ISV (International Student Volunteers)

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

A truly life changing experience

Getting onto the plane to Johannesburg from JFK I never would have thought that the 2 weeks ibwas spending in South Africa would have such a huge impact on my entire life and way that I see the world. During my time in South Africa we worked with a local organization in the little town of Cintsa. We refurbished a school in an poverty ridden village off the beaten path. The smiles and laughter of the children in this school despite their daily sorrow really changed my whole perspective of what the true meaning of life is. We did all the fun stuff like cliff jumping and seeing the African big 5 but nothing compares to bringing laughter to the children and pride back to the school after years of being in shambles. I also left with not only friends but more like a second family. You become so close to the people you spend your time with that it becomes unbearable to say goodbye. I have been home for 3 days and am already planning a return trip. You will never see the world the same again.

What would you improve about this program?
It is a bit expensive but every penny is worth it. The only regret I have is not going for the full month tour.
Yes, I recommend this program

Summer well spent

This is actually my second ISV program! I went to South Africa in 2013 and now to Costa Rica in 2015. I am in love with this organization and what ISV does. I got to stay with a host family on the beach and help in rainforest ecology research. My host family was fantastic, even if they did not speak too much english the charades were fun! I got very close to everyone and we got to learn a lot about the environment and what we were doing there. The work was hard! But I love using my hands and getting dirty so it was the best experience I could ask for. I would go back to Costa Rica in a heartbeat and actually fueled my desire to travel central and south America. I just got back from Belize a week ago and the ISV trip definitely had a hand in my travel decisions.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Best experience. So worth it!

The whole experience was amazing!! The service project, the people we served, the volunteers I worked with, the food, and the adventure tour!

Its hard to pick a favorite memory but one thing that stands out is when we road horses through the jungle up to a waterfall. I picked a horse that liked being the leader and was competitive with the other horses and liked to go fast. The hike up to the waterfall was so beautiful and exciting. But on the way down my horse started racing to be the first one down the hike, through the village, and back to the horse corral. I've always wanted to ride a horse galloping all out, so I hung on tight and we flew. The people outside their houses started shouting and cheering as I flew past on my horse with my friends horses racing along with me. It was so fun, and a dream come true. Loved it!

What would you improve about this program?
During the first 2 weeks, the service part, all the volunteers stayed in the same big house together and mingled with the villagers in the evening. We ate together and spent the evening together. It was so fun and had such a good feeling of togetherness. After that first 2 weeks, we hit the road for the adventure tour and stayed in hotels. It was really fun and we stayed in beautiful hotels, but we were more spread out in separate rooms and though we did still gather for activities it felt a bit lonelier. I would have preferred some situation where we all stayed together more.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Broadening Horizons

I was only eighteen when I decided to travel with ISV. I was fresh out of high school, unsure of what to do with myself.I wanted to see the world,but was too scared to do it alone.
I started working full time, and fundraising, to save for my trip to New Zealand. I convinced one of my friends to go with me, and together we encouraged each other to reach our fundraising goals.
In a flash our trip began, and ended. I was able to spend the first two weeks on an isolated island off the coast of Auckland. I got very close with the other participants(and even the park ranger!), and it reminded me of all the camping trips my family use to take when I was kid. I had no internet, no cellphone; we washed our clothes and dishes by hand, and chopped wood for the fireplace. At night we would play checkers, make hot chocolate, eat tim tams, and joke about the days events.
The last two weeks were spent quickly touring the rest of the island. We had a jam packed agenda.
I skydived, kayaked, hiked glaciers, white water rafted, and got to try spelunking with glow worms! I did things I only dreamed of, that when I came home it didn't even feel real.
I came home incredibly full, but somehow empty.The month in New Zealand, had given me confidence I had been looking for the whole time, but I was ready to take on the rest of the world. Staying too long in one place gave me the jitters, and I quickly started planning my next adventure
Fast-forward three years later, and I am now living in Hiroshima, Japan, teaching children English. The most important thing that ISV taught me, was the importance of not being a tourist. I carry that motto with me now, and continue to try and be a self reliant resident, here in Hiroshima Japan, giving back to the community when I can.

I don't regret for a minute the decisions I've made, and know I wouldn't be where I am today, if I hadn't allowed myself the time to travel with ISV.


