  • Thailand
    • Hua Hin
    • Surat Thani
    • Phuket
    • Korat
    • Surin
    • Chiang Rai
    • Bangkok
    • Chiang Mai
52+ weeks
Classroom Audience
Early Childhood Pre-School Elementary Middle School High School

Program Details

Classroom Audience
Early Childhood Pre-School Elementary Middle School High School
Age Min.
Age Max


Starting Price
Price Details
Our In-Class TEFL & Placement, Online TEFL & Placement and Placement Only program options cater for those who require an accredited TEFL certification as well as those who hold existing TEFL Accreditation.

The price above is our Placement Only program fee and includes our guaranteed job placement in carefully vetted schools which ensures your income is secured and we guide you through everything you need before you depart and from the moment you touch down, you’ll continue to receive peace of mind 24/7 support from our in-country team who will be on hand for you throughout your placement.

Visit our program page for our In-Class TEFL & Placement, Online TEFL & Placement and Placement Only pricing and benefits.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Some Activities Airport Transfers SIM cards Transportation Wifi
What's Included (Extra)

Shared accommodation for your 1st month in country during your TEFL course
Internationally Accredited TEFL/TESOL Certification
Cultural Orientation including excursions
Lesson Plan templates and resource directories
24/7 In-country support
Support Networks
Lifetime Teaching Placement Guarantee

What's Not Included
Airfare Meals Travel Insurance Visa
Apr 08, 2024
Oct 21, 2023
140 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Get paid to teach English in one of Asia's most exciting and culturally immersive destinations. Guaranteed job placement with flexible contracts ranging from 3 months to 1 year, giving you the chance to make a positive impact globally, grow both personally and professionally, and make new friends from all over the world - all while getting paid to live in paradise.

We walk you through everything you need to know before you depart to Thailand and from the moment you touch down, you'll receive 24/7 support from our in-country team who will be on hand for you throughout your teaching placement for anything you need help with - be it big or small.

Our In-Class TEFL & Placement, Online TEFL & Placement and Placement Only program options cater for those who require an accredited TEFL certification as well as those who hold existing TEFL Accreditation. You’ll get informed, first-hand advice to guide, prepare and support you before, during and after your experience.

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Program Highlights

  • JOB SECURITY: TravelBud guarantees you a teaching job in carefully vetted schools where every effort is made to match placement preferences. Earn salaries of $800 – $1000 USD per month (30,000 to 40,000 Thai baht)
  • SUPPORT: We walk you through everything you need to know before you depart to Thailand and from the moment you touch down, you'll continue to receive 24/7 support from our in-country team who will be on hand for you throughout your placement.
  • TEFL & PLACEMENT OPTIONS: Our internationally accredited In-Class TEFL & Placement, Online TEFL & Placment and Placement Only program options cater for those who require an accredited TEFL certification as well as those who hold existing TEFL certificates
  • TEACHER NETWORK: A support network of fellow teachers where you can meet other like-minded individuals who are experiencing the same pleasures and challenges you are.
  • LIFETIME PLACEMENT: Once you’ve completed your contract, we can guarantee you a position at another partner school throughout Asia for which you are eligible, at no additional charge to you.

Current Teaching Jobs

Program Reviews

4.77 Rating
based on 77 reviews
  • 5 rating 84.42%
  • 4 rating 12.99%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 2.6%
  • Benefits 4.6
  • Support 4.85
  • Fun 4.15
  • Facilities 4.25
  • Safety 4.95
  • Instruction 4.65
  • Support 4.8
  • Value 4.25
  • Academic Rigor 3.45
  • Job Assistance 4.8
Showing 25 - 32 of 77 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

All smiles in the land of smiles!

