
Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

I'm still here!

I came our to China with ImmerQi to teach about 2 and a half years ago and I haven't been home since!

I was teaching in Beijing in a wonderful school with amazing kids who were so fantastic to teach. ImmerQi were in contact a good amount during the internship and were available 24/7 if I needed anything.

They helped arrange social activities after the orientation period had finished and suggested loads of ways to get the most out of your placement.

All of the staff were very friendly and always keen to answer my questions.

I enjoyed the experience so much I decided to stay!

What would you improve about this program?
When I was an intern there was no way to network with large groups of people on the internship (Facebook is banned!) but I have been informed they have that now...
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great way to get started

TTC was a great introduction for me to China. The staff were helpful and co-operative all the way, and always at the end of the phone if you needed anything. My placement was great too, I had fantastic accommodation and my school were really helpful and supportive.

I am still in Beijing now, 5 years later, having originally come for 6 months. TTC gave me a great stepping stone for my future here, and I got all the help and support needed while I figured out the way things work here, and after 2 semesters with TTC, went it alone and found my own job.

Best decision of my life, I think the length of time I have stayed is indicative to that!! I still have friends I made 5 years ago, and of course lots of new ones too.

Anyone deciding whether to give it a go or not definitely should. I can promise you you'll have a blast :-)

What would you improve about this program?
I don't really feel qualified to comment here... As mentioned, I was part of the program 5 years ago and I know a lot has changed since then!!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best time with TTC

My day to day experiences are from Monday to Friday I teach at my school. Week nights I catch up with mates and we chat about school and stuff and go out to bars or to parks.

Weekends I play rugby on Saturday and go out Friday and Saturday night. Sunday is spent travelling around my city.

That is my typical week

What would you improve about this program?
I would make it easier to extend for a second semester. There were a lot of issues with getting a new visa and it was a bit frustrating. But it did encourage me to go to Hong Kong.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Real China Experience

I wanted an amazing TEFL experience abroad, and Teach & Travel China/ ImmerQi delivered just that and more. Assistance from the beginning until the end allowed me to enjoy my day to day life in China without any extra hassles. After 3 semesters with TTC at my school in Ningbo, Zhejiang, I gained experience in teaching all age levels, from primary to university students. I was able to create my own lesson plans and grow as a TEFL teacher at my own pace. I'm currently still abroad in China, and with the confidence and experience I gained through my time here I plan on continuing to work and live abroad for years to come. I couldn't have asked for a better stepping stone in to life abroad and TEFL.

What would you improve about this program?
Not easy to do, but inform new participants of the cultural differences they are bound to encounter.
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Yes, I recommend this program

It Changed My Life

I can't imagine where I'd be if I hadn't have taken the opportunity to travel to China with TTC and ImmerQi.

It's completely changed my life - for the better! I've made a new life for myself in Beijing, I have great friends and a great job, all thanks to the Teach and Travel China Program.

I completed my semester in a Kindergarten not far from Beijing. It was quite an isolated town, between two major cities, and I was one of two foreigners in the area. Because of this, I was a local celebrity! My Mandarin language skills improved rapidly and I had so much fun being engulfed by the Chinese culture. I had very few issues with my placement and whenever I contacted my advisor with a problem, they were very supportive and offered great advice.

A year after leaving my teaching placement, I'm living in Beijing with my partner. I still regularly visit my placement town to meet up with old friends and visit my students. I plan to stay in China for at least a few more years, it's got so much to offer and I've made friends for life from all over the world through Teach and Travel China.

I owe everything I have right now to ImmerQi. They offered me a way out of a potentially dead-end situation in the UK. The program has given the confidence and personal skills to be able to tackle anything life throws at me.

What would you improve about this program?
More organised social activities during the internship.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Outstanding Program

I am glad I decided to join the TTC program here in China. The support has been fantastic, I know TTC will assist me if my school is unable to sort out issues and they have done very quickly. I loved my 1st internship in Chengdu working at a kindergarten so much that I decided to sign up for a 2nd semester with TTC in a different place and TTC again placed me in a great school and location.
Highlights have been travelling during my time off around China (TTC even give you travel hints and tips during your semester as well as teaching assistance if required!) You make so many new friends whether it is interns in your area, or the local Chinese and teachers from your school. I will never forget what TTC has done for me in my life and the experience they gave me. A truly unforgettable and amazing experience. Thank you

What would you improve about this program?
Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

Let me stay!

I have absolutely loved coming to Beijing. I wish I could stay longer.

It's so busy; the social, the internship,the shopping and of course the sight seeing!

The family I have been housed with have done all they can to look after me, even giving me a curfew. This is the only area in which I encountered a problem. The whole point of visiting Beijing is to experience everything, nightlife included. I think it is due to the family having young children but occassionly they don't mind me staying out or at a friends so it is working well now.

My most memorable part so far has to be Chinese New year at Lake HouHai, incredible. I was luckly enough to get in touch with all the TCC programme group, which was full of lovely guys and girls, many of whom I will stay friends with.

ImmerQi have been there the whole time, finding me buses, inviting me to networking events and making me feel more at home in this massive city.

What would you improve about this program?
I found price was an issue for me, especially considering I am planning University afterwards. But most programmes now-a-days are pretty pricey.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A life changing experience

Coming to China was the single greatest decision I ever made, second was choosing ImmerQi and the Teach and Travel program.

From the moment I applied, to the TEFL training to my placement (just on the outskirts of Beijing) I had an absolute blast. All the logistics had been carefully planned by the on-shore support and once at my school they were only a phone call away even surprising me one afternoon to take me for dinner.

The school itself were fantastic and I was given a contact to liaise with for my day to day questions, poor thing I had loads!

Life itself was just great, sure there were stresses, language being the most frustrating but it all culminated in a truly magical period that quite literally changed me, my life and my future.

I never left :-)

What would you improve about this program?
Not really a criticism of the program per se but the orientation period was so good it was difficult to go from being with other participants and staff to being at your placement.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Teaching in Chengdu

The whole programme has been fantastic. The school are great, the facilities are the same, if not better than what one would expect in the UK. I have absolutely no problems with anything provided to me, by either the school, or the company.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Go For It!

This program offers you the chance to gently settle into Chinese life whilst giving you the opportunity to build a large circle of friends and contacts. I have too many highlights to mention but I'll offer you 3. 1) Myself and two college from the program made a Halloween video for our school. We decided to make a Gangnam Style video around Chengdu. It became a local sensation and we have had the pleasure of being on the front of newspapers and on TV several times. 2) Chinese people. I don't think I would have had the courage to come to China on my own, but now that I actually have I wonder if I'll ever leave. You'll quickly make friends and never get tired of Chinese hospitality 2) Due to the friends I have made on the program, I have been able set up a football team. Luckily we are half decent and and have even won a few trophies.

What would you improve about this program?
The pay is not the best but this is more than offset by benefits.