Global Leadership Adventures (GLA)

Program Reviews

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GLA Costa Rica- Beachside service Adventure

I had the best 10 days of my life on this trip! It was not nearly long enough and I'm going back with GLA for 21 days this year. Costa Rica is a beautiful country that GLA does an amazing job of showing to it's students. We learned so much about the culture and how to respect the way of life while there. One of my favorite lessons learned was responsible voluntourism. My service project was to help a local elementary school with a garden and murals. We cleaned out a patch in their back yard area then built garden beds. We also talked to the students about what they wanted on their walls then painted sustainability themed murals. My personal favorite activity was playing soccer with the most beautiful backdrop with local kids. Back at home base after long service days we learned lessons about leadership and service. Meals were eaten outside under the stars or on the balcony overlooking the beach. The nightly "taste of Costa Rica" dish allowed us to sample the local cuisine. Though I was there for just 10 days I made amazing friends and memories to last a lifetime.

What was your funniest moment?
One day at my service site while painting we heard a swell of noise from the tree behind the school. The child next to me said "monos". I was on my feet running for the tree before I could think. Within the limited Spanish I could remember from school the word for monkey was still in my vocabulary. My friends rushed around me and we stared at about 15 monkeys in the tree. There was even a baby clinging to its mother. I was speechless. Though the moment was more amazing than funny to us GLA students the students at escuela paraiso though it was funny. The monkeys was a weekly occurrence for them whereas all i get to see at school is birds and the occasional squirrel. With the children laughing around me and the monkeys screeching above me I realized how amazing it was that I was able to experience this different life in another country.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life-changing Experience!

I had an incredible experience serving at a local school, bonding with my fellow participants, taking the opportunity to practice my Spanish, as well as learning about the history and culture of Guatemala. This program has helped to shape the person I am. It was the perfect balance between service, cultural activities, and forming what have become lasting friendships with my peers and mentors. I would highly recommend entering the program with an open mind. It may seem overwhelming at first but that will quickly grow into excitement. GLA does an amazing job of reminding you to take a breath then giving you nudge outside of your comfort level to the place where you will grow, learn, and enjoy yourself the most.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Keep a journal! You will definetly want to be able to look back on your trip once you return home and it’s a great way to reflect on your experience as you go.
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Sophia "Sophie"
Yes, I recommend this program

One of the Best Experiences in My Life

This past summer I was lucky enough to go on a summer program to Bali. I did the Bali Global Health Initiative, which was where I was able to dive into the health care system in Bali, have hands on learning where we got to go into local people's homes and take their basic health information, and teach children in local schools about hygiene, eating healthy, and exercising. Not only was it incredible to meet the locals and also learn more about health, but also all the people on the trip were so amazing, thoughtful, and engaged. The friends and connections I have made on my trip will continue to last with me for a long time. Lastly, I was able to become more independent and learn more about myself and who I am as a person. GLA creates such an amazing opportunity for students to not only find their passions, but also learn more about themselves, how they can become better people, and what they can contribute to the world. This trip has changed me for the better in so many ways, and I recommend this trip to anyone who wants to learn more about a very different culture, handle medical gear, and make life-long friendships.

What would you improve about this program?
The only thing that I would change about this trip is to give kids who are planning to go on the trip a heads up about the language. In Bali it was hard to communicate with the locals because we did not understand Balinese well and they did not understand English well, so at times it was difficult. With that, I would give a little handbook that includes more of the language so that kids can learn a little more of the language before they come.
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Global Health Initiative - Dominican Republic

Hi! My name is Lillian and I am a GLA alumni. My trip through Global Leadership Adventures was one of the most incredible experiences I have had in my entire life. I went to the Dominican Republic for two weeks on a trip focusing on health. I went into the trip with little expectation, but fearful to travel to an unfamiliar country without my family and surrounded by new faces. The trip was everything and more that I hoped it would be and I am so thankful that I was given the opportunity to embark on this adventure. I had life-changing experiences working with the locals, learning about other cultures, and getting to understand the reality of life in a third world country. Not only was the work we did so valuable and unforgettable, but I made friends that I know I will have for a lifetime. Overall, the trip was the best two weeks of my life, where I learned so much and had so much fun!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
One day, we went to the most beautiful lagoon and got to zip-line over it. But there is a twist, you had to let go of the zip-line and plunge 30 feet down into the water. It is one of the best memories from my trip and I would do it all over again if i could! It definitely tested by fear of heights and spontaneous attitude, but I am so proud of myself for doing it and having an awesome time cheering on everyone else who was just as afraid as I was!
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A million words can't begin to explain