I’ve now been in Thailand an entire year and it has been the most rewarding experience I could have ever imagined! The in-class TESOL was the perfect way to acclimate myself to teaching English and the cultural orientation provided me with a strong foundation for my immersion into Thai society. The job placement process was smooth and I absolutely love my school and town! I teach the most amazing kindergarteners and have formed genuine relationships with my co-workers, both Thai and foreign. The in-country support is one of my favorite aspects of this program, as there was always someone to go to with questions and to check in on me. I highly recommend this program to anyone looking for a truly life changing experience!
Living in Thailand there are challenges and surprises at every turn, but the growth is so amazing.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Thailand doesn’t give you what you want, it gives you what you need! Go in with an open mind and heart
63 people found this review helpful.
Response from TravelBud

Hi Brooke,

Thank you so much for the lovely review. We're so happy to hear that you're having an amazing time teaching in Thailand and that our TESOL course and cultural orientation helped you prepare for life as an English teacher in Thailand. And of course, it's great to hear that you're loving your teaching placement too!

We're always here to help so please take full advantage of our in-country support :)

Keep embracing every moment of the experience and growing as a person.

- Stu and the TravelBud team

Read my full story
Yes, I recommend this program

Travel Bud

Travel Bud was extremely helpful with all our pre-departure planning. They made sure we were constantly up to date and in the loop with what was happening and what we needed to do. They assist you in getting all your relevant documentation together. You are made to feel at ease knowing you have everything you need.

It is almost always very scary going on adventures like these, and I can confidently say that Travel Bud really make you feel a lot calmer and less nervous while leading up to your departure. They are always available to help you when needed and answer any questions you have (even when you have very many - sorry Lucy! ;))

Travel Bud is also great with communication. They always check up to make sure you are okay and checking if they are able to help in any way.

I would (and already have) highly recommend Travel Bud to anyone.

60 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

TravelBud’s support

Using a travel agency to start working overseas comes with many benefits. When working with TravelBud, not only do you get administrative support, a great Tesol course and you get to make connections pre-departure, but you also get emotional and honest communicative support. My agent, Lucy, communicated well and was always ready to answer any questions or guide me through any difficulties. I recommend using TravelBud because you will be working with individuals who have experience in what you are about to embark on. There were many times leading up to my departure where the agency and Lucy would share stories about their adventures and give their advice. Now, in Thailand, I often refer back to those stories and little gems in order to get me through whatever challenge I can overcome.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Always say yes and be open to connect. When traveling abroad, opportunities you never even dreamed of come your way. When you embrace these chances with open arms, that’s when life really starts moving.
63 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Placement-only program

I only did the orientation week as I already had teaching qualifications. In the orientation week, they tried to squeeze lots of information in about culture, history, language, expectations in school which was helpful. Even though we were asked about our priorities for placement, it was not clear how it actually worked, how it was decided who goes where. For me, it worked out well, but for some, it was completely the opposite.
In general, I found the program quite expensive for mainly getting only some advice on life in Thailand and getting a placement, we had to pay everything on top of that (accommodation, food, etc.). It's nice to have all this information in one place, and get prepared for the life in Thailand, but I feel that we've just been passed from agent to agent, and that inflated the costs. Apart from that, I'm happy that I met like-minded people at the orientation week, and we were always kept busy with programs. However, I don't find it essential for teaching, as most of the time, you'll only get the answer: "it depends on which school, which region".

What would you improve about this program?
As many people come here without experience and only with an online TESOL course, it would be helpful to get more info about lesson planning, different teaching methods, grading system, classroom management.
59 people found this review helpful.
Response from TravelBud

Hi Fruzsina, thanks for the review and for taking the time to go into so much detail with your feedback.

Lucy mentioned what a great time you're having in Thailand and that's fantastic to hear :)

I just wanted to take a moment to highlight some of the other benefits you get from our program - even though you didn't need our TESOL course - I apologize if you're enrollments coordinator didn't highlight this properly for you. You'll also benefit from our lifetime placement guarantee. What this means is that once you're finished your contract in Thailand, you can renew there at the same school or a different one, free of charge. You can also opt to switch out to another program destination which you may qualify for such as Myanmar or Vietnam to teach there - you also wouldn't be charged for us or our partners facilitating that again.

