Projects Abroad

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

2 week internship in SA

I did this internship because my school required us to do one at 16. I have been interested in human rights and law for a long time and thanks to this experience I know for sure that that is the path I want to pursue. The staff were very helpful before, after and during the trip. They gave me a lot of space to work on my own and with others despite my young age and I was able to get in direct contact with the clients. I felt very respected and felt like what I was doing actually had an impact which definitely makes it worth the expenses. I hope that I can go again and would recommend the trip to anyone who has an interest in law or any other subjects (projects abroad offers so many types of volunteer programs!). I still think about my experience very often and would recommend 100%

What would you improve about this program?
I heard many good stories about the different hosts but I was not completely happy with the one I had.
Response from

Hello Lara,
Thanks for leaving your review about our Law & Human Rights project in South Africa. It’s warming to hear about your story, what an experience you’ve had – I’m sure you’ll remember it for a lifetime! You are most welcome to volunteer or Intern with us in the future.

Harry Kent, Head Office Coordinator for South Africa

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Yes, I recommend this program

The best experience in my life!

Hii I am Beatrice.
I am italian girl, I participated for two weeks with this project (project abroad) this summer in Tanzania, Arusha, August 2019. I am deaf, the communication should be difficult and instead everything was wonderful! Without problem especially with children, it was a big emotion! Playing and teaching they, was one of my big experience because I am deaf.
Never forget and I already have a big tattoo in my skin about Tanzania and kids than I worked. The best experience!
Some day I will back again! And I hope to do again this experience (volunteer with project abroad) in other country! Maybe in Asia. So meanwhile I tell new volunteers, please participate and enjoy this more beautiful and powerful experience. Thanks!!!!!!!!!

What was your funniest moment?
I have many funniest moment, I can’t find the one.
Response from

Hey Beatrice,
Your positive review is truly appreciated. Thank you for your commitment towards our High School Specials, Care & Community project in Tanzania. Great things are achieved when our global network of volunteers come together. We hope to see you volunteering again with us soon.

Glory Matoi, Country Director for Tanzania

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Yes, I recommend this program

Nomad Project

The Nomad project is an exciting project among the steppe of Mongolia. Project Abroad was the only organization suggesting this travel to know and pass the traditions of Mongolian people.
They were very helpful from the beginning to the end, always ready in case of emergency or necessities.
I can only recommend to try it out yourself.

The Nomad are very friendly people, without making any judgment. They will let you participate to their daily activities, from herding the sheep to milking cow or building house for winter. They will bring you to their festival, make you discover how they eat, and redefine your way of family.

All along you can count on the support of project abroad. They will pick you at the aerport, give you time to rest and provide you with meal. Then they will bring you to your family, giving you a phone in case of emergency. They are always reachable in case of problems.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
Marmot was the most uncommon thing I ate. It is a typical food for them, full of symbol. It is a time to regroup and share a meal with laugh and fun.
Response from

Hello Guillaume,
It sounds like you had an amazing time (I can’t say we're surprised!). Thank you for taking the time to share your positive experience with our global community. We’re so happy that you enjoyed Nomad project in Mongolia. We look forward to seeing you again on one of our projects or Internships!

Otgonbayar.T- Country Director for Mongolia

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Yes, I recommend this program

Getting a taste of the medical world in a developing country

Last summer I went to Kenya. I was just 16 years old and it was the first time traveling alone outside the country. Projects Abroad has made sure that this experience went smoothly and they made me feel save. I am interested in working in the medical field, and I want to study medicine in the future. The project gave me lots of opportunities to get a taste of the field I want to be working in. They also checked loads of times whether everything was okay and like the way that we expected. In this way the project was altered to make it even more rememberable. The crew in Kenya was really friendly and made sure that my journey was unforgettable. In the weekends they also planned fun activities, because you should also enjoy the country while you're there of course. The safari was the most fun of all the different activities.

