  • Thailand
    • Hua Hin
    • Surat Thani
    • Phuket
    • Korat
    • Surin
    • Chiang Rai
    • Bangkok
    • Chiang Mai
52+ weeks
Classroom Audience
Early Childhood Pre-School Elementary Middle School High School

Program Details

Classroom Audience
Early Childhood Pre-School Elementary Middle School High School
Age Min.
Age Max


Starting Price
Price Details
Our In-Class TEFL & Placement, Online TEFL & Placement and Placement Only program options cater for those who require an accredited TEFL certification as well as those who hold existing TEFL Accreditation.

The price above is our Placement Only program fee and includes our guaranteed job placement in carefully vetted schools which ensures your income is secured and we guide you through everything you need before you depart and from the moment you touch down, you’ll continue to receive peace of mind 24/7 support from our in-country team who will be on hand for you throughout your placement.

Visit our program page for our In-Class TEFL & Placement, Online TEFL & Placement and Placement Only pricing and benefits.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Some Activities Airport Transfers SIM cards Transportation Wifi
What's Included (Extra)

Shared accommodation for your 1st month in country during your TEFL course
Internationally Accredited TEFL/TESOL Certification
Cultural Orientation including excursions
Lesson Plan templates and resource directories
24/7 In-country support
Support Networks
Lifetime Teaching Placement Guarantee

What's Not Included
Airfare Meals Travel Insurance Visa
Apr 08, 2024
Oct 21, 2023
140 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Get paid to teach English in one of Asia's most exciting and culturally immersive destinations. Guaranteed job placement with flexible contracts ranging from 3 months to 1 year, giving you the chance to make a positive impact globally, grow both personally and professionally, and make new friends from all over the world - all while getting paid to live in paradise.

We walk you through everything you need to know before you depart to Thailand and from the moment you touch down, you'll receive 24/7 support from our in-country team who will be on hand for you throughout your teaching placement for anything you need help with - be it big or small.

Our In-Class TEFL & Placement, Online TEFL & Placement and Placement Only program options cater for those who require an accredited TEFL certification as well as those who hold existing TEFL Accreditation. You’ll get informed, first-hand advice to guide, prepare and support you before, during and after your experience.

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • JOB SECURITY: TravelBud guarantees you a teaching job in carefully vetted schools where every effort is made to match placement preferences. Earn salaries of $800 – $1000 USD per month (30,000 to 40,000 Thai baht)
  • SUPPORT: We walk you through everything you need to know before you depart to Thailand and from the moment you touch down, you'll continue to receive 24/7 support from our in-country team who will be on hand for you throughout your placement.
  • TEFL & PLACEMENT OPTIONS: Our internationally accredited In-Class TEFL & Placement, Online TEFL & Placment and Placement Only program options cater for those who require an accredited TEFL certification as well as those who hold existing TEFL certificates
  • TEACHER NETWORK: A support network of fellow teachers where you can meet other like-minded individuals who are experiencing the same pleasures and challenges you are.
  • LIFETIME PLACEMENT: Once you’ve completed your contract, we can guarantee you a position at another partner school throughout Asia for which you are eligible, at no additional charge to you.

Current Teaching Jobs

Program Reviews

4.77 Rating
based on 77 reviews
  • 5 rating 84.42%
  • 4 rating 12.99%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 2.6%
  • Benefits 4.6
  • Support 4.85
  • Fun 4.15
  • Facilities 4.25
  • Safety 4.95
  • Instruction 4.65
  • Support 4.8
  • Value 4.25
  • Academic Rigor 3.45
  • Job Assistance 4.8
Showing 33 - 40 of 77 reviews
Yes, I recommend this program

Teaching English in Thailand- Krabi Town

TravelBud were very helpful in guidance and assistance for every detail major and minor (e.g. when it came to pre departure), putting your mind at ease knowing you were in safe hands.

Once in Thailand they provide 24 hour assistance of help if ever required. Very nice and friendly staff communicating with made it all the easier to ask questions whether big or small.

The three weeks TESOL course in Hua Hin via TravelBud's in-country partners was a memorable experience, where upon completion the placements team take into account your preferences and try to place you as best they can to the area you have requested. I was lucky enough to get mine in Krabi where I am teaching at a secondary school in Krabi Town.

I am loving the school, the kids are great fun to teach and the fellow teachers are very friendly and welcoming which has made my experience very memorable and all the more enjoyable!

63 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Very good experience

I am absolutely loving my experience in Thailand. Saskia Smuts is my advisor, and she is absolutely amazing. She is always there to answer my emails, almost immediately. In addition, she continually checks in with me to make sure that everything is going smoothly. I feel such a sense of comfort to reach out to her with any conflicts I face, be it professional or personal. I am extremely grateful for her support. She has absolutely gone above and beyond the call of duty, and has make this experience that much smoother and effortless. I am very grateful that I was put in contact with you, and i have a sense of security knowing if anything begin to stress me out that I have her to lean on. I have grown so much from this experience. I have made friends with both foreign teachers in the same boat as me, as well as with some of the Thai teachers. I am looking forward to the remainder of the year I am here, and getting the feeling that I will be doing this far longer then I had originally expected.