And just quickly to touch on the agent system you mentioned in your review - I know it can seem a little intimidating and perhaps confusing. In Thailand, there are thousands of agents who recruit teachers for schools within the country, most of these don't have the means to reach quality candidates to hire them directly. They then reach out to ground handlers in Thailand like our partners you were fetched by and accommodated with when you arrived. These handling partners make sure you have a smooth arrival into the country and are as prepared as possible to be a responsible and effective teacher by putting you through the intensive (but fun) orientation you had. They also handle on-the-ground issues which your agent or school may be unable to solve for you. These can include things as serious as major medical or legal emergencies or language barrier issues and basic culturally-sensitive conflict resolution. We handle the outreach, marketing and recruitment on behalf of all parties you've dealt with in Thailand. We have long-standing relationships with these partners and know their management personally - we also regularly do visits and meet-ups with our partners to assess the continued quality of service being provided to everyone.

Regarding your suggestion for improvement, I'll have Lucy reach out to you but our program does come with access to many of these online resources for teachers. If you could take a look and if you feel they could be improved, please send us or our partners an email so that we can build on that feedback and improve the resources for you going forward.

Again, thanks for the review and we're thrilled to see you having a good time in Thailand!

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Yes, I recommend this program

After 3 months in Thailand...

I have always wanted to go to Thailand, not just to travel but to live an authentic experience. I wanted to be able to work there, build my professional experience as a newly qualified teacher and discover this country, its people and its traditions.
All of that seemed impossible to achieve by myself and I am very grateful for the help and support that was given to me by TravelBud and their partners.

I have been in Thailand for 4 months now and this experience has definitely been full of surprises and hopefully there's a lot more to come. I have been teaching to great kids, have seen amazing landscapes and met great people.
Here, I have learnt not to have any expectations and just appreciate every moment because that is the true beauty of this journey.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
As a non-native speaker, I had a lot of documents to ge translated. I learnt just a few weeks before my departure that I had more documents were needed and that they had to be translated in English. I was already very nervous and stressed out but leaving, going to a new country on the other side of the world, by myself and with no job just yet and this administrative problem was just an unnecessary problem that I didn't need to habe at this moment. Everything went wellin the end but the moment before leaving was probably the most difficult that I had tp overcome.
63 people found this review helpful.
Response from TravelBud

Hi Charlene, thanks so much for the wonderful review! I know with French nationals there are a bunch more hoops for you to jump through to be able to legally teach in Thailand. I'm glad you were able to make it work and are having a wonderful experience so far!

Lucy reports that you had a great attitude throughout the support process and were an absolute pleasure to work with and she knew you were going to make a great success of your time in Thailand!

All the best with the rest of your time :)

Yes, I recommend this program

This was an experiment

This was an experiment of sorts for me because this was the scariest thing I have ever done in my life. I was so excited for this amazing opportunity and in many ways it did not disappoint... I wanted a chance to experience something different and out of my comfort zone and this afforded me that! I just wished I had done more research regarding the program as a whole I got so caught up in the splendor, the pomp and circumstance that I overlooked all the very real things I would be facing once I was in country(Homesickness, finances, TESOL course, culture shock etc.). Regardless this was an unforgettable journey filled with precious memories and I will forever be grateful for the beautiful chapter I get to add to the story of my life. Thank you Travelbud! For those interested make sure you do your RESEARCH before and what are you waiting for... go ahead and be brave!

What would you improve about this program?
There were a lot of hidden costs involved or maybe I was just not aware of it eg. CBC, degree authentication etc. It’s important to make future prospective people aware of all the costs outside of what we’re already paying towards the package ahead of time instead of finding it out as we go along. It can be quite a financial contraint as the package is already pricey.
55 people found this review helpful.
Response from TravelBud

Hi Goretti, thanks so much for this wonderful review! We’re so thrilled to hear that this experience did not disappoint you even though it was short.

