Global Leadership Adventures (GLA)

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program


I could say endlessly good things about this program! As a first time GLA traveler, I did not know what to expect when I first signed up for the program, but I can honestly say that my global perspective has been changed completely. The staff were incredible and I met some of the most genuine and kind individuals, all with the same sense of adventure. Being able to interact with a completely different culture along with participating in a variety of other activities was so exciting and truly made me value every experience that I had. Each day, from zip-lining to hot springs to the volunteer work at the primary school, left us with new lessons and leadership abilities that I still apply to daily life back home. Because I loved my experience on this GLA trip so much, I even signed up to attend another trip next summer!

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
The most nerve-wracking moment for me was during our first day of volunteering. We completely stepped out of our comfort zones and taught classes of 15-20 kids, all who spoke another language. It was really daunting to walk into the classroom and immediately have 20 pairs of eyes directly on you. I remember having to build up the confidence to step into the classroom and introduce myself in Spanish. However, after seeing the enthusiasm that the kids had whenever we introduced a new lesson completely made my anxiety go away. Being surrounded by the other students and staff members also calmed my nerves. Teaching ended up being extremely rewarding despite the nerves I had and I value the experience tremendously.
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Great Cultural Experience, Great Fun -- Huge Success for my Teen

Thank you for providing a wonderful experience for the students. I loved that the culture of GLA is real cultural exchange -- not wealthy Americans showering help on poorer communities -- but learning on both sides. The housing and food were excellent. I at first thought the cost was high, but when you consider the entirety of the experience, which included a weekend away in a hotel, all of the meals and excoursions, it actually was a very fair price. We will look into future trips in summers to come. Thank you!

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Guatemala experience for my daughter.

I can't say enough wonderful things about Global Leadership Adventures, the program, staff communication and service was very impressive. They were very informative about all aspects involved to send a child overseas to protect students safety and well being. I had never sent my child out of the country before and was very nervous , concerned and cautious with planning and the details. GLA staff was wonderful with provide information, documentation and answering questions in a timely manner. As a result my daughters trip was a huge success. She came back a changed girl with a different outlook on gratitude, appreciation and responsibilities. She loved the staff who made her feel at home and built wonderful friendships within the Guatemala country and with GLA students and staff. If you are considering a trip with GLA I would highly recommend the wonderful learning experience. It is an opportunity for teens to grow, learn and experience the unknown.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Daughter loved GLA!!

Hi! My daughter has gone on 3 absolutely amazing GLA trips! She has had so many beneficial experiences! Each trip she has gone on I have felt so safe with her leaving! The communication and help I received from the GLA staff made such a difference. I had many questions the first trip she went on and they were always there to answer them! One of the best parts was seeing the blog of what they were up to each day! Coming back she had so many amazing stories to tell! I completely recommend GLA!!!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing time!

Hi all! I am a Global Leadership Adventures Alumni and I had an amazing time in Peru, Ghana and Thailand with GLA! I really recommend GLA! The housing experience was great! GLA Peru rented out a hotel in Cusco, for both the 2 week and the 3 week groups. In Ghana we all stayed in a house together and in Thailand we also had a hotel! I felt very safe there! I had never been to Peru, Ghana or Thailand, so I felt that by being there I grew, a lot! I understood much of their culture and what their lifestyles are like. The program staff were very supportive! I felt that I was able to talk to them about whatever I needed, or if I was frustrated with other students! Overall I recommend GLA to all High School age students

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Empowering Rainforest Communities - GLA 2017 trip

This past summer I was fortunate enough to embark on a life changing journey to Costa Rica where I spent 2 weeks living in the rainforest doing service work. This trip taught me so much about myself and about what I want to do with my life. Global Leadership Adventures plays a big role in the impact my service trip had on me. From the moment I stepped off the plane in Costa Rica, GLA’s staff was there to greet me and they continued being incredible throughout the two weeks! After returning home from my Costa Rica trip, I have become more outgoing and stepped outside of my comfort zone so much! One tip I have for future GLA changemakers is to just let go and live in the moment. I would definitely recommend GLA to anyone who is passionate about giving back and being the change!

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Dana Christian
Yes, I recommend this program

Children of the Maya

My 16 year old daughter traveled to Guatemala with Global Leadership Adventures in the summer of 2017. The experience was life-changing. Being immersed in a Spanish speaking culture teaching children English offered the perfect balance of challenge and fun. Grace learned so much about herself, leadership and the challenges & blessings of education. She was able to compare & contrast Education system in the US with that of a small, impoverished town in Guatemala, seeing the beauty and brokenness in both systems. Grace came home more compassionate, inspired to create change in her own community and to be more courageous in her own life to help her grow. This personal growth will allow her to have more to offer those she serves & works side by side with on her next Global Leadership trip in summer 2019.

