
Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Summer 2009 - 2010

I'm going to keep this brief and short..

My sister has also done this programme and had recommended it to me. So it's well worth doing!

The first month was an awesome experience. Hanging out in Beijing was amazing, and at the age of 18 it blew me away. Met lots of people, had tonnes of experience that I had never experience before. Simply amazing.

Teaching placement was also pretty chilled. But they also vary widely around China, so the one that I had might not necessarily be like the one you will get. Which makes the rather exciting!

I taught 21 classes a week, 45 minutes per class. I felt like I was a capable teach by the end of it. Lots of travelling also between this time, as in China their holidays are normally a week long or so. I went to Guilin, Yunnan, Guangdong.. all over. Excellent time!

This program has had a major impact on my life. Since then I have been teaching myself chinese and have been to China several times. If it wasn't for the initial support from TTC, I don't think I would be as brave as I am today.

I am currently in China teaching English, so it's legacy lives on!

What would you improve about this program?
- More money for people who are in tier 1 cities
- Stricter lessons and more thorough training
- No major complaints to be honest.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Hohhot Inner Mongolia

Little London English school in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia was a great place to undergo your teaching internship. Our average week consists of teacher training and lesson planning on Thursday and teaching on Friday nights, Saturday and Sunday with Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off. We are contracted to do 20, 40 minute lessons a week (usually 3 on Friday then 17 at the weekend). They are always looking for extra work though and the school will pay you 110RMB per hour over these contracted hours which is an easy way to earn lots of extra money. You get lots of time off which is great which gives you plenty of time to get everything sorted such as the washing etc and to go out and explore Hohhot. The school is also very generous. They will pay for various celebrations (it depends what time of year you have the internship) and they even payed for what have been a very expensive grasslands tour. I won't spoil some of the other surprises though. Food and drinks are unbelievably cheap here and I have not cooked once which is actually really practical. When I first arrived at the accommodation it was an absolute tip and looked nothing like what we were shown just before we came which was actually the full time teachers accommodation and not ours. Be prepared for this and you won't have a problem. I honestly hated the 1st few days because of this but be prepared to spend the 1st 2 days or so buying products and cleaning your apartment. There is enough time to settle in, especially compared to some of the other schools so don't think that you are wasting your time. It could be better for the next group of people as they are building more apartments right now. There are so many foreigners working at the school so being social in Hohhot is not a problem. People are always inviting you places. There are some great places to go! Clubs such as box+ and babybox are the ones to look for. Although they are unbelievably expensive, we have gone there on countless occasions and not bought a single drink because lots of people in there buy them for you. There are some great supermarkets for buying your daily needs which also have plenty of imported products to satisfy your need for western food. It is really practical to live out here and there is a really cheap and great market on the doorstep of the university that you live in. It is very dirty around the area which isn't good but you soon get used to it. Some of the food places there are great. Don't let looks deceive you! There is a curfew but it doesn't apply to foreigners so don't let that alarm you. One thing you need to be prepared for is that sometimes depending on various reasons, the school is very disorganised. They have messed up our pay a few times (which will get sorted - just make sure you take note on the days you have worked) and on our 1st few weeks at the school we had no monitor at our school so everything was all over the place but it soon settled down. Also be prepared if you are coming in winter because it gets unbelievably cold. I haven't yet experienced this cold to the full extent but even now in mid- November it is freezing. Wait til later on. Stock up on winter clothing as early as possible. It's easy enough to find!!! Overall - If you are placed in Inner Mongolia you will have the time of your life. The time off is the best part and you can travel during your internship. We have just got back from a 3 day trip in Datong which was amazing!! Also you are al in it together (lots of people get placed in Hohhot) and you always have the support of people. Inner Mongolia is a truly amazing place!

What would you improve about this program?
-Practical teaching before we started (we were just thrown in the deep end).
-Actual pictures of our accommodation before we came rather than the full time teachers apartments.
-The school being more organised - especially with our pay.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life changing challenge.

