
Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

My experience with English Work in South Korea

I have coming up on the end of my year in beautiful South Korea, and feel very fortunate to have had a great experience living and working here. Back in December of 2018, I made the decision to start looking at teaching English abroad. This was a pretty daunting prospect and I didn't know where to begin. Luckily after doing some research I heard about English Work and got in contact with Michael. He asked me what I was looking for and helped me achieve my goals and find a nice position. Communication was timely and he let me know the steps of the process and what I needed to work on to be ready to start as soon as possible. He even provided helpful tips about companies to use to expedite paperwork. I really appreciate the service English Work in South Korea provided, and am happy I chose to go through them to find my private teaching job, and will use them again if I decide to look for another job in the future. Definitely recommend checking them out in your search for a teaching position in South Korea. Annyeong!

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I would definitely be more proactive and outgoing in the first few months to try and make friends. It can be hard to do as a foreigner sometimes, but in the last few months I have found a nice community and had a lot of fun, and wish I had been able to connect with people earlier. So don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and ask to be included in things.
Yes, I recommend this program

EnglishWork (TAK)

I was contacted by EnglishWork shortly after signing up on Go Oveseas. My recruiter, Michael Kim, did a very good job of quickly finding a school placement. He was also very good at quickly responding to my question or concerns. EnglishWork also did a very good job at assisting me in when I arrived at the airport. I arrived at the airport earlier than the airport shuttles were going to start, but I recieved clear instructions on where to meet my contact. The contact escorted me to the bus area and purchased my bus ticket. I would definitely reconmend EnglishWork for those seeking employment in South Korea.

What would you improve about this program?
It would be nice to have had multiple options presented at the same time, to allow compare and contrast.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Very Helpful:)

I've been at my teaching job for one month so far and I really like it here!
The area I work in is has a little bit of everything and is just a short bus trip from Seoul:) My coworkers and my employers are so kind as well! The workload and hours are as described/manageable and the kids are amazing.
English Works was so helpful in getting me this position and getting my Visa and my employers were just as helpful getting me settled here. I highly recommend going through English Works to get your job teaching in Korea:)

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
In Seoul on weekends, it's not uncommon for there to be protests. If you're not careful while getting around, you can get swept up into them trying to get to where you're going!
Yes, I recommend this program

We are living our dream

I have been an American high school chemistry teacher for fifteen years and I was starting to feel some burn out in my personal and professional life. I was living at work, and then tired when I came home at night. I loved my students but often their disaffected nature and the vast bureaucracy of academic in the US was wearing me down to the point where I dreaded getting up in the morning. I started searching for some viable options for me to make a change. I looked in to Japan, China, Kuwait, Russia, Luxembourg, and a host of other countries to teach in, and decided that the culture, food, and way of life in Korea most suited my mentality.

After making the choice it was so overwhelming to know how to go about figuring out the process of immigrating to a foreign country, especially one with stringent visa laws like Korea has. Thank goodness I found Michael and EnglishWork. I did not want to be a part of a vast mill of recruiters. I wanted a personal hand and someone to make sure to prioritize what I needed. Michael is absolutely amazing. I needed a couple position, I needed to work in the country. I am 38 so I do not want to work 60 hours a week, but I need to make an actual living. Michael found all of this and more for my girlfriend and I. It has been an absolute dream come true.

I work in Changnyeong province in a tiny town called Gyeseong. I work competitive hours, have excellent pay and health care, bosses that I love to work for, a clean and well kept apartment, easy public transit access, and a free ticket home and back every year. I never wanted to work in an environment again where my boss did not put students first and the well being of their teachers had to matter. Richard and Suzi, my bosses, are the best bosses one could ever hope for and I hope to work her as many years as they will let me stay.

None of this would have been possible without Michael, his attention to detail, and his constant hard work. He is a consummate professional, communicates quickly and efficiently, and made the process so easy and painless that I almost thought we did something wrong because of how smoothly it went. I cannot recommend EnglishWork enough if you plan on moving to Korea. There is nothing like the personal touch that Michael brings to the process. It allowed me to live my dream.

What would you improve about this program?
I do not feel like the program needs any particular improvement. So far, everything has worked how I have needed it to. I have no complaints.
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Yes, I recommend this program

English Works is the best!!

My recruiter was amazing!! Everything, and i mean the small things were delt by him. His advice and way of doing things was wonderful. It was an easy process, from the interview, getting my papers ready to arriving safely in Korea. The after service was also great, any questions and/or problems i had, he was more than welcome to to assist. I do not regret my decision of coming to South Korea. I'm pleased with my decision. I hope you will be pleased too when you take this journey with English Works.

