TravelGrad - Teach Abroad

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

South Korea teaching abroad!

I could not recommend TravelGrad more, my experience has been great! Andrew is so helpful and has been there at all times if I ever had any question or anything! I am now teaching in South Korea and am having the best time living and working over here. It is an incredible country and I am enjoying teaching at my school too! I am so glad I decided to go through TravelGrad as it made all the stages prior to departure a lot easier and stress free as a result of the support that TravelGrad provided at all times! Thank you TravelGrad!! :)

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Yes, I recommend this program

Honest and Efficient

TravelGrad were very supportive throughout the whole process. They walk you through every step and are always there for you if you have any questions.

They were also very honest and advised us to only accept offers which we were 100% happy with.

TravelGrad reassured us that they only work with vetted institutions so there is no need to worry about ending up being placed at a shadey school (hagwon).

I would absolutely recommend using TravelGrad if you're looking to teach in South Korea or anywhere else in Asia for that matter.

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Yes, I recommend this program


Travelgrad were amazing at helping us connect with the right people to start our journey in South Korea. Andrew is amazing and so supportive through the whole process and ensures you have the best experience possible. The process is pretty simple and totally worth it. I would definitely recommend using Travelgrad if you’re considering coming to South Korea! My experience so far has been great, I am still receiving support if needed and I am very pleased with my choice to move to Korea using Travelgrad.

  • Support
  • Experience
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Yes, I recommend this program

China Teaching Experience - Travelgrad

If I had to explain my China Teaching Experience, I wouldn't need to think long about it. This experience was the best of my life, professionally and personally. When I contacted Travelgrad for the first time, I doubted if my questIons would be answered. Surprisingly, the company owner was very helpful and informative during the process; from the interview until I got the visa, he helped me in every step. Even after I went to China, Andrew regularly contacted me if everything was going well with my job and needed any support, making this company unique to me. Their support and professionalism made me feel at home in a big, foreign country like China. I gained so much professionally; working in another country was very valuable for me, once in a lifetime experience. I also had the chance to visit other Asian countries, making the whole adventure more special. So, if you think which is the best company you should choose for your teaching experience in China or other countries in Asia, undoubtedly I would suggest Travelgrad, they are the best in the market.


  • Professional growth
  • Traveling Asia
  • None
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Yes, I recommend this program

China Teaching Experience from Travelgrad

If I ask myself what does it mean for me China Teaching Experience, I wouldn't think to long about the answer. I can easily consider it the best experience of my life, professionally and personally. When I first contacted the company, (Travelgrad) I was doubting if I'll get answered all my questions I had about the whole experience. To be honest, the company owner, Andrew, was very helpful and informative during the whole process. He was very helpful, explaining me every step in detail so I would be fully confident about going to China. From the moment of the interview until I got the visa, this company supported me in every moment I needed help, and the difference that makes them the best is the support they give you! Not only that, even during my year in China, Andrew contacted me regularly if everything is going great and if I needed anything. This made me feel secure and protected in a big, foreign county like China. All in all, if you are doubting which company you should choose for your teaching experience in China, or in other Asian countries, I assure you that the best one is Travelgrad!


  • Professional growth.
  • Opportunity to travel Asia during your holidays.
  • None
  • None
  • None
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Yes, I recommend this program


I complete one year in China with TravelGrad through the China Teaching Experience. From start to finish the support provided by Andrew was fantastic, all questions answered and no doubts left to percolate. Andrew put applicant's in touch with one another whilst the TEFL was completed and shared our cities and schools with us so we could get to know our new colleagues before flying out. There was numerous applicants from CTE in my city and various schools. Andrew came out to meet us early on to check how we were settling in and assuage any home sickness or feelings of trepidation we may have had. I ended up staying in China for s further two years, seeking new employment and accommodation independently.

  • New friendships
  • Cultural immersion
  • Great foR your CV
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Yes, I recommend this program

Travel Grad (China programme)

I applied for Travel Grad's China programme back in 2019 after graduating from my Tesol degree. Andrew and his staff offered a wealth of resources and support both during the application and placement process. Teaching English in China may sound like a nerve-racking decision but I highly recommend the China programme as it kickstarted my teaching career for the better. I could not have developed the teaching skills I have today without the experience. You will definitely enjoy your time working and living in China.

  • Housing and salary in China sorted before arrival into the country.
  • Can be placed close to other applicants if you feel nervous about being alone.
  • Great support from the Travel Grad team.
  • None that I experienced.
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Yes, I recommend this program

TravelGrad China AMAZING

I used TravelGrad’s China programme back in 2019 with 4 friends from Scotland and had the time of my life. Andrew and his staff could not have been more helpful throughout the journey and even provided incredible support whilst we were in China. I cannot recommend the programme enough and encourage anyone considering it to dive in and let TravelGrad help you have a life changing experience. The incredible range of location options within China means that there really is an option for everyone regardless of experience.

  • Support
  • Travel Opportunities
  • Life Experience
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Yes, I recommend this program

The year that changed my life!

My year teaching in China was an amazing adventure filled with great people and incredible travel. It is also the year that made me love China, resulting in my staying there for three years, getting a job in Hong Kong, studying at a Chinese University, and going on to create my own business working with Chinese clients as a digital nomad. It quite literally changed my life. TravelGrad gave me the support and push I needed, but it is not for those who want their hand held all the way, it is for the intrepid!

  • Life experience
  • New friends
  • Travel
  • Salary
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life Changing

I took the opportunity to go with TravelGrad for the China Teaching Experience a few years ago on a complete whim. Because it was last minute, the visa process had to be done as quickly as possible and from the start, TravelGrad were massively supportive in the process so I knew I was in good hands.

I moved to China knowing absolutely nothing about what I was getting into but the staff were extremely welcoming. On arriving at my placement in GuiZhou province I was well looked after and though certain things took some getting used to, I went in with an open mind and learned to enjoy the cultural differences. The food was amazing there, though really spicy, the language was fascinating, though very difficult, and the work was satisfying, though sometimes challenging (who doesn't want to be challenged).

I had the best social life I have ever had before, saw incredible sights and just overall came to love the country. I had an awesome 2 years which literally 180d my career path and on moving back home, decided to become a fully qualified teacher. From the experience I was given I wanted to see more of the world and have since moved abroad again. I don't know what the future holds for me but the temptation to move back to China and see what else it has to offer is extremely strong.

Thanks so much TravelGrad, I'll genuinely, always be grateful.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Immerse yourself in the culture as much as you can. Prepare to make friends for life. Have no fear.