  • United States of America
    • New York
    • Chicago
    • Los Angeles
Advertising Art History Arts Communications Design Fashion Design Film Journalism Marketing Media Relations Music Performing Arts Photography +3

Program Details

Academic Year Fall Spring Spring Break Summer Winter Year Round
Age Min.


Starting Price
Price Details
The program fee includes:

1. Internship Placement: an internship tailored to your career goals.
2. Personalized Coaching: career development workshop, revising your resume and portfolio.
3. Travel Support: We take care of your visa, insurance and housing. We also offer on-site support.
4. The Network: Join an international community. Attend our curated events and meet participants, alumni and creative professionals.
What's Included
Activities Travel Insurance Visa
What's Not Included
Accommodation Airfare
Sep 18, 2023
May 19, 2024
102 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

The ArtBound Initiative (ABI) program connects students and recent graduates with key players in the New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles creative industries. ABI will help you secure your perfect internship and coordinate all travel logistics (including housing, internship visa, insurance, and more).

What types of internships do we offer?

Studio Art (for painters, photographers, ceramists, printmakers, sculptors), Arts Administration, Communications, Marketing, Social Media, Graphic Design, Producing, Exhibitions and Curation, Public Relations, Special Events, Public Programs, Education, Development, and more.

Who will you work with?

Artists, arts foundations, performing arts organizations, galleries, advertising agencies, design studios, film production companies, creative studios, and more.

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Intern in New York/Chicago/Los Angeles and get matched with the best company based on your career goals.
  • Join an international community of creative professionals
  • Become an insider in New York/Chicago/Los Angeles: We will send you the best events, venues and Instagram accounts to follow.

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Program Reviews

4.89 Rating
based on 73 reviews
  • 5 rating 89.04%
  • 4 rating 10.96%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Growth 4.9
  • Support 4.95
  • Fun 4.7
  • Housing 4.45
  • Safety 4.85
Showing 49 - 56 of 73 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Thank-you, Artbound!

I completed an internship in New York with the help of ABI. I felt supported through the entire process - which I found particularly helpful during the confusing visa application process and of course during the big transition to living overseas. Even now, after the completion of my internship, I still have access to that same support and guidance. The company I was placed with fit perfectly with my career objectives and I learned more than I could have ever hoped for. I also lived with three other ABI members - who I know will be lifelong friends of mine. I had the time of my life and I have ABI to thank for that.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
Getting on the plane to live in a country I'd never visited before. But! I knew I had Artbound waiting for me on the other side.
63 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best experience for newly graduated students!

I was a recent graduate when I decided to pursue an internship abroad with ABI. ABI gave me opportunities to connect with like-minded people and connect me with young professionals who can guide and mentor me towards my goal in my career. Having a strong community and relationship is the most important thing to advance in every industry. ABI has a solid network in New York and helps connect easily through its network portal. I'm very surprised at how Laura, founder of the program, could manage to distribute her time for every participant to give a personal mentorship. ABI is a perfect mentorship program for young professionals to grow and connect globally in the creative industry.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
Presenting my report in front of the company founders.
63 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My first step into the industry

I am Leo, I live in Australia and I did a visual effects internship through ArtBound in New York.

Before my ArtBound internship I'd never been over seas by myself so doing a visual effects internship in New York seemed close to impossible. ArtBound set up interviews with a few VFX studios and helped me prepare for them by giving me feedback on my resume and website. Once I was positioned in New York it didn't take long to make friends since ArtBound had set me up in a house with other Australian's who were also doing internships through ArtBound. This internship was the first job I've had in the visual effects industry and Chimney was a great company to start my career off. The work they started me off doing was basic but over time they gave me more and more challenging and interesting tasks.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I would take more time to explore a bit. I was able to go to LA for 3 days which was fantastic but I would have liked to explore the surrounding of New York City more than I did.
62 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Experience in NY

I spent four months in New York as a design intern and the whole process was incredibly seamless thanks to ABI. Their team worked really hard to make sure I had the best experience possible and allowed me to make the most of my time in NY. Being in NY is a scary place to be alone but ABI made sure that we always felt like there was a group to turn to have fun with. The whole experience was incredibly rewarding for my career and was tailored to my specific needs as a designer. They went above and beyond to try and set me up for the future.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
Staying in NY for longer. Definitely miss it after coming back home and I wish I could have been there for longer.
57 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Time Abroad in New York City

Honestly the whole experience from start to finish was incredible. The teaching and advice given is crucial to starting a career and having an international experience globalises your understanding of your chosen industry. It is hard for creatives to get started in their field but with Artbound I no longer have to worry about my jump into the industry.

