Projects Abroad

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Medicine project in Ghana

In June I went to Ghana with projects abroad to take part in a medicine internship. It was my second time visiting Ghana with projects abroad and I had such an amazing time! As a medical student the experience of the hospital system and how it differs from the uk system was invaluable and I learnt lots about tropical diseases not seen in the uk. I also went to the leprosy camp as part of my project and got the clean and bandage wounds. It was good to be able to get so hands on and it felt like we were really helping the community by being there. The projects abroad staff were all so helpful and supportive and you never felt like you were on your own. I was staying with a host family with a couple of other volunteers and this meant I felt I had a more immersive experience of the Ghanaian culture and made my time there much more enjoyable.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Get stuck in and don’t be nervous. You get more out of it by asking lots of questions and showing an interest. Plus everyone there is so friendly so it’s easy to get involved.
Response from

Hi Eleanor,
Thanks for leaving us such a wonderful review. We are thrilled that you enjoyed your time away with us on Medicine Project in Ghana. Our staff and the local community really appreciate the time and effort that you invested into achieving our long term goals. You will be welcomed with open arms upon your return!

Emmanuel Abaaja, Country Director for Ghana

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Yes, I recommend this program

Nepal Medical Internship - under 18

I went with Projects Abroad the summer of 2018 to Nepal for their medical internship program for teens. It was my first time out of country alone, and as a 15 year old, I felt completely safe! Everyone on the staff and especially the coordinators were so helpful and always ensured I was safe, healthy, and having fun.

The program is structured on a rotational basis. You’re split into groups and you’ll spend everyday at a different hospital or clinic. There are also labs, lectures, and outreaches, and sightseeing tours set up for you. For the program itself, the most important thing is to be proactive. The doctors at all the hospitals you go to speak English, but they won’t take time out of their overcrowded schedules to interact with you! However, if you show your interest and make an active effort to be k clover, they’ll be more than happy to accommodate you! I still remember some of the beautiful conversations I had. I got to help perform biopsies at the cancer hospital because I asked, and the surgeon said sure! I also do a delivery, an abortion, and many, many eye exams.

Nepal is a beautiful country with a very diverse culture! The program was based in Chitwan, near the Indian border, and it was very, very humid. The hotel you stay at all have AC though, and I honestly looked forward to returning to a blast of freezing air from my hotel room. The locals are so friendly, and the food is delicious. Gosh I still miss the momos. It’s important to keep and open mind when you go, because Nepal is still a developing country and it is to be expected that things are not the standard they are at back home. That being said, it was a very enriching experience, both in terms of the medical procedures I learned and from the diverse cast that made up my group! I never thought I would have a conversation about the Italian school system or Poland’s geographical features, but I did, and more!

Response from

Hi Christina,
Thank you for leaving such a nice review. We’re delighted that you had a great time while having a profound impact on the local community. We hope that you can join us again in the future on our High School Specials, Medicine project in Nepal or perhaps a totally different project and destination – there are loads to choose from! See you soon,

Sajani Amatya, Country Director for Nepal

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Yes, I recommend this program

Building a school

I had a phenomenal time helping build a school in Nepal. The home we lived in as volunteers was a fun and safe place to be. We were transported daily to the work site by the staff. Staff members helped us learn how to do each step of the construction process as well as checked in with us personally to make sure everything was going well with the work and at the home site. In county support had weekend trips available to us to join with itineraries ready to go for us which was helpful. As a volunteer I felt I was supported and safe, I had flexibility but also felt productive with the work schedule. I've traveled with other organizations before that were more cost effective but lacked the same level of support. Since I was traveling alone this time it was great to have the full support of Projects Abroad staff.

What would you improve about this program?
I would have liked to have received a picture of the school once it was completed to see what I started.
Response from

Hi Kristi,
Thanks for your great review. We strive to meet expectations like yours, we’re happy to hear that we hit the mark for you. Thank you for your contribution towards our ongoing Building Project in Nepal – your help is really appreciated. We hope to see you again on one of our projects!

