Global Leadership Adventures (GLA)

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Costa Rica

This was my first time going on a trip with other students and with staff and counselors. I was a bit nervous but when I saw the staff at the airport I felt an immediate sense of relief because I knew I was going to be comfortable staying with them for the entirety of my two week trip. I thoroughly enjoyed all of the foods and drinks that I ate and the place I stayed at was beautiful. The activities that we did as a group made us think about our purpose, how we could get the most out of the experience, and was a great way to get to know everyone. Overall, the trip helped me grow as a person, made me understand the importance of community services, and I learned a lot about Costa Rica’s culture.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
The hardest part about the trip was that I had never travelled outside of the country and I have never done it alone. It was the biggest obstacle I had to overcome the entire trip. Everything else on the trip was incredibly fun and exciting.
  • Knowledge
  • Experience
  • Friends
  • our shower broke a few times
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Yes, I recommend this program

My amazing time in Belize

I have been on 2 GLA trips, and last summer I went to Belize. I had an amazing time there and the experience was unforgettable. We stayed in the town of Sarteneja, a fishing village. Staying there we developed an awareness of the world around us and knowledge of the sustainable fishing going on there. As a group we got to connect and support the community, we made jewelry with Lionfish fins which are invasive, and got several presentations about the diversity of the animals. While learning was exciting we also got to go on excursions, such as ziplining and cave tubing. My favorite part was when we got to stay on an island for a night called Bacalar Chico National Park and Marine Reserve, it was such a unique experience to be right on the ocean. Later in the day, we got to snorkel and we ended up seeing a Nurse shark. Overall my program was life-changing and definitely opened my eyes up to the world around me. Would totally recommend it!

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
Definitely the hour-long boat ride to Bacalar Chico, it was intimidating because I had never been on a boat for that long. But my friends I had made were super nice and it ended up being very enjoyable.
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Yes, I recommend this program

GLA Ghana: Children of Africa

During the summer of 2023, I attended my second GLA program. I went to Ghana where for two weeks, I worked in a school with a group of other like minded youth from around the United States. We worked in a classroom teaching and we helped to build a floor in a building that was to become an office. I loved my experience. It went above and beyond my expectations. My dream is to lead a life of service working in the non-profit sector with feet on the ground. Ghana was a great way to start this. I loved working with the children and other kids on the program and the GLA staff was amazing. This program helped define what I want to do with my life, and, as cliche as it sounds, was truly the experience of a lifetime. The service was fun and rewarding and we were truly immersed in the culture, something I believe that is uniquely GLA. We were able to meet people who hold leadership positions in the village and get hands on cultural activities such as Batik cloth making and bead making. GLA is one of the best experiences I have ever had and I encourage everyone who has the opportunity to go on this trip, to do so.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My biggest piece of advice is to step out of your comfort zone and to volunteer for each and every leadership opportunity that comes your way. The organization is called Global Leadership Adventures, so get out there and lead! If a mentor asks you to do something for them, do it. If you are afraid to speak up or to talk or to lead an activity, recognize it, acknowledge it, and do it anyway. You will get the most out of the trip by doing this and that is how I have grown to be the leader I am today.
  • The cultural immersion is truly something that is unmatched!
  • The service opportunities were incredible and diverse!
  • The food was amazing!
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Yes, I recommend this program

First time away from home alone

My son attended the Sea Turtle Initiative. It was the first time he had been away completely on his own and it was a wonderful, valuable experience. He learned he can travel on his own, cope in a country where he does not speak the first language, make new friends and his self confidence soared. It's a really nice combination of volunteer work which is great for resume/university application and fun activities. Everything is so well organized, truly felt comfortable with GLA as an organizer. Even called to Costa Rica once and spoke to his team leader as we noticed he had forgotten his cellphone charger and he was flying home by himself.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
He actually ate live crickets! (totally optional)
  • Self-confidence building
  • New friends
  • Totally unique experience
  • Bit homesick by the end
  • No internet access (also a pro)
  • Saying goodbye to new friends
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Yes, I recommend this program

We are beyond happy with our child's experience!

Our son spent his 16th birthday with GLA! I was nervous to send him out of the country on his own, but confident that it would be a great experience. He returned and it was better than we even expected!

We received a blog about every other day with lots of photos and an update - the coolest photo was of our son with a homemade birthday cake they had made for him, we never even mentioned his birthday! It was nice to see the photos and what they were up to.

When he returned he was smelly, dirty and happy, just as a 16 year old boy should be! He gained SO MUCH confidence during his stay in Costa Rica. He made lots of new friends and they still have a group text chat going 6 months later. He loved where they stayed at the Eco Lodge with Jason, who he still talks about all the time, and hopes to go back for a family vacation to see Jason again, and learn more about the community.

I look forward to sending him on another trip this coming summer, and his younger sister will follow in his footsteps at GLA.

