Tingua, Intercultural Experiences


Why choose Tingua?

Tingua promotes a positive and sustainable social impact throughout the world, encouraging intercultural understanding through our International Volunteer and Internship Programs.

We have established deeply-rooted, long-term bonds with reputable organizations committed to reach social goals.

Tingua is an organisation certified as a B Corp, it means that Tingua reaches the highest standards of social and environmental performance and is part of a global movement of entrepreneurs using business as a force for solving social and environmental problems.



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Mon expérience sur l'équithérapie

You should know that this experience is not only for people who can ride horses. You work with a psychologist, children and horses. The work is done on foot and not on horse, so it is possible to participate in this experience having never had contact with a horse. The important thing is to be smiling and present to be able to help the psychologist during her work. This is a very interesting experience because if you stay long enough, you can see that there are really changes in the behavior of the children with whom we work: openness, listening, balance ...!
It is an experience that I highly recommend in order to enrich oneself personally and to be able to help people who need it!

Il faut savoir que cette expérience n'est pas seulement réservée aux personnes sachant monter à cheval. Vous travaillez avec une psychologue, des enfants et des chevaux. Le travail se fait à pieds et non à cheval, il est donc possible de participer à cette expérience en ayant jamais eu de contact avec un cheval. L'important est d'être souriant et présent pour pouvoir aider la psychologue lors de son travail. C'est une expérience vraiment très intéressante car si on reste suffisamment longtemps, on peut s'apercevoir qu'il y a réellement des changements sur les comportements des enfants avec lesquels on travaille : ouverture d'esprit, écoute, équilibre...!
C'est une expérience que je recommande fortement afin de s'enrichir personnellement et de pouvoir aider des personnes qui en ont besoin !

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
There are many surprising things in Argentina, the one that surprised me the most is the maté culture. For example, you talk for 5 minutes with a person in the street and she offers to share a mate. It's a sharing culture that's really great! Mate is drunk everywhere: at work, in a park, at home, with friends etc!

Il y a beaucoup de choses surprenantes en Argentine, celle qui m'a le plus surpris est la culture du maté. Par exemple, vous parlez pendant 5 minutes avec une personne dans la rue et elle vous propose de partager un maté. C'est une culture du partage qui est vraiment géniale ! Le maté se boit partout : au travail, dans un parc, chez soi, avec des amis etc !
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Yes, I recommend this program

Agentina mi pais


My experience in Cordoba has taught me many things, the first was learning to deceive myself and discover another culture and another country. Then I learned another language that I like a lot.

Regarding my project with the children of the jadin I really like to work with the dreams and the children learned the patience and the real work because there are many things to do that I did not do in France and I saw the difference between France and Argentina that need some implication and difficulties to make the spots I felt very useful for this, learn a lot in the value of things. The people that they bring here are very nice and very invested for the children. My accompaniment helped me a lot because before I do not speak a word of Spanish, it is necessary to learn a little bit of the language. There is a free school to understand the necessary to communicate. My tutoring was very nice and I took care of myself during all the time of my project.

An experience that I do not forget for all my life ..


Mi experiencia en Cordoba me ha ensenado muchas cosas , la primera fue aprender a engañarme sola y descubrir una orta cultura y otro pais . Entonces apreder una otra idioma que me gusta mucho .
Referente mi proyecto con los ninos del jadin me gusta mucho de trabajar con las suenos y los ninos aprendido la paciencia y el verdadero trabajo por que hay muchas cosas a hacer que no haciia en francia y vi la diferenciaentre francia y agentina que necesitomas implicacións y dificultades para hacer las manchas me sentí muy útil por esto, aprende mucho en el valor de las cosas. La gente que trajan aqui son muy simpatico y muy investido para los ninos. Mi acompanamiento me servio mucho por que antes no hablouna palabra de espanol necessito des apreder un poquito la idioma hay Escuela gratis para entender el necesario para comunicar . Mi tutoria fue muy simpatica y se oscupar de yo durante todo el tiempo de mi proyecto . Encontro mucho gente que tiene un lugarmuy importante en mi corazon en particular mi familia de Cordoba Analia y Julio me encanta de vivir con ellos son muy adorable y me extreno much todo el tiempo , volviste para le ver y presentarlos a mi mama.

Una experiencia que no olvido para toda mi vida.

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Yes, I recommend this program

My great experience in Cordoba

I was in Cordoba for four Month. It was my first time being out of Europe and traveling to South America. I visited a Language school and volunteered in a Football-club. Everybody welcomed me openhearded and friendly. The organasation was very reliable and could always count on them. It was one of the best ways to get my first experiences in another continent and in a different culture. I got to know a lot of lovely people to whom I still am in contact. During my time in the Football-club I had the chance to train children. It was a really amazing experience and I could learn Spanish very well in talking to natives.

I would always travel with this organisation again.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
It was very surprising to experience the lifestyle of the South Americans in their daily routine.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great Experience

I stayed in Cordoba for 3 months and did a two-month medical internship via Tingua Experience.
I felt really comfortable and had a great time working at the hospital.
The residence I stayed in was great, with many people from all kinds of countries, who were really open and friendly. It was located in the city centre, really close to the hospital, Cordobas night life and to the Spanish School.
The Spanish School had a great atmosphere and I quickly met many new friends.
On the weekends we went on many trips, many of them organised by Tingua.
I had a wonderful time and was really happy with Tingua Experience.
I would recommend it to anyone who wants to earn medical experience, to meet locals and new friends from all over the world, and learn the Spanish language.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Medical Internship

I really enjoyed my time in Cordoba and my internship.
I had a nice host family and a lot of freedom to go on adventures on the weekend.
The internship was very interesting and so different to the one I did in Germany. I've learned a lot and experienced things I would not have the change to experience in Germany.

I met so many nice people and went on a lot of fun weekend adventures.
Some adventures were also offered to us and we didn't have to do the planing or anything. They were also very cheap.

The people who took care of the program were so nice and interested in us and that we enjoy our stay. We could connect with them all the time to ask something or if we needed any help.

All in all I would recommend this to everybody who is interested in medicine and also open-minded and willing to meet new people, go on adventures but who is also not afraid to work hard and experience the hospital live to it's foulest.


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