  • Morocco
    • Marrakech
    • Fes
1 - 4 weeks
Health & Safety

Program Details

Program Type
Direct Enrollment
Hotel Lodge Tent
Age Min.
Age Max


Price Details
Costs vary depending on the program. Price does not include international airfare.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Meals Transportation
What's Not Included
Apr 28, 2023
Nov 02, 2019
17 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Rustic Pathways’ programs in Morocco encompass the breadth of this gorgeous country with visits to jaw-dropping sights such as the Cascades d’Ouzoud waterfall and Hassan II Mosque. Traveling to the indigenous Amazigh villages of the Atlas Mountains will expose photography students learn to rich cultural traditions and service students work on community-based projects focused on education, agriculture, and cultural preservation.

Iconic images of camels trekking across the desert fall far short of capturing what Morocco is really like. From the red sands of the Sahara to the crashing waves of the coast and the fragrant spice stands of Jamaâ El-Fna market in Marrakech, Morocco is a country you have to see firsthand to truly understand.

Video and Photos

Popular Programs

Camel ride in the Sahara desert

Spend two weeks in a life-changing experience traversing this unique and incredible country. Volunteer at a village in the high Atlas Mountains. Head to the Sahara Desert, where you’ll ride a camel and take in the beauty of the sand dunes. Visit the largest mosque in Africa in Casablanca, surf or relax on the beach in the coastal town of Essaouira, and admire the colorful goods and exotic spices in the souqs of Marrakesh.

Camel ride in the Sahara desert

Spend two weeks in a life-changing experience traversing this unique and incredible country. Volunteer at a village in the high Atlas Mountains. Head to the Sahara Desert, where you’ll ride a camel and take in the beauty of the sand dunes. Visit the largest mosque in Africa in Casablanca, surf or relax on the beach in the coastal town of Essaouira, and admire the colorful goods and exotic spices in the souqs of Marrakesh.

Program Reviews

4.93 Rating
based on 27 reviews
  • 5 rating 92.59%
  • 4 rating 7.41%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Impact 4.75
  • Support 5
  • Fun 4.7
  • Value 4.75
  • Safety 4.95
  • Growth 4.95
  • Support 5
  • Fun 4.9
  • Housing 4.9
  • Safety 4.9
Showing 9 - 16 of 27 reviews
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Anna Claire
Yes, I recommend this program

My Experience with the Moroccan Wanderer Program

I went to Morocco with Rustic Pathways the summer after my sophomore year of high school. Having been to China with them previously, I was worried that nothing could compare to that amazing experience. However, I was proven wrong very quickly. My group was small for the program, as we only had 10 students, but I think that made us all much closer than we would've been had we been in a larger group. The students and leaders were amazing, and made my trip so much more special. The leaders really cared about us, but were also genuinely interested in being with us, and even befriending us. That was a huge perk, because it made us all more comfortable with each other. The things I got the opportunity to do were amazing as well, like riding camels across the Sahara Desert, or teaching English to small town kids. The program helped me face some of my fears, but I always felt safe and cared for. The places we stayed were beautiful and well thought out. Everywhere we went was chosen perfectly and genuinely fascinating. My travels with Rustic Pathways have been the best experiences of my life, and I am so grateful to be able to do them during the summer.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
-Make sure to pack long pants and shirts with sleeves (boys and girls), as Morocco is more modest than most countries
-Be ready to try anything and everything, because you will regret it if you don't
-Stay open minded as you are faced with unfamiliar challenges--I know for me, the culture in Morocco is very different from what I was used to, so I had to consciously work on keeping an open mind
17 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Advanced Photography Workshop Review

As an avid traveler, photography pushes me to communicate with and capture the stories of locals in different countries. Photography empowers me to break barriers that language and different cultural norms put up and allows me to tell the stories of different countries to my community at home. I aim to showcase the lives of individuals throughout the world, to create less fear and more interest in differences. Eyes, expressions, and stories have the power to surpass the extremists shown through media and make connections between citizens of the world accessible to all. During my two weeks in Morocco, I was guided through the history and culture in a way that made my photos come alive. Not only did my photography significantly improve but I was able to humanize a culture that I only imagined before. Through Rustic, I made incredible friends and my trip left me wanting to learn, listen and travel to so many more places throughout the world.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
I would advise being open to stepping out of your comfort zone and excited about challenging yourself.
17 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Moroccan Wonderer Review

On this trip we traveled all over the beautiful country of Morocco, we met so many amazing and kind people who were so willing and excited to tell us about their lives and culture. We got to try some really good food and learn a lot about islamic culture. The leaders were incredibly friendly and helpful. I made lots of amazing friends along the way and grew so much as a person. This trip really gave me great insight into other ways of living and the service really impacted me and I will remember it forever. This trip was great for high school students because it was very active including camel riding and zip lining. It was packed full of adventure and education and really gave you amazing insight into the country that you wouldn't get elsewhere. I am very grateful to have experienced this.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
The most nerve racking thing that I encountered on this trip was zip lining over huge open spaces. I was super nervous at first but then decided to just do it because I knew I would regret not doing it. It ended up being super fun.
17 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Moroccan Wanderer

This trip was absolutely incredible; the two weeks wasn’t enough. The friends I made were kind and supportive and our group instantly clicked. The trip itself was rigorous in travel throughout the country but utterly worth it. The people in Morocco are kind and caring, and the culture is beautiful and accepting. I would absolutely recommend this trip to anyone looking for a marvelous adventure and wonderful learning experience about a truly beautiful country. Overall this trip was unforgettable; both the country itself and the incredible people I got to meet along the way. Hearing the stories of the many people we met during the trip were incredible and so eye-opening, there were so many people that I will always remember and cherish. يلا حبيبي!

