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Year Round


Starting Price
Oct 02, 2023
Jan 07, 2024
26 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

AIP launched our remote internship program to facilitate interns with logistical difficulties to allow for meaningful international experiences to take place in any corner of the world! Our remote internship program covers all professional fields of work, including but not limited to business, engineering, and art and fashion, in a variety of business ecosystems from international corporations to local start-ups and non-governmental organizations..!

Build up your resume, hone your skills, and work experience with AIP remote internships and intern anywhere, anytime.

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Program Highlights

  • A professional remote internship in the field of your interest.
  • You will be put in contact with a supervisor with expertise in your field.
  • Experienced advice on enhancing your skills for personal professional development.
  • CV/Resume Enhancement
  • Certification from your host company

Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
based on 61 reviews
  • 5 rating 100%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Content 5
  • Engagement 5
  • Support 5
  • Platform 5
  • Value 5
Showing 33 - 40 of 61 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

One step at a time!

Due to the ongoing pandemic, many students like myself are stuck at home doing online classes with hours of free time. I took the initiative of looking around for internships that could be done online and going through different internship program was an experience. I chose AIP in the end cause it was the cheapest and it seemed like the reviews were great.

My experience with AIP was great with the added thought that they can be better. The process itself was explained by my point of contact and it seemed self-explanatory. However, improvements can definitely be made in some areas such as getting more details of the company's that were interested in my profile before the interview. Nonetheless, the communication was spot on and the company that I interned for in the end were very nice and helpful in getting me enough experience to jumpstart my career.

If you're looking for an internship program, AIP is it!

What would you improve about this program?
Having more details on the company I will be interviewing for could help me get a better idea and questions that would be asked.
57 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Entering a whole new experience

For many months I've been contemplating whether or not I should go ahead with this remote internship and I finally to go through it. The initial feeling with this was really weird as the process went by really quick with the great work from AIP. After finding a company, I started the week after and the transition to it was somewhat nerve-wrecking but a good first time experience. Work-wise, not so bad and not much pressure. I was able to do my online school work with some tasks given to me by my host company and that was something that I really appreciated. Not sure if I would be doing this again but a first time experience is something I always look for.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Always be ready for the transition for anything especially in a professional setting..
54 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My remote internship experience!

This internship experience was an experience of ups and downs.
The process itself with AIP could've been smoother than I expected but we ended up arriving at the ultimate goal which was finding an internship for me. The internship experience is where the ups and downs happened. There were a couple of things that I expected that didn't end up happening due to some miscommunication. At first I wanted everything to end because things were a little messy, but with the help of AIP, I was able to pull through and be crystal clear with the things I wanted to my supervisor of my host company and it all ended up being good. Not entirely sure if I'd do this type of internship again since I'm not a remote type of person, but the experience was definitely new and eye-opening.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I would definitely be more clear during the interview so that I don't get stuck in different tasks.
52 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Thankful for the opportunity!

It has been a great 2 month remote internship experience that I just went through and it's honestly all thanks to AIP and my host company. I couldn't ask for a better agency to help me find the right company to put me on the right path for my future. At the same time, I couldn't ask for a better team to have worked for. Despite the experience being remotely done, I had a splendid time building relationships with my colleagues. I will definitely miss all those video calls I've had with my team professionally and personally.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
If you're doing a remote internship, be enthusiastic and open to new things!
52 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Good experience for the new normal!

For those who are currently at home and unable to go out, doing a remote internship is something that you can look into.

I recently graduated and after being stuck at home for weeks, I decided that I needed to get off my butt and actually make use of my time. I looked around for internship programs and stumbled upon a few. After a lot of research, I decided to go through with AIP since there was a lot of good reviews. Going through the whole process from the beginning to the end was quite an experience but not a horrible one. There will be one person who will technically be your supervisor and who will be guiding you through everything. I was happy enough to have someone who was always available to me 24 hours of the day and who was able to place me at the company I was looking for.

The experience all-in-all was amazing and I am entirely grateful for virtually meeting all my colleagues who have been of great help to me.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
Taking initiative earlier would've been good so that I could have a longer internship duration.
51 people found this review helpful.
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Thu Ngan
Yes, I recommend this program

No internship abroad? No problem.

I can't express enough how much this remote internship became a miracle and saved my chances from graduating. In my last semester of my bachelors, we were required to complete a 3-6 month internship and I was initially planning to go abroad but COVID put a halt to everything. With everything feeling like it was coming to an end, couple of my friends reached out to multiple internship programs and I thought I would do the same, finally ending up contacting AIP. Luckily enough, my university gave us the green light to apply for remote internships and it changed everything.

For a low cost remote internship program, the process was easy to follow through and the help of my AIP supervisor literally made everything simple. I was able to find an internship within a week and also start the week after. Everything went by quickly and I can't thank enough for the help of AIP.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
Seeing remote internships available to the public was pretty surprising.
51 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Home internship!

I took a year off my studies so I could get an internship for some real world experience. But, due to covid-19, my plans took a turn for the worst. I didn't think I would be able to find work this year as everything was closed due to the locked down and a lot of people were also loosing their jobs. I am very thankful to find AIP during this period. With their help, I was able to find a company to intern in from the comfort of my own home. Due to them, my year off was not a waste.

I was studying Digital marketing in my university. Learning the theory and the skill was fun but I wanted a more practical knowledge on the field. This is why I was looking for companies that are in search for interns for their marketing department. Through the help of AIP I found a great company that offered a great mentorship on the field. I have learned so much in the past few months and it was only possible through the help of AIP. I highly recommend using their services.

What would you improve about this program?
Being with one supervisor of AIP rather than switching would be better for efficiency purposes.
54 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Thank you for a great opportunity

I just completed my remote internship last week and after today, it feels weird getting up and not doing actual work. The work itself was difficult because as doing a journalism internship, I had to keep up with the content by writing articles every single day. Which is why is completely weird not doing work anymore. My supervisor of the company was very helpful to me and taught me a lot of things that I'm grateful for. I'm definitely looking forward to working for them again in the future if the opportunity is presented.

As for AIP, the whole service is self-explanatory and I didn't run into any issues at all. I applied to AIP for an internship because I felt that they had the capabilities of providing a company that can really teach and enhance my skills for the future, and I was definitely correct. Massive thanks to AIP!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Keep an open mind! Programs like this normally comes off as skeptical but it's always nice to keep an open mind.
51 people found this review helpful.

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