Sajani Amatya, Country Director for Nepal

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Yes, I recommend this program

beautiful islands - great team

Based on San Cristobal, there a good variety of things to do, and the team make sure that you see a lot of the island and participate in different types of projects. There are some early starts, and some of the work can be physical, but you feel like you are part of the local team doing useful work to help conserve this unique place. You will get the chance to see many iconic species of animals in this project from only a couple of metres away. The host family and local project team are all passionate about their work and will ensure that you are looked after.

Top tip - if you want to have side trips, a drink at the bar, or buy any souvenirs, be prepared that this is not a cheap destination and you will spend $$$ quickly - but it is definitely worth considering if you have the opportunity once in your life

What would you improve about this program?
Have some bikes at the residence to enable you to get into town more simply
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Yes, I recommend this program

Changed my life.

Projects Abroad changed my life. It is quite expensive but worth every penny. The staff, the support, the safety, the smiles, I cannot stress this enough- it was the best 2 weeks of my life and I want to do it again. Those mere two weeks made me realise how unhappy I was in my life at that moment and gave me the kick-start to change it. Without my supervisor, I wouldn’t be living the life I am now. Since those two weeks, I have dropped out of university, looking to buy and rent out a house for students, and using the income and my savings to travel the world and volunteer. I am currently volunteering on a farm in Ontario, Canada and I am here for 4 months. My life has changed dramatically simply from seeing how my help CAN change other people’s worlds.

What was your funniest moment?
Every. Single. Second. I laughed uncontrollably everyday for 2 weeks. I cannot remember a funnier time or imagine one for the future. Best. Experience. Ever.
Response from

Hi Kathryn,
First of all, thank you for taking the time to leave us a review. We really value your feedback. I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed your time away with us on the High School Specials,
Sea Turtle & Coastal Conservation project in Mexico – you are welcome back anytime!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Barra Honda National park

English version : I travel two time with Projects Abroad, frist one in 2012 for two months and a second one in 2018, in the same place : Barra Honda Nacional Park in Costa Rica . I past the best time of my life, I learn so much about fauna and flora with the staff and rangers of the Park. They have a lot of mission and you are nevers boring. The Staff help us to many suggestions for visite other places : beach, volcanos...
For all I just say many many Time but : THANKS YOU!!! ¡¡¡GRACIAS y PURA VIDA!!!
I come back one day I Shure!!!
French version : Je suis partie deux fois avec Projects Abroad, une fois en 2012 pour deux mois et une autre fois en 2018 pour trois mois, au même endroit : Parc National de Barra Honda au Costa Rica.
J'y ai passé les meilleurs moments de ma vie, j'ai appris énormément au côté de l'équipe d'investigation de la faune et la flore sauvage ainsi qu'auprès des rangers du parc. Les missions sont multiples et on ne s'ennuie jamais. L'équipe est présente aussi pour nous suggéré d'autres endroits à visiter : plage, voacans ect...
A tous je leur dirais jamais assez mais : MERCI!!! ¡¡¡GRACIAS y PURA VIDA!!!
J'y retournerai ça c'est certain !

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Hi Marie,
I’m glad to read about your amazing time on our Conservation project in Costa Rica. Your hard work is truly appreciated by us and the local community. We hope to welcome you back again on one of our meaningful projects.

Luis Eduardo Arguedas, Country Director for Costa Rica

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Yes, I recommend this program

Incredible experience

The medicine project I did with Projects Abroad in Tanzania was one of the most incredible experiences in my life. I was a medical volunteer in the St. Elizabeth Hospital in Arusha. My working days would be from 08.30 to 14.00, and I would go on rounds with the local doctors. My way of helping in the hospital would be taking up a nurses' role, so taking blood pressure, vitals, helping the patients move around the hospital, etc. Apart from (at least trying my best at) helping the community, I think Projects Abroad makes sure the experience is fantastic for its volunteers as well. They organise workshops about the Tanzanian language and culture, as well as workshops about tropical diseases, stitching workshops, etc. They'll help you organise (safari) trips, hikes, the list goes on. They care a lot about helping us understand the cultural differences, which makes the volunteering easier and more effective.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
For me the most surprising/amazing thing I saw when I was in Tanzania was a Cesarian Section in the hospital.
Response from

Hi Myrthe,
I’m happy to hear about your fantastic time away with us on our High School Specials Medicine project in Tanzania. Great things are achieved when volunteers join our global community. Your time and effort are greatly appreciated not just by us but by the local community. We hope to see you again in the near future.

