Global Leadership Adventures (GLA)

Program Reviews

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Satisfied Parent

The summer of 2017, I sent my twins to Costa Rica on the Beachside Service Adventure with Global Leadership Adventures and I could not be more happy that I did. Not only did they have the opportunity to grow as individuals, they grew as part of a group and established lasting connections with their peers. They had a great time and I am so glad I was able to enable their growth! Moreover, the staff was very helpful and understanding. They are very knowledgeable and settled any of my concerns over the phone and made it easy to be a parent sending their child on a life-changing excursion.

What would you improve about this program?
I would have liked for the blog to be updated a little more frequently than it was while my kids were abroad.
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Great experience

I am so happy that my daughter and I found GLA. It has helped her grow as a person and a global citizen. I am proud of the person she has developed into. The safety and security that I feel her being there helps me as a parent know she is growing and developing. I have had other parents tell me stories about their children's trips through other programs and I am so happy that my child has gone on GLA.

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My summer In Fiji with Global Leadership Adventures

I've traveled twice with global leadership adventures and had amazing life experiences and unforgettable adventures met new people and learned so much about the world. Last summer, I traveled with Global Leadership Adventures to the islands of Fiji for three weeks and had a fantastic experience. I made strong relationships with the people on my trip, learned so much about the culture and the language, experienced new foods, went on several unforgettable adventures, and learned a lot about myself and who I want to be. GLA has led me to some of the best experiences in my life and I never want the adventuring to end. They have taught me how to be a part of a community I don't belong to and to help everyone who needs it in a respectful manner. GLA has developed me into the person I am and has helped me idealize who I want to be in my future. I don't know what my life would be like without Global Leadership Adventures and the amazing trip I went on in Fiji.

What would you improve about this program?
Have more boat transportation and more Dramamine available.
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I had an amazing time on the Empowering Rainforest Communities trip to Costa Rica with Global Leadership Adventures. Everything from the wildlife to the food to the culture made a memory for a lifetime. My group did struggle with internal relationships, but we worked through hard times together, as our task was mentally and physically challenging. The climate was a rainforest, so it rained a lot... and then some. I wasn’t quite prepared for the humidity and rain, as I am from a dryer climate. But I learned to live with wet clothes. Make sure to keep money or important documents from molding.

What would you improve about this program?
More time with the locals maybe.
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Olivia's Teen trip to Guatemala

For anyone who is considering doing a TEEN Volunteer Program I would HIGHLY recommend Global Leadership Adventures Guatemala trip, My daughter expressed interest in going on this trip at the age of 14 and as a parent I was nervous. I did my due diligence and there was no reason to stop her from going. The safety, support and communication from the Global Leadership Adventures staff to the hosting and staff in the US and Guatemala were very comforting to parents and our teens. Had anxiety of sending my child to another country as an unaccompanied minor and it turns out, she loved it, was safe and had no problems with travel. Not to mention she enjoy this trip so much because of the wonderful staff at GLA, the outstanding service programs, and relationships she built with children in Guatemala. My daughter loved the program so much she's off to Thailand in June 2018. So if you are considering going on a Global Leadership Adventure Program join the facebook groups and ask questions to teens and parents that have sent their kids on the programs. It's like joining a big family. Everyone is so helpful and supportive. Get onto GLA webinars they help answer so many questions.

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A summer that words can never do justice

Traveling to another country all by yourself the scariest thing at first, but trust me it's not. Going to Fiji this summer was the single best thing that could have happen to me. I learned so much things about myself that I never could have imagined. When being put in so many situations that put me out of my comfort zone challenged me and also helped me grow for the better. You wouldn't believe the friends you make and how quickly you all come to be family. Being with these people for three weeks straight while sharing so many memories is so touching, I never wanted to leave them. We spent most of our trip on the island of Naviti, there we stayed at a small resort and traveled by boat to the village. When going into the village we were welcomed with open arms by the locals, constantly playing with the young kids and enjoying the delicious food the women graciously made for us. Volunteer work ranged from teaching english, to helping build rain water tanks, and preserving marine wildlife. Although the work was the most rewarding, adventures of the island were just as breath taking. We would climb the volcanic terrain as well as swam along the reef and jumped off the dive tower into the crystal blue water. There was never a dull moment there, especially with such friendly staff who loved to play volleyball with us. If you are considering going on a service trip I would forever recommend it, even if you don't know anyone cuz we are all in the same boat there. I couldn't imagine anyone not having the time of their life on this trip, it truly was extraordinary.