What would you improve about this program?
More learning circles, debrief, and question time at night with the in-country leaders and GLA leaders. Have leadership on the ground in the city explain more about their specific area of immersion- in this case it's the education system.
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Yes, I recommend this program

He is Still Talking About It

Our 17 year old son went to GLA's Sea Turtle Initiative for spring break 2018 to help finish off his volunteer hours required for graduation and he was blown away. He'd already traveled to many countries (10+, many on his own) so we were surprised by the impact. This experience was unlike any he'd previously had in that it was very remote and he was directly involved with the local community while free from the influence of western culture.

The staff was kind, and their genuine concern for the locals and the environment was an eye-opener for our son. He has a new understanding of our impact of humans on Earth and I believe many of the lessons he learned will stay with him for life. He now reminds us to correct our daily habits with regard to conservation and recycling, talks about nature / indigenous populations / wildlife with an educated, informed opinion and sees news headlines under a new light. He is PAYING ATTENTION.

We genuinely believe this program has changed our teen's life. Don't hesitate to send yours.

What would you improve about this program?
I can't think of anything needing improvement.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Belize Children’s Initiative Review

This past summer I traveled to Belize through GLA and it was one of the best experiences of my life. I found the program through a friend who had done a program two years before. She said it was be a life changing experience and she was not wrong. Not only did I make friends within the group I was volunteering, but I also made strong connections with some of children we worked with. One girl from my class emails me weekly to stay in touch! The program allows you to immerse yourself in another culture- nothing touristy. From cooking classes with our cook to shopping in the city markets, I truly felt like a native while in Belize. The housing was wonderful and had various hiking paths and a water hole for swimming. Overall it was a wonderful experience that I would recommend to anyone who wants to broader their understanding of our world and the people in it.

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The Initiative for Children Volunteer Experience

I had one of the most amazing experiences of my life when I went on the Costa Rica Initiative for Children program through Global Leadership Adventures. Since my sister, who is only a year younger than me, came on the trip with me, my experience was different from most of the students, who came completely alone. Still, traveling to another country with a bunch of strangers seemed scary at first, but our group got in touch before even arriving in Costa Rica (I highly recommend getting in touch before the trip- this helps with packing too) and my nerves eased after meeting our guides and other students. As soon as I sat down with my group at the airport, I was given some local cookies and added into the game of Uno. Our host, Alfredo, provided us with nice housing and fed us very well with traditional Costa Rican food and a variety of local foods, including coffee from Alfredo's own plantations to cheese from a family we met who lived down the street. We also had a lake and dock on the property, which we had plenty of time to swim at. The staff was very flexible and accommodating, such as letting my sister and I get up early and work out (we are intense athletes) before breakfast, and they even offered to take us kayaking on the lake before everyone was up. Our staff I never felt bored on the program and was happily surprised by all the activities we did, since the majority were not in the program booklet. We went zip lining, went horseback riding, rafted down a river, visited a "zoo" with tons of interesting animals I had never seen before anywhere in the States, went to a dog rescue center, went hiking, and much more. However, the friendships I made with both the other kids on the program and the local kids we hosted a summer camp for almost every day are the most valuable part of my trip. We helped clean out and repaint a local abandoned school building and we also held a summer camp for the kids where we taught them English through games and activities. I highly recommend the Initiative for Children program for anyone serious about learning Spanish or anyone who wants to become a teacher or any profession where interaction with kids is involved. I have taken Spanish in school for 13 years and this 14 day trip was the most valuable Spanish lesson ever, since I had to speak Spanish all the time to the local kids. We played soccer, did karate, did arts and crafts, danced, and did leadership activities with the local kids, and spending time with those kids and really immersing myself into another culture in a way I had never done before with my family really opened my eyes to all I can learn from different cultures and helped me realize all the different lifestyles the world has to offer. I also still keep in touch with a majority of the 20+ kids through a group chat, and I know a few members of the group flew from the east coast to California to visit other members. I cried all day in the airport when we left, where we all held hands in a circle and gave each other compliments, our nightly routine back at Alfredo's. I had not anticipated how close our group would become in just 14 days. I highly recommend Global Leadership Adventures for any teen enthusiastic about service (there are so may different programs and there will be at least one for you) and willing to step out of their comfort zone, because the experience is totally worth it.

What would you improve about this program?
Our staff was very chill and let us have a ton of fun, however they were not always consistent with the rules and showed favorites at times.