  • Malawi

Program Details

Host Family Hostel


Price Details
Program Fee: $2700
Includes: Housing, dinners, some lunches, program materials, transportation, support staff.
Does not include: Airfare, most breakfast and lunches, visas, immunizations, travel insurance, safari.
May 11, 2017
Dec 09, 2013
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About Program

World Camp’s Service Learning Internships offer a rewarding and potentially life changing experience while providing you with practical field knowledge. You will meet inspired people, discover new confidence and develop skills that you never knew you had. We take pride in building strong teams of interns who work with our unique curriculum developed in conjunction with local Ministries of Education, to provide educational and support programming to children and teachers in disadvantaged communities.

Since 2000 World Camp has hosted more than 450 select interns who come from a variety of backgrounds. Over the course of your program, bonds of solidarity and understanding are made among interns, Field Staff, teachers and students. Your fieldwork is based on the needs and understanding of the communities and directly benefits local initiatives.

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The focus of your Service Learning Internship is to expand your own knowledge while providing education to local communities. World Camp's Educational Outreach programs are founded with strong sustainability objectives and aim to break the cycle of foreign dependency and empower individuals and communities to achieve self-sufficiency whenever possible.

Your Internship:

World Camp will provide you with the necessary tools to become an effective teacher and a more informed global citizen. The rich material and engaging activities make for fun-filled days that will inspire you and the participants. Our unique program offers a menu of options you can use to expand your knowledge in key public health areas, and access important current technical information to accurately train others, apply in your future careers and use for self-improvement. World Camp's programming combines technical content and experiential learning. You will be challenged with real life situations where you will use your training to address problems in the field.

You will be given required and suggested reading and course materials to provide an academic grounding in areas of public health and the environment. World Camp Program Coordinators will host group meetings nightly to provide feedback and guided reflection.

What Sets Us Apart


World Camp's direct, hands-on approach assures that interns engage locally challenging issues in an effective and rewarding manner. Unlike many other programs, World Camp does not transfer its interns to third-party organizations. World Camp interns are trained, hosted, and directed by experienced, professional staff who work diligently to ensure that camps and other projects are efficient and productive.

  • Teaching: Work alongside fellow team members and trained Field Staff teaching the World Camp curriculum to primary school students in Standards 6-8 and initiating school action plans in Teacher Workshops. You are not required to have previous teaching experience (although it is preferred) only a genuine desire to help others learn.
  • Community Outreach: With your group you will have multiple opportunities to work alongside community members on pre-selected projects Typically these projects include education-based community activities, volunteering in a Crisis Nursery, or conducting programs with children living in the streets.
  • Cultural Immersion and Homestay: Together with your group you will have a true intercultural experience through homestays with local host families. They will introduce you to the local culture, traditions, and cuisine of Malawi. This cultural immersion will provide you with a very different perspective on life, family, time, wealth and community.

Most importantly you will feel the sense of satisfaction that comes from giving back to the welcoming people of Malawi. As your personal World Camp journey unfolds amidst new friendships you will remember jostling down dirt roads and city streets as the sun slowly reveals the magnificence of bright eyed children with two handed waves, women carrying firewood on their heads, bicycle commuters, and eager smiles.

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Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
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  • Impact 4.95
  • Support 5
  • Fun 4.85
  • Value 4.95
  • Safety 5
Showing 1 - 8 of 14 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

A life changing experience, personally and professionally!

I volunteered through World Camp, Inc. in 2011. I had heard about the organization through friends, but was most interested in volunteering with World Camp because of their deep commitment to HIV/AIDS education, which aligned well with my long term interests. On a really base level, I applied because I knew that an internship of this nature would be a great way to get an "on the ground perspective" for future jobs in the global health arena. However, upon arriving in Lilongwe in June of 2011, I quickly realized that World Camp was more than just a nice resume boost. My internship with World Camp was truly a moving experience that helped shape both my personal and professional perspective longterm. I walked away with a new understanding of poverty and the role HIV is currently playing in many developing countries, especially Malawi. Personally, I felt that in the two short months I was there, I grew so much as a person. Being exposed to such incredible poverty and disease is definitely challenging, but helped me not only appreciate all that I have, but solidified my desire to continue giving back in countries such as Malawi for the rest of my life. The people of Malawi have exceptional heart. I am forever touched by my experience with World Camp in Lilongwe, Malawi.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Volunteering with WC

World Camp is unique, extraordinary program that offers an experience not found within large non-profits or NGOs, which is why, for me at least, it was extremely rewarding and eye opening. I volunteered with WC in the summer of 2009, where not only did I meet and work with truly inspiring individuals, I also learned important lessons about who I am and what I hope to accomplish. Education, especially HIV/AIDs, is vital to developing countries such as Malawi - and I feel that World Camp is one of the few organizations that works directly with the people they are trying to help in order to efficiently come up with hard solutions to tough questions. Now, four years later, I find myself in graduate school studying International Affairs, which I can largely thank WC for inspiring me to get here. I recommend this program to anyone who is looking not only for meaningful work but who is asking tough questions about the world, themselves, and will never settle for an easy solution, because that is not what World Camp is. World Camp is for the believers and for those who will stop at nothing to help.

40 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Malawi with World Camp

I volunteered with World Camp in Malawi in 2009 and it totally changed my perspective on so many aspects of life. I had just come from two years of corporate life and felt very unfulfilled. World Camp was just what I needed. The organization did a fantastic job of giving us volunteers a chance to bond, make a real impact in Malawi, and be challenged.

It was inspiring to work along side passionate volunteers and program leaders who pushed me to give more of myself. Everyday I was pushed to my limits while at the same time, rewarded with amazing interactions with my Malawian students. I will never forget the daily joy of singing with our students every morning and afternoon. The memories are too numerous to list!