Homesickness and culture shock are unfortunately aspects of teaching abroad which everyone experiences at some point, this is why our pre-departure support staff puts so much effort into making sure our participants are as prepared as possible for what is to come prior to arriving in-country. Having said that, we’re well aware of how daunting the thought of leaving your life behind and settling abroad can be, so the fact that you gave it your best shot is something you should be really proud of.

We’re sorry to hear that you felt that there were hidden costs, but our enrolments team takes all our applicants through the costs involved during the interview, prior to them signing up.

We really appreciate your insightful review and especially your feedback, as we are constantly looking for innovative ways to make sure all our teachers have the best experience possible!

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Yes, I recommend this program


My journey started back in 2016 when I embarked on an in class TEFL course in Hua Hin, Thailand. As I am sure you know I went through a wonderful company called TravelBud, who looking back were excellent in everything. From clarifying everything needed and all costs onvolved to setting me up exactly in Thailand with appropriate agencies to assist me in finding a job.

TravelBud were great in such a way where they fortunately provided me with all the information on what to expect and how life would be in Thailand. I really was amazed and taken back by their professional service and guidance throughout the entire process. When I arrived in Thailand with some of my fellow friends where we were picked up from the airprort and taken to our hotel which were all included in the fee, this was great as chaotic Bangkok was quite the place to walk into first time being abroad. So having some professional guidance and assistance was excellent.

Everything was made clear and even before leaving my home country TravelBud provided me with a packing list as well as necessities to take abroad which came in very handy throughout my time in Thailand. I think for me what is the best part was that TravelBud are always eager to give advice and suport no matter what the situation is even if you have finished your course with them and it has been months later.

Their expertise and knowledge about living abroad especially in Asia is outstanding and I highly recommened going through them if you are wanting to work and teach abroad.

63 people found this review helpful.
Response from TravelBud

Thanks so much for the glowing review Mitch! It's great to see how positive your experience is, even after all these years and how fondly you look back on how you started your journey with us.

The whole team remembers you and we're thrilled to be part of your journey from day one. Keep up the awesome work, we know you've made a great difference to the lives of your students!

No, I don't recommend this program

Not Worth It!

The overall cost of the program is not worth what you pay, especially if you are not doing the TESOL/TEFL course. Although all the pre-departure guidance is nice, the orientation week with the partner of TravelBud was very unnecessary and had unexpected costs and also left me with more questions than answers by the end of the week. My name and contact information were only passed from one person to the next (Travelbud to the partner to an Agent). The placement process offers no option and threatens to send you to the bottom of a list and would require a long time to find a new placement if you didn't like and accept the position offered to you. No background check was done on my school, as very little information could be provided to me before I accepted the position.

I recommend finding a job yourself and doing the research on the school and organization first and do it alone. You'll find better teaching positions with higher pay and it will save you money and frustration!

What would you improve about this program?
The program could be improved if the cost was lowered substantially for the life long membership and bank of contacts. You should inform the participants about the role of the agent once getting into Thailand because no questions are answered for sure until you contact them. If participants are not getting TESOL certification then TravelBud should not offer an orientation week because it was not helpful and it is a very very unnecessary expense. TravelBud should stop advertising the ideal teaching experience that offers plenty of free time to travel because these experiences vary depending on the school. Require the partner to actually do background checks on all schools before offering placements at the school. Require contracts and or plenty of details from the schools that the partner puts participants in contact with.
61 people found this review helpful.
Response from TravelBud

Hi Joe,

Thanks for taking the time to leave us a review. You emailed us with similar concerns and allegations the same day as you posted this review and we responded immediately upon reading it, informing you that we take these allegations very seriously indeed; we and our partners pride ourselves on the level of service we provide, it is the very foundation of each of our organizations. In that mail, we also informed you that we'd need some time to investigate each of the points you raised as they were broad, touching on pretty much every single aspect of your experience in Thailand and we needed to reach a large number of people for feedback, commentary and remedial action where needed.

We do wish you'd allowed us the opportunity to investigate and take action before you'd posted this review. This is especially since this was the very first time you'd presented to us what you were unhappy about, despite multiple opportunities over the past few months where we and our partners had reached out repeatedly.