Glory Matoi, Country Director for Tanzania

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Yes, I recommend this program

Tanzania volunteer

I absolutely loved my 2 weeks in Tanzania. The project was so well organised and I appreciate all the little things in life so much more now! Plus the food cooked by the hosts is amazing and you meet some great friends for life from many different countries! I spent time educating the children in the morning and playing with them on the fields. In the afternoon we renovated the orphanage rooms, the toilets and the showers. I was so glad to have left my mark on the wonderful school that accepted us in for two weeks. The people who took care of us were so kind and helpful from everting money out, transporting us and just being someone to talk to if we had any worries. My biggest memory is how positive and smiley the children were even though they had so little

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Bring lots of snacks in case you don’t like the food. I’m not fussy so loved it all but some people spent a fortune on snacks over there as they didn’t eat the meals cooked
Response from

Hello Lauren,
It sounds like you had an amazing time (I can’t say we're surprised!). Thank you for taking the time to share your positive experience with our global community. We’re so happy that you enjoyed High School Specials,
Care & Community project in Tanzania. We look forward to seeing you again on one of our projects or Internships!

Glory Matoi, Country Director for Tanzania

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Yes, I recommend this program

Ghana volunteering

My experience in Ghana was the best experience I have had. Being part of a different culture and they way they do things was eye opening and has inspired me to want to go back. Working in a special needs school was the incredible, it has allowed me to realise my passion to work with special needs individuals permanently. My projects abroad manager was amazing and was there for any problems or worries I had. The staff at the school were lovely and incredibly grateful for what I did. Activities were planned by my projects abroad manger to ensure we got the most out of our stay and got a true feeling of what it is like to live in Ghana. Giving back to the community (painting a classroom) was a great experience, knowing that they children will benefit. I can’t wait to go back!

What would you improve about this program?
I would stay longer so that I could travel and explore Ghana more
Response from

Hey Beth,
Your positive review is truly appreciated. Thank you for your commitment towards our Care project in Ghana. Great things are achieved when our global network of volunteers come together. We hope to see you volunteering again with us soon.

Emmanuel Abaaja, Country Director for Ghana

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Yes, I recommend this program

Best experience of my lide

I was looking for a volunteer project in the summer of 2015, I was 16 at the time and discovered that very few organisations offer projects to people 16-17, until I came across Projects Abroad's website. I was immediately interested and started browsing through the many projects, for me it was the high school specials and i was particularly interested in care and community in Africa. I emailed projects abroad as I had so many questions, they were very very helpful and even arranged for me to meet up with a previous volunteer where I live. She was lovely and answered all of my questions and concerns, that was when I made the decision to go to Ghana for 4 weeks.

I was overly excited (especially as this was a year before I was actually going!), when I got my "my projects abroad" webpage I swear i checked it every day waiting for new information to be uploaded about my project. About a month before I went I received lots of information about my project (about the schools I'd be going to, my host family and accommodation and even an itinerary that told me what I would be doing each day in Ghana).

I emailed back and forth with Projects Abroad staff and always got a quick response.

From the minute I set foot in Ghana I was supported and guided by the staff, I was met at the airport by them and they were very friendly. My supervisor was my rock for my month in Ghana. He became a close friend and he and my group of volunteers became a little family, helping and supporting each other. I felt like I could talk to him about anything whether it was because I was unwell, needed help, for a laugh or having to be forced out of bed in the morning! We were given a lot of responsibility which I felt was very important, on the project we led classes and organised what the pupils would be doing (which was harder than it sounds!) but it gave us that a purpose and made it a much more valuable experience.

Projects Abroad took good care of me and I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a worthwhile, safe and enjoyable experience.

What would you improve about this program?
The only thing that would have made it better was if I had stayed for longer!
Response from

Hello Roonagh, Thanks for leaving your review about our High School Specials, Care & Community project in Ghana. It’s warming to hear about your story, what an experience you’ve had – I’m sure you’ll remember it for a lifetime! You are most welcome to volunteer or Intern with us in the future.

Emmanuel Abaaja, Country Director for Ghana