I took apart in the TTC Program in Summer 2009, right after I graduated from High School. It was quite a challenge to leave my home country for the first time by myself, to a country so far away, so different.
Therefore, I was really happy to have the support of the TTC team. The first month in Beijing (TEFL training) was amazing and I found friends for a lifetime. Now, 4 years later, I am still in touch with many of them, we met up all over the world and share our China experience. The TEFL training was very beneficial as well and I felt prepared when I left to my placement. I was placed in a "small town" (1 million people) about 4 hours by train from Beijing. In the beginning, it was a difficult transition. From buzzing Beijing into a small Chinese town with very few foreigners..However, my school was amazing, I had lovely students (I taught many different age groups) and great colleagues. I also learned a lot of Chinese and made a lot of Chinese friends. I was often invited for dinner by my colleagues/ students and got to know a lot about the Chinese culture. The work ethic was a little difficult to adapt to in the beginning but also an interesting part of the experience.

What would you improve about this program?
At the time, I would have loved to be placed with more foreigners in a bigger city. It was some times difficult to live in such a small place, with only one foreigner (the woman I was placed with was also much older than me). However, after all I think it was a good thing, as I learned so much more about China (and Chinese) as I would have otherwise.
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No, I don't recommend this program

Stay away.

I did the Teach and Travel China internship through i-to-i TEFL and I would definitely not recommend it! It was one of the worst experiences of my life and to think I paid almost $2000 for it makes me sick to the stomach! The company, schools and entire programme is shady in its practices and many many people have quit the programme.

We arrived at our schools ill equipped, we had no cooking utensils and I had to beg my advisor for money so we could buy cooking stuff. The money they pay you is NO WAY enough to live off if you are placed somewhere expensive like Beijing. You will end up spending a lot more than you earn.

Many people quit the programme as their contracts were broken by the school, some people did not get their pay, some people had no running water or working shower for months, some people had no food (school meals) and no money to pay for food because their pay did not arrive on time. Some people has infestations of rats, bedbugs and other insects in their room. These people did not get refunds and were not relocated as promised. One person was fired for no good reason by his school. These people all lost their money as they did not receive refunds.

The company that run the programme (ImmerQi, who run Teach Travel China) are very shady and totally illegal practices, they lied to us, telling us that if we quit the programme, our visa would expire instantly and we would have to leave the country or break the law. This was a lie. They also got a company in Beijing to lie and say we were working there so they could grant us visas. This was so they did not have to tell the government we were making them money and they took most our paycheque for themselves. They charged the school almost $2000 a month for having us as teachers … we received less than 5% of this payment. They also lied to the school about our experience, telling them that we were more qualified than we actually were. They just make money out of you and then charge you for it. They also told us to lie to the authorities if anyone asked, and to say we were not getting paid anything at all.

A few people had their laptops, mobile phones and money and passport stolen by the schools (or someone at the schools) too. We were warned to lock our items away in our cases as people at the school have keys and will come into your rooms and apartments whilst you are teaching and steal your things.

Stay away.

Response from ImmerQi

The "Teach & Travel Program" is an internship program that provides teaching experience as well as travel opportunity to participants, as the name suggests.
Teaching: Participants are given 5 days of teaching per week (Monday to Friday in most cases) with 10 to 15 hours of face-to-face teaching each week. For students ranging from primary school to university age, teaching hours are completed in class, where for kindergarten ages, teaching is a combination of in-class teaching and outdoor activities tutoring due to the low English level of Chinese kids and the specialty of kindergarten teaching.
Travel: Participants are given weekends (or two other consecutive days in some cases) off to allow them to travel and explore local areas. Public holidays (3 consecutive days occurring moderately frequently) allow participants to travel a bit further. Most participants would travel intensively after the completion of the program for a few weeks, which is what our visa is designed for, with a completion bonus as their travel fund.
Fee: As an internship program, participants receive a monthly allowance which would cover their basic living and spending costs, accommodation and meals during work days are provided. Interns are told from the very beginning how much this allowance is. In this specific case, where hot water was not available, the issue was either resolved quickly or was not reported to either the school or TTC promptly. We have looked into this case and similar incidences and have acted promptly to ensure the hot water machine is being fixed.
Both interns and schools are our participants and as a service provider we do charge a management fee from our placement schools as we provide a two-way service. Being qualified and experienced means a westerner can easily earn money in China which we are open and honest about from day one to our participants. As a cultural experience provider, TTC is designed to provide the best cultural experience using its well designed product and 24/7 support which sets us apart from regular job agencies.
Upon applying to the Teach and Travel China program, each accepted participant is well informed of the 2000 RMB monthly stipend which is provided throughout the teaching internship. TTC fully discloses that it is a private for-profit organization during the orientation which is provided during the training period upon arrival into China. Participants on the TTC program are not experienced TEFL teachers earning a salary which reflects such. The teaching internship is designed as a gap year program which allows participants to earn a TEFL certification while also experiencing the Chinese culture over the course 6 months.