Hi! I am a Global Leadership Adventures Alumni and I had an amazing trip with GLA. I choose Ghana: children of Africa and this was the best experience of my life. In Ghana, we lived in a house that was in the village I volunteered in. There wasn't ever any moment that I felt unsafe. At the age of 15, this was not only my first time traveling into Africa but my first time traveling alone. I feel that I have grown a lot, everything from no longer having a single story of Africa to knowing how to check in my bags. I didn't know much about the culture. shortly after arriving we got a little history and visited a host family to learn how to speak some Krobo. The program staff were very supportive and were always there to talk if you needed anything. a million words can't begin to explain the love, joy, and so many more emotions from this trip.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
The most nerve-racking moment wouldn't be during the trip but rather flying alone without my parents for the first time. I am glad that I now know I am confident to fly by my self.
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Wow! GLA Peru was the best experience of my life. It was filled with growth, learning, service, friends, and fun. Every day of the program was well thought out and planned. I would definitely recommend! It was an amazing experience that allowed me to meet other students who love to travel and help other people! I would a 100% recommend GLA Peru! It was such a life changing experience. We did so many fun activity’s from hiking the Andes to zip lining! This trip was filled with so much servic too! We would do service in the morning and then have an adventure in the afternoon! For example if we did service in the morning somethimes in the afternoon we would go out in the town or have a music lesson! The lodging is very nice, it is a hostel that is just for GLA use! The owners are so nice and the hostel is gorgeous!

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
The scariest moment of the whole trip woudl have to be getting on a plane by myself, that was very frightening! But I got through it and had no problem! I wasn’t even nervous flying home!
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Yes, I recommend this program

A million words can begin to explain

Hi! I am a Global Leadership Adventures Alumni and I had an amazing trip with GLA. I choose Ghana: children of Africa and this was the best experience of my life. In Ghana, we lived in a house that was in the village I volunteered in. There wasn't ever any moment that I felt unsafe. At the age of 15, this was not only my first time traveling into Africa but my first time traveling alone. I feel that I have grown a lot, everything from no longer having a single story of Africa to knowing how to check in my bags. I didn't know much about the culture. shortly after arriving we got a little history and visited a host family to learn how to speak some Krobo. The program staff were very supportive and were always there to talk if you needed anything. a million words can't begin to explain the love, joy, and so many more emotions from this trip.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
The most nerve-racking moment for me would not be during the trip but, rather learning to fly without my parents for the first time. I'm glad I have learned this life long skill.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Experience with The Haiti Global Health Initiative

I had an amazing time traveling with GLA to participate in the Haiti Global Health Initiative. Even before we left I felt so prepared; our program coordinator had done several group skypes with me and the other families, going into detail about what to wear, how much money to bring, what to do when I land, etc.
The staff was so friendly, and all my mentors were amazing. They were young, fun and got to know every one of us over the course of the 10 days.
The adventures themselves were great. Hiking up to the Citadel was quite the workout, but almost went quickly as we were entertained by the locals who came with us on the way up. Beach day was also one of my favorite days, where my new friends and I got to relax on the soft sands and swim at one of Haiti's Caribbean beaches.
The service work I got to do in Haiti was the most rewarding part of the entire trip. Building a school beside the locals and their children was amazing. By the end of our time there we had made true friends, despite the language barrier. The pop-up clinics were also very enjoyable because again we got to interact with locals while asking about their medical history and taking their temperature, which some had never done before.
The only reason I didn't give the program a 10/10 is because the food gets a bit repetitive. The first few nights it tastes delicious, but it is the same few foods nearly every night (excluding pizza night, the last night there). There also just isn't a lot of food available, so I highly recommend bringing a lot of snacks.
Overall though, I had an incredible experience. The trip was beyond what I could ever. imagine, and if I could I would definitely go back.

What would you improve about this program?
Like I said before, just the food. Maybe more options, and just more in general. My shorts were a size too large by the end of the trip!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best 2 weeks of my life

My summer volunteer work in South Africa was the best two weeks of my life. I learned so much about the conservation of black rhinos and elephants, and what I can do to help at home. I also got to meet really cool people from around the world. Our counselors were outstanding and I felt so at home and safe the entire trip. The food was amazing and our sleeping arrangments were so cool I really felt like I was a part of the bush yet still secure in my room the entire time. Our guides on the trip were super educated and had been in Africa their entire life basically so every question that was asked was, for the most part, answered with ease. The trip was a perfect mixture of service, education, and free time. I recommend everybody should go on a trip like this once in their life.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I would go for longer. This was my first trip with GLA so I wanted to start off slow with the two-week program but I regret doing that. I wish I could've stayed for a full month with all of our amazing counselors and all the awesome people that were on the trip with me.
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Fiji: Marine Conservation Program

My experience is something I wouldn't want to trade for the world. I experienced the best moments where I was able to become carefree and happy. It wasn't just fun through doing fun activites like swimming or traveling, but I made the most of my time by learning and serving others. Although it was incredible meeting all sorts of people from all over. I'm from New Jersey and I was able to meet people from the California, China, and much more. Creating friendships that although may be limited transcend the little island that we resided. Learning from experiences that teach me to become happy, selfless, and better. To this day I'm still inspired and remincise about those days when worry was gone and freedom to express was very much a thing that wasne't judge. I still dream about swimming in the crystal ocean and the dark caves among the fish.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice is too become very open minded. You will meet different people that appear different and act different, but that doesn't mean don't share common ground. It's important not to become reclusive, but inclusive so that you are able to maximize the very short time you have.