Our participants having repeated, negative experiences is not something which is sustainable for an organization such as ours or that of our partners. We, therefore, do our utmost to stay in touch and get feedback as often as possible so as to allow us to address issues, remedy them and improve the experience for all participants, those both present and future. It's through these actions and policies that we've been able to achieve such high ratings of the service we provide over the past several years. Without feedback when things don't live up to expectation, it's impossible to remedy.

It's understandable then that your mail and review came as a surprise to everyone concerned. That along with the fact that for our teachers placed in Thailand, 90% rate the experience as positive, this includes the work experience and experience with our partners. Of the participants surveyed in your intake group, 100% rated their experience with TravelBud as a positive. Granted, you had already left the group for your placement to commence when the survey was conducted so we didn't receive your feedback then. We did reach out 3 times since via email to get this and our partners have reached out repeatedly also.

With that aside, we wanted to take an opportunity to address the concerns you raised here.

Your comment that the orientation was unnecessary is concerning. During this orientation, yes, there are fun activities thrown in like a trip to a local market to help you understand how to navigate one or purchase local fresh produce. A visit to a local temple to understand the role Buddhism plays in everyday Thai society. A visit to a dog rescue shelter to help you understand the plight of street dogs so ubiquitous in Thailand. Cooking lessons to help you understand the ingredients and methods which go into local dishes. While these are fun and maybe unnecessary for anyone simply wanting to just find a job and get paid, our programs are set up to be culturally immersive experiences. We want each participant to be a responsible and informed traveler in order to make the most positive impact on those they teach.

That being said, the orientation offers a whole lot more than just these activities. There are history & culture lectures and Thai language lessons which again help you to be a more responsible traveler and resident of Thailand. Then there are sessions on the agent system in Thailand, how to organize your visa to ensure you continue to work legally in the country and sessions on adjusting to culture shock and the emotional stress of living and working in what’s usually a new culture and new field of work for most participants.

Ample opportunity is given to ask questions, whatever these may be, whether that be to the many program staff, placement staff or the team of existing teachers who work on their school break as orientation assistants. Our partners reported that you by contrast to many of the other participants asked very few questions, this obviously made it difficult to address your concerns then and there.

Your point about the placement process we feel is a little puzzling. Your preferences as listed to the placement team were as follows: Location: Big city, preferably Bangkok or outskirts 2nd, otherwise, as close to Bangkok as possible. Age group: no kindergarten, primary preferably, secondary otherwise. Other preferences: location over age, all subjects for primary, can teach Spanish or Italian.

A great deal of effort was made to match every one of your preferences, based on what was available at the time of application and the team was able to match you with a job in Bangkok, with a mix of primary and secondary level students, location was given preference to age-group. Your salary was just above the median for first-time ESL teachers as well. Probably the biggest reason for saying that you shouldn’t reject this position was that it was the best possible position available matching your preferences. Your rejection of the position would have put you at the back of the line again while other applicants received placements and the team would go back to the drawing board to find you another position which matches your preferences. Your start could have been delayed and you likely could have had to compromise on your preferences to ensure you were able to start in a timely manner and start earning a salary.

Finding a position which exactly matches all preferences is extremely rare as it’s all down to availability.

Your point about no background check being done on the school is one we take extremely seriously as it’s something our partners pride themselves on doing thoroughly. It shouldn’t be possible that a school ends up on their network which hasn’t been vetted, this hasn’t happened before to our knowledge, so we’re going to investigate this further and if this has happened, remedial action will be taken immediately.

With regards to the agent system in Thailand - this is something you’ll find across the board in the country, regardless of the organization you are placed through. Only by going to individual schools directly who don’t use regional agents will you avoid working through one. Schools generally contract local regional agents to gather candidates for teaching positions, these agents will then reach out to their network of program providers such as ours for teachers. It’s not the most efficient system, we know, but it is the way it works in Thailand. By contrast, for example, our Vietnam program is different in that there is no agent between the placement team and the school and things often happen much faster there. The placement team has years of experience in dealing with the agents and knowing which are legitimate and which to avoid. Dealing with these agents directly can be very confusing and has led to many people landing themselves either with illegal jobs or extremely poor work experiences.