What would you improve about this program?
Maybe more time spent in the village to socialize with the locals a little bit more
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Costa Rica Trip

This past summer, I traveled to Costa Rica with Global Leadership Adventures. I had an amazing time! I met so many new people, experienced a new culture, and went on many amazing adventures. I would recommend this program to all high school students! I truly immersed myself in the community and grew in my Spanish skills too! I met so many amazing friends who I still keep in touch with and visit! I got to go hiking, swimming, zip lining, snorkeling, horseback riding, rafting, and more.

What would you improve about this program?
It’s already awesome :)
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Dad's GLA Review

I was very impressed with my daughter’s service-learning experience with GLA in Tanzania last summer. She received thoughtful guidance and immersion into the local culture and day to day living in the village of Arusha near Kilimanjaro. Here the students give of their time and knowledge to teach and help in executing community projects that improve the lives of local citizens. In turn they learn what it is to engage another culture through their traditions and beliefs. And they are introduced to the diversity of the natural environment that my daughter could only describe as wonderfully strange. This intense three week international experience was inspiring and enriching and reminded my daughter and our family of the promise for what it is to be a global citizen.

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Mom's GLA Review

My daughter went on a a 3 week program in Tanzania with the GLA last summer 2017. I had never heard of GLA prior to 2017 but after her expressed interests in taking part in this program, I read everything I could find about it and felt good enough to register her. Everything went without a hitch, all preparations prior to departure were done quickly and painless ourselves because everything was prescribed. And before long, it was departure time, and off she goes to Africa, on her own, meeting up with other teens going to the same program on their flights there to Tanzania. While she was in Africa, I didn’t worry at all because I got email and blog updates on what the kids are up to, with pictures even. I could call her if I needed to, and she could call me and text me while there. All in all, she had “the best 3 weeks of her life so far” and the memories and lessons learned are priceless! I would let her do it again, if she so inclined. I am glad she got to experience this incredible adventure on her own with other teens her age and with experienced guides and a local organizer. This is something that will affect her long after the trip is over.

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Costa Rica Volunteer Experience

My name is Madison and I participated in the two week animal rescue project in Costa Rica. This was an unforgettable experience of a lifetime! I learned so many new things, met amazing people and had a blast! Before deciding if I was going to go on this trip, I was extremely nervous. I had never been out of the country without my parents before. This was going to be my first time away from my family, and for two whole weeks! This fear quickly went away when I was sitting at the airport waiting for my plane to board and I saw a girl wearing the GLA shirt that I was wearing. I went up to her and we talked about our love for dogs and how excited/nervous we were to go on this trip! When we arrived in Costa Rica we were greeted with our amazing mentors! I will never forget these lovely ladies! They made me feel right at home and I felt prepared to take on the next two weeks. When we arrived at our base, some other kids and I played card games while waiting for everyone to arrive. This was a real bonding experience and we all connected so quickly. Being only 14 at the time, I was the youngest one there but everyone was so kind and included everyone in things. My favorite thing about this trip was the relationships I built with everybody. In fact, everyone on the trip made a group chat and we text each other every day on it! We have maintained a close relationship and I am so glad to have these lifelong friends. The activities we accomplished every day made me feel like I was really making a difference. We helped clean dogs at the shelter, paint fences, pour cement, and much more! After a hard day's work, the mentors took us on amazing "relaxing days". These includes hiking to a beautiful waterfall, going to a hot spring, and learning how to surf. The mentor did a great job of making everyone feel comfortable and they made sure we took advantage of every minute we had together! When we returned to the base at night after working at the animal shelter, we would have team bonding games, movie nights and game nights. These were a blast! I remember one night we were watching Moana and everyone was singing along to the songs! Also, we played charades and more fun singing games. Clearly we had a group that loved to sing very much because when we were on our long bus rides, everyone would sing karaoke together! This was an amazing trip and to anyone who is considering going, I say do it! You will not regret it and you will make lifelong memories!