What would you improve about this program?
Absolutely nothing!!! It was absolutely amazing!!!
17 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Moroccan Wanderer Rustic Pathways Student Review

My experience on Rustic Pathway’s Moroccan Wanderer was one that offered self-reflection and discovery through adventure and learning about Moroccan culture. Jumping from city to city, we covered what seemed like all of Morocco in only two weeks. Being able to spend time in a different atmosphere every day allowed incredible adventure and experience. We stayed in incredible housing; each place had its own unique Moroccan authenticity and story. We are incredible food that was mostly very authentic, consisting of tajine and delicious khobz (bread). We met many local families and men and women who shared their stories with us and taught us the importance of Moroccan culture. Rustic Pathway’s Moroccan Wanderer is an incredible trip and I highly recommend it.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I would leave my phone behind and just bring a camera.
17 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Moroccan wanderers program

My trip to Morocco with Rustic Pathways was amazing. Even for the nervous traveler, it was just over a week and your constantly doing things. The service was really impactful for me and lasted just a couple days. After the service you do lots of fun activities such as zip lining, riding camels, surfing, and more. I loved how the group size was pretty small because it allowed you to really bond with the whole group and make some great friends. The leaders were great too, they were supportive whenever needed and were just really fun people. Two of the leaders, being from Morocco were very knowledgeable about the culture and history so that was awesome. Overall, this trip had a large impact on my life, helping me build some solid life skills and I was able to better find myself as a person

What would you improve about this program?
I would lengthen the time of service we did because that was personally my favorite part.
15 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Moroccan wanderer program

Moroccan wanderers with Rustic Pathways is an amazing experience. Even for the nervous traveler, it’s just over two weeks and your constantly doing things. The service aspect had a huge impact on me, and was definitely my favorite part. Everything after the service project was all fun, riding camels, zip lining, surfing, and more. I also loved that the group size is a little smaller because you really get to bond with the whole group and make some great friends. The leaders were great too, the were really supportive if needed, and just really fun people. Two of them being from Morocco, were very knowledgeable on the culture and history which was pretty awesome. Overall, this trip helped me build up some solid life skills and find myself more as a person in the world.

What would you improve about this program?
I would lengthen the time of service we did because that was personally my favorite part of the trip.
18 people found this review helpful.
Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

Incredible Moroccan Wanderer Experience

This summer was the best summer of my life and I owe it all to Rustic Pathways. If I could give a higher rating than 10, I would.

First of all, I never would have considered going to Morocco, had I not traveled with Rustic Pathways in the past. After doing two prior trips, I realized I wanted to go somewhere that was unlike any place I would ever go. Morocco hit that on the nose.

From the first day at the quaint guesthouse in Sbiti, I knew I was in for an incredible journey. Doing service there opened up my eyes to a whole new world. It brought me the greatest amount of joy to see the smiles on the village kids' faces as we helped build them a new part of their school. From the casual high five to an elaborate handshake that they taught me, I will never forget them.

Next, we embarked on our journey to the Sahara, stopping at Ait-Ben-Haddou, the filming site of Gladiator. Though the journey took two days it was far beyond worth it. The Sahara is the coolest place I have ever been to! We were all jovial as we sat atop camels and admired the massive sand dunes all around us. We tried our hand at sandboarding, (which I was pretty good at) and stayed up talking and staring at the stars for hours. I cannot stress enough how amazing this place was and the whole time there I was just in awe.

From the Sahara, we made our way to Marrakech, but not without stopping in Dades and at Terres D'Amanar. The drive through Dades Gorge was breathtaking and I had an amazing time on the zip lines and ropes course at Terres D'Amanar. When we got to the Red City, I was immediately impressed by the bustling Jemaa El Fna Square. From the hundreds of vendors to the snake charmers it was such an exciting place to walk around. Our time in Marrakech was spent shopping in the medina, eating great food, and viewing the historical sites.

We finished the trip in the European feeling town of Essaouira. Here we had two super fun surfing lessons on a perfect beginner beach. We spent our final night buying gifts for each other for "Secret Tzatziki" and then ended with a super posh restaurant with great food and live music, the perfect ending.

The leaders were so knowledgeable and fun, yet safety was their number one priority.

Once again, this trip was the best trip of my life. The entire group became so close so quickly and we still talk every day, 3 months later. This program is an absolute must if you want lasting memories and friendships.

What would you improve about this program?
While we went to so many places, I would have loved for this program to be a little longer and go to Chefchaouen and Tangier.
16 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Day-to-day routines varied quite a bit: some days we spent a lot of time in transit, other days we spent the days out and about exploring the various surroundings. For what it’s worth, mealtimes were fairly standard and consistent, even if the rest of our days weren’t. Beyond this, depending on the location, we sometimes had more structure in our days, with organized activities or group...