Overall, I left Malawi with a new mindset. Similar to other posts on here, I returned to the US more aware of the world and the problems that many people face. I gained a sense that I could really make a difference, and World Camp gave me the tools and awareness to continue to do so.

Highly recommended!!!

What would you improve about this program?
Longer program!
43 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life Changing

World Camp changed my life - literally. During the economic crisis of 2008 I lost my job due to a layoff. Confused on what my next step was, I decided to volunteer. I learned of World Camp and was on a plane two months later.

I can't really say what my favorite part was - Malawi, my fellow volunteers, or the leaders who guided us through this journey - all had a huge impact on me. When I finally returned to the U.S., I was a different person: more empathetic, more centered, and more in touch with what life is like for those not born in a First World Country.

World Camp is an organization that practices what it preaches: you don't need unlimited funds or big name sponsors to change the world - you just need heart and determination. World Camp embodies both of these.

What would you improve about this program?
I wish the program was longer!
43 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Volunteering with World Camp

I am confident that World Camp is one of the very best International Volunteer programs out there. I have volunteered with several non profits throughout the world, and World Camp was the most organized, professional, and cultivated programs I have come across. I volunteered with World Camp in 2009 and intended on volunteering for 5 weeks. At the end of my 5 weeks, I decided not to return home and participated in the second 5 week program WC offered that summer. My experience was fulfilling and I was developing a better understanding of the culture and focus topics. I had to stay and keep volunteering.

Prior to traveling to Malawi, WC offered pre-program support that was very informative and reassuring. Once in country, the Program Coordinators were extremely helpful when in came to settling in and preparing for the journey ahead. The goals and objectives of the curriculum are very apparent, and the lessons we teach are impactful. However, WC has an open-minded approach and encourages volunteers to give ideas and help to continuously develop a better curriculum. The 4 day camps are well refined and sustainable. As a volunteer, you are given great opportunities to immerse yourself in Malawian culture during camp and outside of camp. World Camp is genuinely concerned about volunteer's experiences, always offering a variety of adventures and team building activities.

I highly recommend World Camp to anyone considering volunteering abroad. It changed my life and will most certainly change yours!

What would you improve about this program?
I only had one opportunity per program for a home stay. The home stays are very enriching experiences and I wish I could have had more chances to stay in villages with families.
42 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Scott C.

I volunteered with World Camp in 2006 and on and off again from 2008 to 2010. My experience, like every one else I have come across, was amazing. World Camp is well established in Malawi and has relationships with the schools, teachers and kids they work with. This partnership goes a long way towards making their work effective. They're not just an organization that drops in to a community for a few days here and there, they have have relationships that go back, they listen to the needs of the specific communities and because of all that, they are well respected by the people with whom they work.

On the volunteer experience, World Camp keeps you busy. If you're looking for a five week vacation in Africa, this probably isn't the right program for you. You'll be challenged daily by the coordinators, the teachers, the kids, the translators and your fellow volunteers to think critically about the work you're doing and how you can be more effective. World Camp listens to its volunteers and if you have ideas about how to make the program better, there is amble opportunity during and after your volunteer session to make those ideas a reality.

It sounds cheesey to say this, but World Camp is a life-changing experience. Volunteering with World Camp affects every individual differently. But it's an experience that will change you and you'll never be able to forget about Malawi and the people you met there. You might even go back or make a living doing the work that World Camp started you on.

40 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing experience!

In 2005 I very nervously boarded a plane to volunteer with World Camp in Malawi. Not only did it end up being an incredible 5 weeks, but it quickly became one of the best decisions of my life. Within a few days, I knew why people call Malawi the "Warm Heart of Africa" and that my life was about to change for the better. My summer with World Camp gave me a perspective on the world and development work that no classroom or reading could have done.

Having researched and considered several other volunteer programs, I could not be happier of my choice to work with World Camp. I chose the organization in part because I felt so inspired by the story of how it began. But what really sets the organization apart, is World Camp's unwavering passion for working with people to find sustainable solutions. My undergraduate studies left me critical of the effectiveness of development work and what it really means to 'help' people. Lila Watson captures the distinction, "If you've come to help me, you're wasting your time. But if you've come because you believe your liberation is somehow bound up in mine, then stay, and let us work together." World Camp embodies this idea. And when I think of my time in Malawi, I remember how much the people I worked with and I had an effect on each other.

Five weeks changed my life. World Camp provided an amazing volunteer experience -- a comfortable house, great leadership, a variety of activities and new experiences, and most importantly, the chance to make a real difference. Besides there's nothing like playing games with a bunch of silly kids under the most beautiful African sky.

39 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great people. Great program. Great country!

I first volunteered with World Camp in 2008, and instantly fell in love with the program. It provided me the opportunity to work alongside so many truly wonderful and inspiring people, both local Malawians and other volunteers from all over the world. Through World Camp I really got the opportunity to see and experience the best of what Malawi has to offer. Meeting and talking with the people, emersing myself in the culture, and getting out and experiencing the country was without a doubt the most life changing and significant thing I have done in my life. My time with World Camp provided me with the opportunity to unite with other passionate and driven young people to accomplish something simultaneously powerful, beautiful, necessary and fufilling. Being able to witness firsthand the benefit of what I was teaching to those Malawian communities, and seeing how appreciative and grateful the people were to have me there is something I will never forget. It was most certainly the best decision I have made in my life. Not only was I able to give so much to some of the nicest and most deserving people in the world, but I recieved as much or more in return. Volunteering with World Camp is a decision you will never regret. Doing so will provide you with lessons and memories you can carry with you for the rest of your life. I miss all the friendly smiles, the singing and dancing, and the breathtaking sunsets everyday.

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