What would you improve about this program?
Unfortunately the worst thing about my trip were the people, and that's something you can't really control.
I had a fantastic first two weeks, but when all the groups meshed, it became overwhelming. People changed around the wrong kind of influences, and some of the friends I thought I knew from the first two weeks, completely changed. I know if I had gone on the trip now as a 22 year old I would be able to handle my ground, and have enough confidence in myself as a person to not take so many things personally. I found there was a major difference between the 18 to 24 year olds, and there seemed to be an elite crowd, that only the older ones were in, and that everyone wanted to be in. Many of the participants who had just got there mommy and daddys to pay for their trip, showed zero respect for themselves, other participants, and New Zealand. By the time I got to Fiji, myself and my friend were the only two who stayed at the resort, because the rest of our group decided to find their own resort, because it wasn't to their"standards". They came rushing in late at night, saying they had a cab driver waiting outside, and anyone who wanted to come with them better hustle.
Although these events were negative I was able to take a lot from them, learned about myself, and still had a great time. I just think its important to be honest with these kinds of things. I don't necessarily have a resolution to these problems. Ive wanted to go on another ISV trip, but am hesitant of what kind of participants I would encounter. People can really make or break an experience, and I know how difficult it is, because you never know what kind of people are applying to these things, or if their parents are just making them.
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Yes, I recommend this program


I always had a thought and image of how Thailand would be, but after arriving it completely surpassed my expectations.
Fantastic place, and great people, cannot wait to get back over there!
The staff with ISV were great and very helpful, and made me feel at ease when in a new country. Would definitely recommend.
Also, traveling with people who knew the areas made the whole experience a lot more comfortable too, no worries or stresses.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Exploring New Zealand

Volunteering with the Department of Conservation in New Zealand was not only a great resume-booster for me but also the adventure of a lifetime. I also made lifelong friends from across the globe on this program who I still go to visit, even five years later! I got to see and learn and experience so many things on this trip, from floating through glow worm caves to riding horseback through scenes from Lord of the Rings. I highly recommend this program for anyone who loves the outdoors and is searching for some adventure. :)

What would you improve about this program?
The food costs could be made a little more transparent. It seemed like we paid more for groceries than we actually ended up spending.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The best experience to immerse yourself in New Zealand culture

As a wildlife biologist this was the best experience of my life. I learned so much about New Zealands native people and the plant and animal life. In the 2 weeks we volunteered we planted over 5000 trees and learned the cultural significance of New Zealands environment to the Maori people. I gained so many skills for my future career from gps work to radio tracking kiwis. The scenery was absolutely break taking and the work was more like vacation because it was so fun. I made friends that will be friends for a lifetime and the last two weeks I bungeed, went horseback riding, white water rafted and spelunked just to name a few. I loved New Zealand so much I never wanted to leave and would love to go back. I highly recommend this program to anyone interested in wildlife

What would you improve about this program?
As a wildlife biologist I would have liked some more hands on work with wildlife but I made up for it with a new wealth of knowledge of New Zealands plant biology
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life Changing Experience

To think that my trip to South Africa was going to have this much of an impact on my life, is a definite understatement. I expected it to changed my outlook on life; but it completely changed everything. During my month in the motherland, it was easily the best month of my life. As soon as I got off the plane, it just felt right. It's like I should've been from South Africa because it felt so right. The things that I saw and people that I met truly changed my life for the better and I can't thank Africa and its humbling atmosphere enough for what its done for me. It makes you want to be better, makes you forgot about all the stupid things that we as teens obsess over such as cell phones, looks and all materialistic things. It humbles you right away because you see the struggle in people's eyes and somehow, they are the happiest people on Earth and they have NOTHING compared to us. I am so lucky and blessed to have what I have such as clean drinking water, food, a roof over my head and clothes on my back. I will NEVER take that for granted again. I promise to always give more than I receive and will live my life always putting other people before myself because someone, out there has it harder than you. I will never forget my time in this beautiful country, and I promised myself that I will go back to see Mama Africa and relive all its amazing moments.

What would you improve about this program?
The cost. Although we did so much and everything was so well organized, I think that the cost could be lowered a little bit.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Loved the Trip

One of my favorite parts of my ISV trip was working at the Walkabout in southern Australia. We got to work with many animals and restore their habitats. We working with kangaroos, dingos, kiola bears and many more awesome animals. We working closely with them and got to hold/ pet many of them Also, meeting new people from all around the world was amazing!!! I met new friends from Canada, England, Wales, China and many other places. We all became really close on the trip and I even talk to some of them know 5 years later.

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Yes, I recommend this program


This was the best experience of my life. Snorkelling in the great barrier reef, white water rafting, sky diving, surfing and mountain rapelling were all amazing. This trip changed my life and I got the chance to make 40 new friends at the same time. Sky diving was my favorite part, though. I got to go over Byron Bay at the eastern most part of the country. It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen, being able to look over the land and ocean.

What would you improve about this program?
The cost, it was a way too expensive.