What would you improve about this program?
There were a lot of days planned in the local hospital, however at a certain point there wasn't really much we could do because we did not have a degree to perform medical procedures. We talked about this with the project leader and they came with good alternatives. I am quite sure that they will take this into consideration while planning future projects, to make sure that there is always something you can do.
Response from

Hi Danaé,
I’m happy to hear about your fantastic time away with us on our High School Specials Medicine project in Kenya. Great things are achieved when volunteers join our global community. Your time and effort are greatly appreciated not just by us but by the local community. We hope to see you again in the near future.

Carol Mungai, Country Director for Kenya

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Yes, I recommend this program

Volunteer Work in Cambodia

I spent three weeks doing volunteering work in Cambodia. It was definitely one of the best time of my life. I had been working with poor children and I've helped them improving their English skills and we definitely had fun! I taught them some traditional Swiss games which they had been extremely grateful to learn. Not only the children seemed to acquire more knowledge but I have also learnt a lot from this experience. They have taught me to appreciate little things and how to smile no matter what.
Project abroad stuff is very skilful and helped me to be more familiar with they city and its outskirts. I even made some special friends, which I am still in touch with.
I would recommend this experience to whoever has the opportunity to go abroad and do some volunteering work! It is one of the most fulfilling feeling ever.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
Definitely the most unfamiliar thing I ate was a dead spider. I have told myself that I should give him a try and actually it doesn't taste as bad as I thought. It is pretty crispy.
Response from

Hi Mattia,
I’m glad to read about your amazing time on our Care project in Cambodia. Your hard work is truly appreciated by us and the local community. We hope to welcome you back again on one of our meaningful projects.

Chhoem Boeb, Country Director for Cambodia

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Yes, I recommend this program

Be open and talk to people!

I was really nervous before the Program. I was anxious about a lot of things: who I would meet, if I was prepared enough...
But in the end it all worked out very well. The staff was extremely welcoming and thorough in explaining what we would do but my placement also allowed me to give a lot of input and suggestions.
The most important thing is just to be open. My personal recommendation is to talk to everybody and get as much human experiences as possible. That will make your trip a very interesting experience and it will make you grow personnally as well.
My Program was only two weeks and it wasn't really enough to feel like I made a difference. It takes time to get into a routine and adapt to your work but take that time and ask questions.
All in all the trip was a personal challenge for me and an amazing experience. I met people who will stay with me my entire life and I want to thank them and the Projects Abroad staff for making that possible.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
It was when I stood in front of the classroom the first time and the teacher told me I could start the lesson. I felt unprepared but I did the best I could and finally it wasn't so hard.
Response from

HI Leonie,
First of all, thank you for taking the time to leave us a review. We really value your feedback. I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed your time away with us on the High School Specials, Care & Community project in Tanzania – you are welcome back anytime!

Glory Matoi, Country Director for Tanzania

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Yes, I recommend this program

Chose Project's Abroad!

I joined the building project in Tanzanie, Arusha this year from March to June and those were the best three months in my life. I learned more from the people there than I could have ever imagined. building a dinning hall for maasai children was as challenging and beautiful as it was. to see those children everyday being happy, smiling at you, playing with you warmed my heart in a way I can't even describe. i learned what physical work means there and I even learned some things and I am pretty confident that I could now renovate a house myself with the things I learned. i would recommend everyone to go volunteer with project abroad because not only to they guide you every step of the way, they also ensure your safety and that you have a good time. you get intergrated into that community immediately and feel like you belong. i could write a whole book about all the things that I experienced but thanks to my volunteering experience I found out what I want to do in my future and am now a student and sadly don't have time yet to write my whole experience down. but if anyone wants to go volunteer and doesn't know with which organisation I can only recommend projects abroad and I checked every organisation before I chose them and I have never regretted my decision. not only is it an eye opening experience, where you learn and laugh like never before, you also meet some of the most amazing people in this world from all around the world!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
whatever you do, there is no need to stress or worry about it. before I left I was having nervous breakdowns because I never left Europe and never was away from home for so long but you can do it and it is even easy. you can't compare it to anything else but it will only make you grow as a person and you are supported throughout your whole journey so don't be scared from the journey, the place or the people and go with an open mind and open heart because you will get surprised every day in the best way possible.
Response from

Hi Manon,
Thanks for your great review. We strive to meet expectations like yours, we’re happy to hear that we hit the mark for you. Thank you for your contribution towards our ongoing Building project in Tanzania – your help is really appreciated. We hope to see you again on one of our projects!