What would you improve about this program?
The price of the program is a little expensive, because of the additional prices that TravelBud's partner demands especially because I found they included very little in that price. They ask for payment directly to them, but that payment does not include transportation, living accommodations, bank fees, or anything. Considering that I was a placement only, and thus not having to pay for the TESOL course, I found the prices they demanded quite extreme for the services they offered. I have received much more assistance from my TravelBud representative, Saskia Smuts, then I have from the partner organization staff.
61 people found this review helpful.
Response from TravelBud

Hey Jacqueline!

Thanks so much for the glowing review! It's great to hear that Saskia was able to provide you with such a great experience.

Regarding the extra fees you paid to our in-country partners, Saskia will reach out to you today to get clarification on what extra you had to pay in Thailand. Something doesn't sound quite right there and we suspect there may be some miscommunication which has happened and we'd like to fix it ASAP.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Mai Pen Rai - No worries

No worries is a great way to describe my experience here in Thailand. Since I hit the ground in October of 2018 I have had so much in country and email support from Saskia and Travelbud. The program helped me with everything; getting the correct visa, packing for the trip, transportation, and all the little things in between. I have felt oddly at ease through the experience, knowing I will be taken care of in some way. Now don't get me wrong there are naturally, some stressful and worrisome times through the lifechanging experience but I was supported the whole way through. Even now, 2 months into teaching I can still reach out if I have anything I need.
Advice if you're debating on whether to do the program: Talk to a coordinator and ask ALL the questions you have. There are no silly questions and it will help you make the best decision for yourself.

Be ready to be flexible. Very little things in Thailand go exactly as planned and the locals have a unique lifestyle that will make you "go with the flow".

Be ready to actually teach. That's what you're here doing right? Too many people from my program only came for the islands and cheap drinks and dropped out because they didn't want to do the hard work. Do this for the right reasons. All of Thailand is beautiful but it's not all beaches and pina coladas. Also, stay for at least 6 months if you can. It'll be hard to get the full experience in shorter amount of time.

Get out of your comfort zone! Do it, life is short. I've learned so much about myself and the world in only 3 short months and I wouldn't change it for anything. Endlessly grateful for this experience and I don't think you'll regret it either!

What would you improve about this program?
I think the program should educate us more on the vaccines we should be getting. I did do the research myself and found the best shots through my doctor but I wish I was more aware of the important shots. For example, if I had known there was a stray dog problem in Thailand I would have gotten my rabies shot before coming.
I also think it needs to be emphasized that you will not be getting paid for at least a full 2 months. I was aware of the budget for the first month with accommodation, nightlife, food etc. but was unaware my school would not be paying me until the middle of December. This left me with almost 2 and half months of no pay, so I think future participants need to know this in order to budget properly.
66 people found this review helpful.
Response from TravelBud

Hey Amber, thanks so much for the very thorough review, the helpful tips you provided and the really constructive feedback you gave. We really appreciate it a lot and take it all on board to help us improve our communication about the programs we offer.

So glad you're having that full mai pen rai experience and embracing life in your new home! Thanks again for the review!

Yes, I recommend this program

Teaching in Thailand: What REALLY Happens

Teaching in Thailand was one of the best things I could have ever done. I applied on a whim, utterly terrified and unsure of what to expect, but the staff at TravelBud (ESPECIALLY SASKIA :D ) could not have been more helpful and supportive, it was a huge comfort to me knowing that someone was hearing and helping me.
The TESOL course was incredibly helpful, I think I would've been completely lost without it as I'm still drawing on those skills that I learnt and it proved to be incredibly useful in the classroom.
The most important piece of advice I can give when finding your feet in this lovely country is this: KEEP. AN. OPEN. MIND.
I have always sworn by this but I found that it helps, especially in Thailand. My fellow Thai teachers are just AMAZING, helpful when you ask questions and love sharing food! (And I am someone that never turns down food, haha). Keeping an open mind when trying to immerse yourself in this new culture can be trying at first but it will be the best tool to help you overcome your anxiety about being outside of your comfort-zone. For me, it turned out to be a fun, amazing experience that I wouldn't trade for anything. I'm loving every minute of it, I love the new friends I've made and my students are growing on me each day!
Lastly, I'm loving this, I am so glad I chose to do this and one FINAL, extremely special THANK YOU to Saskia for helping me keep my head on straight!

65 people found this review helpful.
Response from TravelBud

Hey Stephanie, thank you so much for this awesome, in-depth and informative review. We're so thrilled we could play a part in your teaching English in Thailand adventure! We hope you carry on having the best time in Thailand :)

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Yes, I recommend this program

Once in a lifetime opportunity - It's worth it!