The time I spent living in New York City is unforgettable. It will always be that "time I lived in NYC" when I refer back to it for the rest of my life. I had more than just a traveller's experience of the city, I lived like the locals did. I caught the train everyday, I got up early for work and I ate where the locals ate. After a bit of time you slowly transition into becoming a New Yorker (or whichever city you choose to go to) and that just enriches your time abroad.

Even in the more difficult parts of the experience that were sometimes unexpected Artbound was there as quick as possible to help me in the best way possible. Having people there and such a good supportive team, made these pressures go away.

I want to thank the entire Artbound team for taking me on this experience that has not only shaped the beginnings of my career but also one of the best experiences of my life!

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
Moving overseas for a few months was definitely a daunting part of the process and I never thought I would be able to do it. But now looking back I am so grateful for the opportunity and proud of myself for doing it. At times it is hard being away for such a long time, but since doing the program I have had numerous doors opened for me.
57 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Invaluable NYC Experience

Without ABI, I wouldn’t have met like-minded people who are just as passionate and creative at this age. I had the opportunity to form a network that helped not only push professional aspirations, but also meaningful friendships.

My NYC internship has given me a step in the creative industry far earlier than I would have ever imagined. ABI catered to my goals and with this personalised experience, helped make the integration - visa, portfolio and resume workshops, interview training - as seamless as possible. They helped connect me with an internship opportunity that I would've never been able to gain this early on in my career. Through this internship, it helped answer questions about what I want to achieve and learn even more in my career, which is an invaluable experience that’s helped shaped my passion in this industry.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Trust the process and put yourself out of your comfort zone - you may discover something about yourself or the city you didn't know before
58 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

An amazing experience from front to end that i won't forget

Just returned from NY a couple days ago and all I have to say is great things about it & ABI. I was nervous going into the program for obvious reasons but they made the whole process a breeze. They organised or helped organise pretty much everything from the accommodation to the visa to the placement so you have to worry about as little as possible. Plus, the CEO of the company is literally a phone call away at all times, is super responsive and never once did it seem like I was bothering her. On top of this the network of local people they set you up with is amazing and super useful to have while you're in the city.

I could detail my unreal time in New York but I feel like New York speaks for itself; it was an amazing experience but at the end of the day without ABI providing the platform for me to get out there I wouldn't have had any of it. Beforehand I had my doubts about wasting time, money etc but I can say confidently that there is not a bone in my body that regrets the last 4 months and I can only recommend that you go ahead and apply to ABI, every other ABI member I met has said the same thing; you just gotta do it.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
Got to meet ASAP Rocky, Lil Pump and Ugly God whilst out and about, crazy experiences each and every one of them!
58 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The best decision of my life

Applying for the ABI program was probably the best decision I ever made! I had the chance to work for a prestigious company right after graduating, and gained a lot of professional experience which isn't always easy in the creative industry. ABI gave me the chance to end up in a company I could otherwise have never even dreamed of. The network and experience I gained here will definitely influence the rest of my career. ABI was also a great help in all the administrative problems that come with working abroad, like arranging the visa and finding a house. Last but not least, with ABI I had the chance to meet other young creatives that are going through the same experience, and making amazing friends from all over the world has probably been the best part of my experience.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
If you're a creative looking for interesting job opportunities and like-minded friends, totally go for it! It's definitely life-changing.
54 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Hi Jana-Aimée, Yes, we do offer internships in design. We can find you an internship that fits your career goals, at a great company, in the specialization of your choice. We'd be happy to advise you on the best design internships that are available for you - feel free to contact us at info@artboundinitiative.com or you can visit our website (https://www.artboundinitiative.com/) and fill out our...