As for advertising the worst-case scenario for teaching in Thailand, I’m sure you can understand the issue with that. What we advertise is the typical experience, some teachers will go on to earn more than we advertise (such as yourself earning more than the advertised 32,000 Thai Baht or $1000 per month), some will go on to have more time off, less teaching hours, a better location or more benefits than advertised. Wherever the experience is likely to be poorer than average we will either not take on the applicant or we will advise from the outset what it will be like to set clear expectations - this is usually the case with, for example, those with heavy accents or no bachelor’s degrees.

If we take a look at prior feedback reports, we see the following which matches with our advertising material: Around three-quarters of participants report having plenty of opportunities to travel. 85% of participants felt very prepared for their teaching experience by the orientation and, where applicable, TESOL course. The 20 hours of teaching time per week your position requires is around average, the extra lesson-planning time outside of those is also very normal for Thailand or any school around the developing world for that matter. The pay you receive is just above the average salary for an ESL teacher, particularly a first-time ESL teacher in Thailand. There certainly are higher paying jobs out there in Thailand, these almost universally will go to experienced ESL teachers.

This all being said, your review has given us some insight into some areas we can improve on and we all agree with you here on these:

1: We can look at how we can better communicate that this experience will not be a walk in the park and will require hard work. Working as a teacher in a developing country comes with challenges and requires a flexible attitude if one is to enjoy it. This job is as much about an opportunity to travel in a new part of the world as it is about hard work and giving back to the community in which you operate. We’ll look for opportunities to improve our communication in this regard from written content to details shared by our enrollments staff telephonically.

2: We can also make it even more clear that we are not simply a recruitment service, that our services are focussed on preparing participants to have the best cultural experience possible, to be responsible travelers and residents in Thailand and to be impactful teachers. For those simply wanting to find a job without any external preparation or support and for those confident enough to do everything themselves 100% effectively and wanting to spend as little as possible in outlay, we’ll make it more clear that this program is not for them. We don’t think we’re doing anyone any favors by signing someone up to our program if this is what their requirements are.

Joe, thanks again for communicating to us your frustrations. Your email goes into greater detail than you did on this review and we’ve communicated your feedback to the various parties concerned. The placement manager in Thailand, Paang, will be reaching out to you to go through each of your placement concerns in more detail and Saskia, our support manager will be reaching out to you to go over your service concerns.

It’s unfortunate that you waited several months to give us this feedback but we’re hoping to find something which can be done to help ease your experience and make it more comfortable for you wherever reasonable and possible but we will chat with you more about this.

Looking forward to helping you out,

The TravelBud team.

Questions & Answers

Hi Marjorie, The age limits are between 20 and 45 years of age. The other requirements are: - A passport from the UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia or New Zealand - A Bachelor’s degree in any field I hope this helps Marjorie and we look forward to assisting you!

Hi Salil. Thanks for your question- it's one we get often so thanks for asking! The qualifications to be an English teacher does depend on which country you are looking to teach in and what the associated visa and school requirements are. At the most basic level for all programs a teacher needs to hold a Passport from one of the seven countries that are considered native English speaking: USA...

Almost, qualified teachers with all of their necessary documents will travel to their placements after 1 week in Thailand. During this week they will embark on a Cultural immersion course. This is highly recommended to any future teacher as you gain important insights into customs, and how to make a good impression at your future school. There are often language lessons as well, while only a week...

Hi Garth, Our Paid Teaching program in Thailand costs $2200 for the full program - which includes an in-depth TEFL certification course and Thai cultural orientation in Thailand before you start teaching, as well as your guaranteed job placement with a monthly salary of $950 to $1300 at one of our trusted and vetted school partners. 24/7 support is also provided throughout your time on our program...