We found out about Travelbud through a posting on Facebook. Immediately I was intrigued about the programs they offered and how everything worked. Travelling and working abroad was a bucket list item that my husband and I had discussed when we were still in high school. After having a Skype call with Peter, we were sold! This was something we needed to do and Travelbud was the company who was going to help us. We applied for the teach in Thailand course and sent through all our necessary documents. Everything was so easy! Travelbud went out of their way to provide a seamless experience for us. All of a sudden we were boarding a plane and beginning our adventure and we have never looked back.
What we learnt while abroad (just a few):
1. Yes you are here to travel and experience the culture and have an incredible experience but as a teacher, your students should come first! Always put your best foot forward for your students.
2. Embrace the culture and the people you meet. It may not be what you are used to but it doesn't make it wrong, just different. You'll be surprised at the incredible experiences you have once you accept this.
3. Do your best to make meaningful friendships while you are aboard. Your life will be so much richer for it.
Teaching in Thailand, and Thailand itself, has opened our eyes to what is truly important in life. I am sure that your experience travelling and teaching/volunteering abroad will be the same for you, should you choose to allow it.

64 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

18 months in Thailand

Going through Travel-Bud was fantastic from start to end.
I had a million and one questions before I went over (The jitters were real) but dealing with Peter was great in that he answered each and everyone of them, gave his own personal accounts of what I should expect on the other side and advice for aspects I hadn't quite thought of.

The orientation month consisted of culture related excursions (making Thai food, going to temples, meeting elephants and learning the basics of Thai language)
My favourite part was the fact that we stayed with a group of 30 of us for the first month, since we were all in this together, we bonded A LOT quicker than your normal friendship. Every night we were bonding over food, games, drinking by the pool, playing guitar, doing yoga in the park, making fun of each others accents and sharing why we had embarked on this new chapter.
I'm still in touch with most of these people and during the holidays we would meet up in different cities around Thailand. Now that I'm back home we often FaceTime one another and they're friendships I'll treasure forever.

The teaching part was great too, for the first year I was a teacher at a government Thai school, where I was the only foreigner. Sometimes it would get lonely but the Thai teachers honestly put in SO much effort to converse with me and make me feel comfortable.
My last 6 months I was an MEP teacher (I taught one class of 6 year olds all the subjects from English, maths, Science, Health and Art) at a wealthier school, where I worked alongside 3 other English teachers. Both had pro's and con's but I wouldn't give up either experience!

If you're interested in going over, I would suggest DO IT. If you really don't enjoy it - fly home. But if you do, imagine all the stories you can tell your grandkids one day?! This journey honestly grows you in a way you can only understand once you've gone through it. I'm so thankful I didn't let fear hold me back because now I can't shut up about all the adventures I experienced and people I met.

What would you improve about this program?
- Explaining the best months to go over
- Rotating the groups for the orientation to meet more people
59 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program


Coming to teach in Thailand was the best decision I ever made for myself. I have grown in so many ways I never thought I would. What I love the most about Thailand is the Thai people that are very friendly and the delicious Thai food. Working with Thai kids is a pleasure as are keen to learn. Overall I’m so happy that I was able to have this experience and so grateful to TravelBud for making it possible!

67 people found this review helpful.
Response from TravelBud

Thanks so much for the wonderful review! Saskia and the rest of the team know that it hasn't always been smooth sailing for you but you've shown such grit and determination in making this incredible experience work for you. We're all rooting for you here at the TravelBud office and we know that your positive attitude will be an inspiration to your students. They're very lucky to have you!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Come here to be a Teacher not a tourist!!

This is an amazing program. The mandatory TESOL training course does a good job getting you prepared to be a teacher here, but nothing compares to the real thing. Working with Thai students is an absolute blast. They are fun-loving, hard-working, and simply a pleasure to be around. As the title states, DO NOT COME HERE IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AN EXCUSE TO TRAVEL. Theses students greatly benefit from learning English, as it is the most used language between Asean countries, as well as much of the world. You can literally help open doors to the world for kids here if you are willing to work hard for them. Absolutely would recommend this program for anyone who wants to help out and enjoy the amazing country that Thailand is!

68 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Hi Marjorie, The age limits are between 20 and 45 years of age. The other requirements are: - A passport from the UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia or New Zealand - A Bachelor’s degree in any field I hope this helps Marjorie and we look forward to assisting you!

Hi Salil. Thanks for your question- it's one we get often so thanks for asking! The qualifications to be an English teacher does depend on which country you are looking to teach in and what the associated visa and school requirements are. At the most basic level for all programs a teacher needs to hold a Passport from one of the seven countries that are considered native English speaking: USA...

Almost, qualified teachers with all of their necessary documents will travel to their placements after 1 week in Thailand. During this week they will embark on a Cultural immersion course. This is highly recommended to any future teacher as you gain important insights into customs, and how to make a good impression at your future school. There are often language lessons as well, while only a week...

Hi Garth, Our Paid Teaching program in Thailand costs $2200 for the full program - which includes an in-depth TEFL certification course and Thai cultural orientation in Thailand before you start teaching, as well as your guaranteed job placement with a monthly salary of $950 to $1300 at one of our trusted and vetted school partners. 24/7 support is also provided throughout your time on our program...