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Yes, I recommend this program


I definately recommend ImmerQi, they are very serious and professional about what they do. They have a great support system for all participants and are all genuinely nice people.Thanks to the one months TEFL course in Beijing you'll get to meet so many new people that you'll never be without a friend when in China!

What would you improve about this program?
The pay is not super-good but if you go to earn lots of money you're doing it for the wrong reasons!
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No, I don't recommend this program

watch out...

Okay, the first month of the program consisted of a course in Beijing. This course was excellent, no question about it.

Getting help from ImmerQi at my placement was a whole different story. In the beginning ImmerQi was helpful when my school caused me trouble or didn't provide things as stated in the contract. That changed all of a sudden when they stopped replying to my emails.

Also, ImmerQi pockets the overwhelming majority of our salaries and refer to it as a "management fee". I feel scammed. The ImmerQi staff hasn't been honest to us about that.

I'm not recommending this program to anyone. I'm only recommending people to stay away from it.

Response from ImmerQi

Upon applying to the Teach and Travel China program, each accepted participant is well informed of the 2000 RMB monthly stipend which is provided throughout the teaching internship. TTC fully discloses that it is a private for-profit organization during the orientation which is provided during the training period upon arrival into China. Participants on the TTC program are not experienced TEFL teachers earning a salary which reflects such. The teaching internship is designed as a gap year program which allows participants to earn a TEFL certification while also experiencing the Chinese culture over the course 6 months.

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No, I don't recommend this program

Good Experience, bad company.

A lot of the reviewers are focusing on their experience in China, it's very likely that you will have an enjoyable time in China and the company would like you to.

However the business side of things are very corrupt, you pay a lot of money to get on program and in return for this you spend two weeks in Beijing in a mediocre hotel, get given a very small amount of lessons and fed rubbish food. They'll also be some fun and games and they'll try and make you comfortable so you can go off and teach and make them money.

In total you pay around £1000 for the two week course and for them to find you a placement, that's no too bad. However once you are at your placement you get paid £200 a month for about 5 months and a £250 completion bonus again not terrible, until you realise that the school is paying TTC around £800 a month and they're taking around 75% of your pay and why? They barely contact you and help you during your time at the school, they don't pay for your flights and you've paid £1000 already.

And if you're lucky enough to be given a good placement and you want to extend your contract with the school, TTC has put a clause in their contract that forbids you working for the school if it is not with TTC.

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Yes, I recommend this program

A truely life-changing experience

After 35 years in the same profession, I needed to change my life and decided that teaching English as a foreign language would suit me perfectly. With the expert help of TTC I was able to achieve my new and successful career in China.
I am teaching in a wonderful polytechnic in the city of Zhongshan near Hong Kong. The experiences I am having here are the best I've ever had, due to the support of the school, the guys at TTC in Beijing and most important of all, the amazing students I teach and even those I don't teach!
Teaching here in China is the most rewarding, heart- warming and uplifting experience I have ever had!
I am grateful to TTC for choosing the right college for me and for always being contactable (even though I never needed their help).
I would recommend TTC's help as a first step for a new career or for a gap year or even just for something a little different!
Teaching in China may change your life for the better! It certainly has mine.

