
Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

A great time in Inner Mongolia

Through ImmerQi, I found a full-time teaching job with Little London English school in the capital of Inner Mongolia, Hohhot. It's a great job, working 3 to 4 days a week and the rest of the time is all my own. I've been here now for almost two years and I've had a great opportunity to learn Mandarin and practice it everyday. Doing this was the best choice I've ever made in my life.

What would you improve about this program?
Run a psych eval on all applicants before sending them into China to tarnish the reputation of the Laowai.
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Yes, I recommend this program

What an experience!

I liked this program I stayed for a second semester! I lived in Inner Mongolia which friendly and helpful and my school was so nice and the teachers so fun. They took us to the desert, the grasslands and to KTV. We had materials and help from out school at every step and ImmerQi to call 24hours a day.
Now I am in Chengdu and the city is huge and so clean. ImmerQi took the train down with us since it was so far from Beijing to help us get settled. This school doesn't have as many resources but they are so friendly and helpful. I have called on ImmerQi for ideas on lessons and question about teaching in a new environment and they are always helpful. Both cities have had night life with places with live music and places for day time sight seeing. I have felt safe in both places I have lived and worked and know I am never alone with ImmerQi a phone call away.

What would you improve about this program?
They are easy to reach, but sometimes forget to call you back. They have group Skype meetings for the teachers, often at a time when people are in the process of going home from the school. They are located in Beijing and that is pretty far away if the situation is dire, although they travel to you if it is. The in country training is not as extensive as I had hoped.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Wonderful Experience!!! It Changed My Life!

At this time, I have been associated with the ImmerQi - Teach and Travel China Program for three semesters teaching college students in Zhongshan, located in southern China. This has been one of the greatest experiences of my life! I plan on staying and teaching at the college for as long as I can!

At the school, the teaching faculty, staff, and students are very good to me! Whatever I need and whatever I ask for, they do everything they can to make sure I have it. Since I have been here, I have been accepted and become an important part of the school along with the local Zhongshan community.

The Teach and Travel China Program staff have done everything necessary to ensure my time at the school is successful and enjoyable. Before I came to China, the staff provided the necessary assistance to ensure all requirements were completed. Since I have been in China, the staff has always provided me with the assistance and guidance needed to make my time in China and at the school go as smooth as possible. Over the past year, I have come to know the Teach and Travel China staff very well. I am most grateful for all their support and help!

I highly recommend the ImmerQi - Teach and Travel China Program to anyone interested in teaching and travelling in China. Especially the 4-week program in Beijing. It is a wonderful experience that will change your life and one you will always remember!

What would you improve about this program?
I would like to see the initial Letter of Invitation from the Chinese government provided to all applicants sooner. This would give them more time to make their visa and travel arrangements.