificate, and more. This will make you extremely marketable for a position in the field. What's better, GVI has a career guarantee -- interns who train for three months or more have a job waiting for them at the end of their internship!

"GVI has given me the confidence to push myself in ways I didn't think I ever could, I have found the courage to leave my job of 8 years in Central London to chase my dreams of working in wildlife conservation full time."


Program Details

GVI, Ethical Impact: Internships in South Africa
South Africa
4.80 Rating
based on 25 reviews
  • Growth 4.7
  • Support 4.65
  • Fun 4.8
  • Housing 4.35
  • Safety 4.8

8. Break into tech with iXperience in Lisbon

A large group of people pose smiling with their arms in the arm.

Program length: 6 weeks
Price point: $$$
What's included: hostel accommodation, excursions, hybrid internship, access to coworking space, daily mentoring
Compensation: unpaid


  • Past course instructors have included staff from Google, Meta, and Microsoft.
  • Alumni loved the support and guidance from the program staff and instructors.


  • Meals are not included so you will need to budget extra money for meals out or cooking at your apartment.
  • This is a bootcamp program so it may not be right for you if you're looking for a long-term internship.

iXperience in Lisbon offers a hybrid internship program that pairs technical skills training with a local internship. For the first two weeks, you'll focus on studying your chosen specialization online. The following four weeks, you'll be interning at a local company full-time 3 days and week, and part-time the remaining 2.

Supercharge your future career in data science by studying things like data analytics, machine learning, and data visualization. Or, specialize in software engineering and gain skills in HTML, CSS, building databases, and implementing APIs. Whatever you choose, you are guaranteed to be highly marketable and sought after by employers within the tech field.

"Through the strong relationships formed with your professor, internship manager, program coordinators, and peers, iX Lisbon was a great investment for both my professional future, my knowledge of the world, and for developing strong friendships with people from all over."


Program Details

iXperience Lisbon – Career Bootcamp + Internship Summer Abroad
Starting Price:
$11,450.00 USD
4.82 Rating
based on 22 reviews
  • Academics 4
  • Support 5
  • Fun 5
  • Housing 4
  • Safety 5

9. Investigate ancient ruins with IES in Rome

The neon word "ROMA" glows in the air in front of the Colosseum in Rome.

Program length: semester (3 months)
Price point: $$$
What's included: shared housing, 3 academic credits, excursions, virtual orientation, support from local staff
Compensation: unpaid


  • Part-time internships allow you to explore Rome in your free time.
  • Past interns felt they could totally immerse themselves in Italian daily life, including learning about the culture and taking language lessons.


  • Budget more for food -- it's not included.
  • Rooms are shared between 2-3 same-sex interns -- if you're someone who needs alone time this could be a concern.

Aspiring archaeologists have the unique opportunity to work on real-life digs in Rome with IES Abroad. Participate in excavations, document artifacts, and help preserve Italian cultural heritage during your semester abroad.

Outside of your part-time internship, you will have the option to take survival Italian language classes as well as go on excursions with fellow interns. You will also have the opportunity to bond with your IES roommates by making dinners together at your apartment or taking trips around Rome, Italy, or the rest of Western Europe.

If you're looking for a short-term internship, they also do a summer session!

"Not only did I learn to adapt to a new work environment and culture but I also learned a lot about myself and improved my cultural intelligence. I gained worldwide skills that you can't learn back at home, and I was also able to attend networking events and met professionals who come from all over the world and found themselves working in Rome."


Program Details

IES Internships Rome
IES Abroad
Starting Price:
$0.00 USD
5.00 Rating
based on 5 reviews
  • Growth 4.8
  • Support 4.8
  • Fun 4.8
  • Housing 5
  • Safety 4.8

10. Join the fashion scene in London with Beyond Academy

A man and woman smile at the camera while on a boat in Cambridge, England.

Program length: 6-24 weeks
Price point: $$$
What's included: career development and networking, local activities and day trips, airport pickup, visa support
Compensation: unpaid or paid depending on specific internship placement


  • Beyond Academy puts a major focus on professional development like career coaching, workshops, and networking.
  • Alumni of the program rave about the support they receive while in London.


  • Accommodation is not included and must be arranged on your own or through the program at an extra cost -- London is expensive!
  • Participants must budget extra for meals while interning in London.

Beyond Academy offers prospective interns a way to step into the bustling world of fashion in London. Known as one of the "Big Four" in the fashion world, London stands with New York, Paris, and Milan as a top destination for those seeking the glitz of the catwalk.