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No, I don't recommend this program


We got lucky in regards to our teaching placement. We were placed with a private weekend school who then contracts with public schools in the area to give us teaching hours 4 days during the week. One day on the weekend we teach private lessons at the school we're contracted with.

We want to come back to the school because they treat us well and there are many different teaching experiences to be had. We were under the impression that after we finished our contract with TTC that we could go off on our own and start contracting directly with our school if we wanted to stay after the first term/internship.

Not necessarily so. TTC had made a separate contract with our school forbidding them to contract directly with any teachers that completed the first term with TTC; they could only contract through TTC again if they wanted to get re-hired, or else the school would have to pay a hefty fee.

TTC did not make us aware of this AT ALL. We felt pretty scammed, as they tout that after your internship, you will be employable and are free to apply for tefl jobs independently. Wouldn't recommend this company to anyone else looking for a tefl experience, to be honest. If you do contract with TTC, remember to ask them if they have arranged a second contract directly with the school you're placed at.

Response from ImmerQi

The Teach and Travel China Program cooperates with 100+ educational institutions around China. As participants accepted on to the program are required to complete a terms and conditions document, schools are also required to submit a similar document with additional terms.

Partner schools cooperating with the TTC program are not restricted from employing a teacher intern upon completion of the internship and initial agreement, and a number of the schools do choose to employ the teacher intern directly after the completion date. However, there are fees imposed on this employment agreement, which are in place to ensure TTC can continue to cooperate with its partner schools each semester and keep the program in operation. In addition to this, some schools in China are unable to employ foreign teachers directly, as they do not hold a Foreign Experts Certificate, which is required by the Chinese government for institutions wishing to employ.

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No, I don't recommend this program

Complete rip off

I would never recommend this program to anyone. The staff at TTC are only slightly helpful if it is a problem they can easily help you with... if it's something that actually requires them to put some effort into their job, they just tell you "it's not possible" or "we can't do anything about that." I am on the program right now and the living allowance is pathetic, considering TTC is pocketing almost 8000 RMB from each intern every month while we only see ¥2000. I have no hot water in my shower, my living conditions are worse than many of the locals around here, and the whole TRAVEL part of "Teach and Travel China" is a scam. You only get a maximum of 3 days off at once and it is not possible to travel out of the country on your visa. In addition, the "15 teaching hours a week" is not guaranteed... I only teach 7 hours a week and yet I have to be at the school for 35 hours. This program is slightly ridiculous and not worth your time. If you search the Beijinger you can find jobs that pay 10,000 RMB a month for teachers with little to no experience.

Response from ImmerQi

The “Teach & Travel Program” is an internship program that provides teaching experience as well as travel opportunity to participants, as the name suggests.
Teaching: Participants are given 5 days of teaching per week (Monday to Friday in most cases) with 10 to 15 hours of face-to-face teaching each week. For students ranging from primary school to university age, teaching hours are completed in class, where for kindergarten ages, teaching is a combination of in-class teaching and outdoor activities tutoring due to the low English level of Chinese kids and the specialty of kindergarten teaching.
Travel: Participants are given weekends (or two other consecutive days in some cases) off to allow them to travel and explore local areas. Public holidays (3 consecutive days occurring moderately frequently) allow participants to travel a bit further. Most participants would travel intensively after the completion of the program for a few weeks, which is what our visa is designed for, with a completion bonus as their travel fund.
Fee: As an internship program, participants receive a monthly allowance which would cover their basic living and spending costs, accommodation and meals during work days are provided. Interns are told from the very beginning how much this allowance is. In this specific case, where hot water was not available, the issue was either resolved quickly or was not reported to either the school or TTC promptly. We have looked into this case and similar incidences and have acted promptly to ensure the hot water machine is being fixed.
Both interns and schools are our participants and as a service provider we do charge a management fee from our placement schools as we provide a two-way service. Being qualified and experienced means a westerner can easily earn money in China which we are open and honest about from day one to our participants. As a cultural experience provider, TTC is designed to provide the best cultural experience using its well designed product and 24/7 support which sets us apart from regular job agencies.