Glory Matoi, Country Director for Tanzania

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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing experience!

It's been a while since I volunteered with Projects Abroad but I still hold the memory very close to heart! My confidence grew and I became so much more independent, which has really helped shape me into the person I am today. The staff were incredible and so accommodating: when I asked to switch to the teaching programme for a couple of weeks (just because I wanted to experience as much as possible whilst I was over there) they were able to do this for me immediately and at no extra cost. It was amazing to see another culture first hand and even get glimpses of other ones through meeting the other volunteers there who came from all over the world. I still have friends that I am in contact with and we were able to go on numerous trips together at weekends in order to experience as much of Nepal as possible. I would recommend this trip to anyone!

What would you improve about this program?
I am unsure about improvement: everything was as I needed!
Response from

Hi Meg,
Thank you for leaving such a nice review. We’re delighted that you had a great time while having a profound impact on the local community. We hope that you can join us again in the future on our Medicine project in Nepal or perhaps a totally different project and destination – there are loads to choose from! See you soon,

Sajani Amatya, Country Director for Nepal

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Yes, I recommend this program

Best 4 weeks of my life

I went to Fiji to take part in the shark conservation project. Once arriving I met some of the most amazing people and had the experience of a lifetime! Getting to scuba dive twice a week was amazing and seeing wildlife such as turtles and sharks is something I’ll never forget! Also at the project you complete other take such as helping out in the mangrove nursery and then when they’re big enough, planting them in communities. Shark tagging is another thing that is done once a week as it aims to help track the location of sharks so we know which areas need protecting the most. At the weekends there is time to go off and explore the other island or the main island so there is plenty to do and to see when not on the project. Overall I recommend this project and company as this is the second project I’ve done and I’ve loved them both so much!

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
Im Fiji a local drink they have is Kava which they have during their ceremonies. It makes your mouth go numb and your lips tingle and there’s nothing like it in the UK
Response from

Hi Becky,
Thanks for leaving us such a wonderful review. We are thrilled that you enjoyed your time away with us on Shark Conservation project in Fiji. Our staff and the local community really appreciate the time and effort that you invested into achieving our long term goals. You will be welcomed with open arms upon your return!

Karishma Nandan, Country Director for Fiji

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Yes, I recommend this program

Psychology intern

I volunteered at Ebenezer Home now Ebenezer Rehabilitation center. The center is amazing the staff care about the clients, the men have as much independence as possible and for a non profit they are doing their best.
I recommend the project but I feel split because the money I paid doesn't go to the project itself. Which is a shame as they needed this. Projects abroad did but Ebenezer some items when I was there but I feel for the amount I paid more could have been done to help. When I return I will be doing so independently so I can help the project more.
Socially- you get to go around with other volunteers at weekends to different parts of the island. I would say plan where you want to go beforehand as some volunteers get to other parishes and don't know what's there. Research first.

What would you improve about this program?
More funds directly into the project itself. I feel that for the amount I paid to find out nothing went to Ebenezer was a huge shock and had I known this before I would have volunteered somewhere else. Somewhere where my money went into the projects. The project wasn't cheap so I would expect some of that cost to go into where I volunteered.
Response from

Hi Laura.

First of all, thanks for volunteering with our organisation - your time, effort and funds were contributed to an ongoing sustainable project.

I understand your concern about money and where it goes. 56% of your volunteering fee goes directly into the volunteer experience which includes ongoing donations to placements in destination.

I have raised your specific concern with the country director of Jamaica. They will review the ongoing support that’s currently in place to the Ebenezer Rehabilitation Centre and take appropriate action.

If you would like to discuss this further, you can reach me on my email – I’d be happy to send you a more detailed financial breakdown.

It was nice to hear that the staff at the centre were amazing and that you travelled around with other volunteers in Jamaica.

Kind Regards,
George Green