Your internship with Beyond Academy is tailored to you and your interests. You can be matched with fashion-focused positions within areas like design, photography, journalism, public relations, marketing, and more. There really is something for every intern.

Past interns benefited from extensive professional networking and support. You can expect to come out of your program with a polished CV, new industry contacts, and new friends.

"I feel like I was able to grow professionally and personally during this program. The support team encouraged me to step outside of my comfort zone, which gave me the opportunity to make new friends and great memories."


Program Details

London Internships with Beyond Academy
Beyond Academy
Starting Price:
$3,600.00 USD
4.90 Rating
based on 30 reviews
  • Growth 4.7
  • Support 4.95
  • Fun 4.95
  • Housing 4.6
  • Safety 4.95

11. Gain hands-on research skills in Scotland with Adelante Abroad

Three people smiling while sitting in a bus

Program length: 6 weeks
Price point: $$
What's included: private room or shared apartment, pre-departure orientation, airport pickup, excursions/day trips to landmarks
Compensation: unpaid, but academic credit may be offered


  • Adelante Abroad emphasizes the importance of self-growth. Students and interns are encouraged to participate in guided reflection exercise worksheets and prompts designed to help participants achieve concrete, quantifiable skills.
  • Alumni of the program praise the independence they were offered and the professional, friendly environment.


  • You may experience long work days, depending on the focus of your internship.
  • Daily transportation is not included in program cost, so make sure you budget for transportation passes.

Adelante Abroad's Observation & Research Internship Placements allows interns to participate in hands-on projects at prestigious facilities throughout Scotland. The internship is highly customizable, with the choice to be placed in fields such as agricultural business, animal behavior, veterinary, speech and hearing sciences, and more.

Their internships are full-time for six weeks, and are aimed towards students who are dedicated to their field of interest and are excited about gaining international work experience and boosting their resume. Placements are very limited, as they only select 1-2 candidates for most of the fields.

Past interns benefited from getting to shadow professionals in the field, the independence they were given on tasks, and the life skills they gained from navigating a new country on their own. You'll depart from the program with not only applicable skills to use in your career and future, but also an improved sense of independence and discipline!

"I am now a vet student and I believe that my experience in Scotland helped set me apart from the other applicants! I made lifelong connections not only with the other students I lived with but also with the veterinarians and nurses! I cannot rave about this trip enough!"


Program Details

Observation & Research Internship Placements in Scotland
Adelante Abroad
Starting Price:
$5,200.00 USD
4.63 Rating
based on 32 reviews
  • Growth 4.4
  • Support 4.4
  • Fun 4.5
  • Housing 4.45
  • Safety 4.9

12. Learn Japanese and lean into your creative side with Zentern

People Walking on the Street of Tokyo

Program length: 4-24 weeks
Price point: $$
What's included: accommodation assistance, 24/7 support, resume and cover letter help, private mentorship
Compensation: unpaid, but academic credit may be offered


  • With Zentern, you'll have the opportunity to take language courses, tea ceremonies, calligraphy lessons, and other workshops to fully immerse you into Japanese culture.
  • Alumni of the program loved the level of 1:1 professional support they received.


  • While Japanese lessons are offered, it's still advised you learn some basic level of Japanese before starting the internship program. Past participants mentioned communication being tough, but that they still received a lot of help!
  • While their programs start at 4 weeks, consider applying for a longer internship to make the most of your experience! Many alumni mentioned wishing they extended their internships or stayed longer in Japan.

Zentern helps arrange internships in Japan for students looking to travel, grow their career, learn more about Japanese culture, and gain college credit! Participants with Zentern can land internships in a wide range of fields, such as marketing, IT, hospitality, education, and media.

They offer different program types depending on the services you want while abroad. However, every program comes with a guaranteed internship placement, 24/7 support, and professional assistance. You'll leave the program with a new and improved resume, reviewed by professionals in your field!

"Speaking with Zentern put me at ease as they knew exactly what I was looking for. Within a few weeks, they confirmed my internship at a local design firm in Tokyo. My team was truly amazing!!"


Program Details

Discover Japan locally while gaining experience globally!
Zentern - Amazing Internships in Japan
Starting Price:
$550.00 USD
4.98 Rating
based on 46 reviews
  • Growth 4.9
  • Support 4.95
  • Fun 4.9
  • Housing 4.75
  • Safety 5

Take the road less traveled in 2024

Let this list encourage you to take a chance on an interesting internship abroad. You might be surprised by what you can learn if you’re willing to take on something a little more unconventional than a typical 9-to-5. Fuel your passion and gain a unique perspective in 2024!

Read next: How to Budget for Your Internship Abroad