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Seguinland Institute: The Good Life Gap Year

Why choose Seguinland Institute: The Good Life Gap Year?

Three-Time Winner of Award for Best Overall Gap Year Provider by GoOverseas (2020, 2022, 2023)! We create immersive, experiential programs for gap year and college students. Located on a 60-acre homestead peninsula in the coastal woodlands of Maine, our programs combine spacious reflection on questions of The Good Life, immersion in nature, mindfulness practice, the creative arts and a back-to-the-land ethos.

Students taking courses at Seguinland Institute receive college credit through the University of Maine at Farmington. Our grapplings with the big questions are honed by reading good books, paddling sturdy canoes, engaging in discussion, being grasped by awe and wonder, and getting our hands dirty in the garden.

We are a non-profit organization (501c3) founded in 2009.


Diversity & Inclusion

BIPOC Support

At Seguinland Institute, we are intentional about creating positive and respectful educational opportunities within a growth-oriented environment. As a student, you can expect an inclusive learning environment that is free from discrimination or favoritism. You are entitled to freedom from physical or verbal harassment of any shape or form. We agree with Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's idea of "the danger of the single story." We thus create a multi-perspective, multi-narrative approach to all discussions.

LGBTQIA+ Support

At Seguinland Institute, we are intentional about creating positive and respectful educational opportunities within a growth-oriented environment. As a student, you can expect an inclusive learning environment that is free from discrimination or favoritism. You are entitled to freedom from physical or verbal harassment of any shape or form. We agree with Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's idea of "the danger of the single story." We thus create a multi-perspective, multi-narrative approach to all discussions.


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Yes, I recommend this program

A Truly Incredible Experience - Seguinland is everything and more I was looking for

If you'd like to get out of your shell, meet genuine people, and experience the beauty of nature, then Seguinland is your place! I did the May 2023 term and came back in January 2024 for the Wintering program. Don't let the idea of winter deter you from this term, It was truly one of the best three weeks of my life. The outdoor activities were just as fun as the indoor ones. Our cohort bonded through some amazing trips. We got to dog sled, go ice fishing, and skiing. We built a fire in the snow, ate incredible meals prepared by staff and students, and even had a dance party on the last day. Before I came here I had never shared my writing with anyone, but the guidance and support I received was truly a gift. It gave me the confidence to call myself a writer, and the mindset to love and enjoy my cohort's writing as well. Everyone's experience at Seguinland is different, but I can confidently say that everyone leaves this place with a new outlook on life.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice would be to just go for it! Take risks, be yourself, and go into this program with an open mind and a sense of adventure! If you want to get out of your comfort zone, be more independent, and find yourself, this program is a cozy fit. I have made life-long friendships with the students from this program, and the staff is more than just leaders, they're family. Seguinland Institute highly values community-building, and allows for students to co-create the program, which truly brings everyone together. I also suggest reaching out to the Staff if you're considering attending. They're incredibly friendly and will answer any questions you have! (there is also a good handful of alumni who would be happy to email/call to talk about their experiences/answer questions.)
  • Wonderful people
  • So SO much laughter and joy
  • Amazing food
  • Somewhat unreliable laundry facilities
  • Weather can change plans (in winter)
  • Program does not provide bedding/towels for students (can be a little inconvenient for those traveling by plane)
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Yes, I recommend this program

An Experience Like No Other

To say the Seguinland institute is a special place is an understatement. This place is truly one an unparalleled experience that cannot be replicated. At Seguinland, the forces of creativity, friendship, exploration, and nature meet to create an unforgettable experience. All thanks to the incredible staff who are truly dedicated to making the best possible experience for every student. The staff are uniquely passionate about what they do and facilitate a genuine and strong community. The experimental academics were thought provoking, engaging, had lots of amazing guest speakers, and real world learning experiences. I am so thankful that I chose to come to seguinland as it was an incredible experience I won’t be forgetting.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
Lychen chips and cat tails.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life changing experience

Over a year after my program at Seguinland ended, it’s still rare for a day to pass that I don’t think about it. It was, undoubtedly, the best choice I could’ve made for where to spend my gap year.

Starting with the housing, I fell in love with my cottage. Despite being one of the smaller ones it felt like there was always enough space to have guests or to find a place to be alone for a bit.

The activities were always engaging, even as somebody with pretty bad ADHD. We covered plenty of ground in my program, both figuratively and literally. There’s a great blend of physical activity, meditation, and literary studies, as well as plenty of opportunities for creative expression.

The most important and profound aspect of it all, however, was the community, and I cannot praise the staff enough for their part in shaping that community. If I had met my entire cohort through a high school class I don’t know for sure if I would be friends with any of them, but thanks to the ways a community is built and encouraged at Seguinland, I consider myself friends with everyone in our group of 20. To this day, we still have monthly zoom calls and many of us talk to each other even more often, with even a couple relationships that started during our program still going strong.

If you are considering going to Seguinland even slightly, I cannot recommend it enough.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Embrace stepping out of your comfort zone. Considering everything you’ll be doing, there will probably be at least one thing that you’ll think won’t be for you, but every experience is at the very least worth trying.
  • Great food
  • Surrounded by nature
  • Something for everyone
  • Could use more optional activities on weekends
  • Internet access is restricted. This is a pro in some cases but can also be very frustrating in cases like calling family
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Yes, I recommend this program

Live 'The Good Life' on the Coast of Maine with a Splash of Thoreau

Seguinland was an incredible and immersive program that challenged me to be my best self. We began our mornings with meditation and yoga, followed by thoughtful discussions about our readings from the previous night. We would spend our time up in the treehouse while getting lost in conversation for hours. Everyone was able to bring their unique perspective and analysis to the circle. I elected to do The Food Life track which took advantage of our beautiful location by doing activities such as lobstering, oystering, foraging, farming, and more. We interacted with the local community and learned about what it means to live a Good Life--- or if it even exists at all. I think about my time up there every day and yearn to have an experience like that again where I can disconnect from the outside world and give 100% of myself to what is important.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
Everyone was asked to bring a family recipe to cook for the group one night. I got to experience different cuisines and dishes both from different regions of the states and different countries! We were able to learn about each other's culture and background through a culinary adventure!
  • Take a deep breath
  • Build a tight-knit group
  • Once in a lifetime experience
  • I'm never on my phone anymore (which isn't really a con)
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Yes, I recommend this program

The Good Life

Everyone’s mere participation in the program at Seguinland demonstrated their buy-in. With this foundation set, I felt free to dive as deep into the programming as I wished. The three courses felt accessible but fulfilling, and the more I put in, the more I got out.

As much as I enjoyed the programming itself, I especially appreciated the ample free time we were given to enjoy a slower pace of life in a beautiful place with people whose perspectives ranged widely but whose values were shared. Every argument was for the sake of heaven; many moments feel still too precious to share.

The greatest gift Seguinland gave me — to paraphrase a passage from Philip’s course — was allowing me the time and space to dwell in my own mystery and in the mystery of others.

Regarding the quotidian:
- The food was delicious (when we followed Katie’s instructions)
- I don’t think I got any “better” at yoga, but it was a treat to start each day with an hour of mindfulness under Ida’s expert instruction
- The cottages are cozy. It took some time, but eventually we figured out how to care for our cottage together, and we achieved a peaceful coexistence
- The frequent day trips helped break up the weeks, and the weekly sauna plunges satisfyingly marked their closes

In the end, I felt like I’d lived through one vision of the Good Life. Though it is up to the participant what they choose to take from the program, if you feel called to it, you probably instinctively understand its potential impact – and you also know that there is no substitute for experience!


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