What would you improve about this program?
The program is great!! Nothing to change. My process was smooth and the support waa great!!
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Yes, I recommend this program


Beyond thankful for Michael from EnglishWork. Before him, i emailed other recruiters who never really got back to me or just gave up on trying to help me. But not Michael! After i emailed him, in the same day I got an email back to set up a simple Skype interview where he asked me some basic questions. After the interview within a few days I got my first interview with a school. The interview went well, as Michael gives you tips and whatnot to make sure you do well on the interview. I passed the interview and accepted the job offer. Whatever questions I had about the school and sending in the documents, he would answer them in a timely manner. Because of that, sending in all the paperwork was a quick and painless process. Extremely thankful to Michael for helping me on this adventure.

Yes, I recommend this program

Englishwork.com review

I should say thank you to Michael who helped me a lot in applying for the position available in Changwon. From the very first day I got in touch with him it was like I am exchanging emails with a friend. Due to a mistake happened during the application process my original document was sent to him from the UK but I know that it is in safe hands and I will get it back in a few days.
What he told me through emails about the town I was going to live in and also the school were all truth without any exaggeration. Now that I am here for a week the city and the school are what I expected, a friendly school and a small vibrant town close to a big city.
Over all I am very happy with the service I received from Michael and the company, english work.

What would you improve about this program?
Can't think of anything now, maybe at the end of the contract and becoming more familiar I will have some ideas to share.
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Yes, I recommend this program

5.5 months into my experience

Interested in teaching abroad in Asia for the first time, I decided to apply through this agency and within 24 hours recieved an email from Michael Kim who then wanted to set up a simple skype chat.

I will admit I was a little worried because I couldn't see him clearly in the video chat as the light from the background blurred his face. However, it ended up being a nice simple, chat where he asked basic questions. After the chat, he immediately sent my CV out to other employers within 24 hours. During our chat he gave advice on interview tips and was overall very helpful.

About a day or two later he emailed me informing me of a potential position. However, after the interview with this employer I was declined. However, Michael searched out for other job opportunities and again I was set up with my second interview.

After this second interview, I was offered the position as an English Teacher. I was also please I was declined from the first job interview as it was just over 3 hours away from Seoul.

After this time, Michael stayed in close contact with me, every email I sent he replied within hours and would let me know everything there was to know about the process and all documents I needed including visa and how to apply, the school contract, and the handling and posting of the documents. He was the middle man and kept communication between the school and I right up to the time I arrived to South Korea.

Upon arriving I was greeted by a kind man who paid my bus ticket and assisted me with my luggage and waited till I was on the bus till he left.

I am now 5.5 months into my contract and although it has been a huge learning process as this is my first Asian country I have visited, I have learnt to love the culture and people. The teaching experience is beyond words and definitely a learning experience. I definitely recommend Michael and this agency to anyone interested in teaching in South Korea, It's legit! Also, during the weekends and holidays its a great time to visit and explore South Korea giving an added bonus to your teaching experience.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Working in Korea

I have now been working in Korea for the past 5 months. I contacted Michael regarding teaching English in Korea, he worked really hard finding me jobs and interviews. Within the first few days after a Skype interview with him, I had my first interview at a Hagwon. I then accepted the job to work there. It has been a smooth transition so far without any problems or issues. The work environment is great and the other foreign teachers are very friendly and kind. They have made this transition a lot easier.

Michael provided great service for my needs and provided great information and answered all the questions that I asked. He found a great location for me and I am very happy with my life here in Korea. If you are interested in working in Korea I would recommend working with Michael.

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Yes, I recommend this program

A great recruitment agency

I am having a wonderful time in Korea so far. I cannot thank Michael Kim enough for finding me such an ideal position. Michael was very helpful and supportive throughout the process, answering all my queries and making sure everything was in place so that my move to Korea went smoothly. Also, I really appreciated Michael's honesty about the difficulties with finding a suitable position for British Asians. Nonetheless, he was able to find a wonderful academy that mostly hires British teachers, in the city of Changwon.

My academy is great with a brilliant boss and lovely co-workers. My boss is also incredibly helpful and made sure to accompany me to my medical check and helped me open a bank. Everyone is very caring and I really enjoy going into work everyday. Furthermore, the academy is very well run and I don't have to worry about things like getting paid late.

I would definitely recommend English Work for anyone hoping to teach english in South Korea.