I am VERY happy with the support from GLA!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
the large cayman that lived in the lake and ate chicken was super surprising!
  • well trained staff
  • great food for the kids
  • "roughing it" vibe while still being in a safe environment
  • can be pricey for some families
  • mosquitos but nothing anyone can do about that
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Review

Had a great time meeting new people trying out new food and helping out the locals. Would definitely recommend it to anyone trying to go somewhere new. The living quarters are good and it gives you time to interact with the other people living in their with you and become friends. The counselors are very friendly and helpful. The food is also very good with a variety of different meals they offer and the cheap prices for their food compared to American food. The locals love new people and show you all the new things you couldn’t see normally.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
I went zip lining for the first time normally and upside down which was scary but fun at the first time and after doing it a few times I overcome my fear.
  • Better Social Skills
  • Go outside more
  • Better food
  • None
  • None
  • None
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Yes, I recommend this program

From a Mother’s perspective

First and foremost, the program is great enough that I’m sending my second child to attend a Costa Rica program in 2024. I would caution that you REALLY consider the program you are choosing. I know despite any cons my son experienced, he came back a more confident young man, which was beautiful. He had some extraordinary leaders that he will remember the rest of his life. He saw some pretty cool things. And the work service was Real Work- awesome! Having said that, my son experienced some difficulties… I wish I would have chosen a program with him instead of for him. The word adventure possibly attracts some rambunctious teens, I’m not sure.. but he had a good handful of obnoxious, questionable character teens in his group. It would have been an extraordinary experience perhaps in a different program. But life is like that, you never know… would I choose GLA for my son again- YES! And I’ve recommended it to many families! But if I could go back in time, I DEFINITELY would’ve included my son in the choice and chose another GLA program.

What would you improve about this program?
The program and leaders? 10 out of 10

Some of the other students? Unfortunate experience
  • Confidence builder
  • Immersion
  • Real Service
  • You never know who your child is going to be exposed to with other students
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Yes, I recommend this program

the best month of my life!

this was absolutely a unique and once in a life time experience that I feel not only worked towards my future aspirations, but also helped me to develop my communication and leadership skills. the staff and other participants where absolutely a highlight for me, meeting so many people from different background was so educations and by the end it really felt like a family. my only negative was the accommodations, it was rather cold and uncomfortable in certain locations with limited access to shower facilities. however I am understanding that is the drawback to such remote locations.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
warthog! tastes like pork
  • knowledge
  • experiences
  • staff and other students
  • accommodations
  • facilites
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Yes, I recommend this program

Africas impact

Africa Impact essay

I remember the exact moment when I finally worked up the strength to look at the itinerary, the description of what my life would be for the next three weeks. A sheet of paper filled with the activities I would participate in, the people I would make lifelong connections with, the communities our program would serve, and the places I would be traveling through. I read each sentence, my heart beating faster in anticipation. With every sentence I read, my self-doubt grew stronger. It was the night before my departure to South Africa when I came to the harsh realization, seemingly honest at the time, that this was not possible, that I could not do it, that I was not capable.
Throughout the first couple of days, the fear and doubt remained trapped in my mind, not knowing anyone, cold, scared, and missing home. Then, I slowly began to make friends, I began to participate and loosen up, and before I knew it, my mind was free. Our days were packed with activities, providing our service to nearby communities, learning and listening to locals. But it was not the activities and packed days that impacted me, it was the free time we had to ourselves. One day I decided to stray off from everyone, in search of some alone time, to think about where I was and just take a minute to appreciate everything surrounding me, metaphorically and physically. I remember this moment exactly. Standing on a field far from the campsite, nobody around. Looking at such an incredible view, it took my breath away literally. I closed my eyes, and listened to pure nature, silence, the only noises as natural as the earth itself. At this moment, I felt such a strong connection to myself, I was hit with so much emotion, relief, incomprehensible happiness, disbelief. I had finally found what I had been searching for my entire life. I had finally found my true self.
Before Africa, I was in the mix of kids overwhelmed with fear of an unknown future. The kids that are losing hope, lacking confidence, and putting limits on their dreams. Although I am still concerned about the future, I have become my own separate person, someone who has gained the strength to trust myself and the risks I decide to take. Africa made a huge impact on my life, but not in the way many people would think. A couple months before departing to a place that would change my life, I was presented with the choice to either go spend three weeks in South Africa, or study abroad for half of my senior year in France. To be completely honest, I did not know the magnitude of my choices, I did not know what the difference would be, the impact each would create. At the time, I did not know if the choice to go to South Africa was correct. As the months built up closer and closer, fear and anticipation became all encompassing. In the absence of my confidence, I persevered.
I will carry this with me for the rest of my life. I will continue to take risks and trust this new person I have become. I will never forget this trip; I will never forget that moment. I may forget some people's names, I may forget some information I learned, I may even forget some activities I did, but I will never forget the moment I was hit with strength and courage. The moment my outlook changed. The moment I became my own person.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
We got to see the technology they use to conserve their environment!
  • Activities
  • People
  • Phone time
  • Downtime to activity ratio
  • Food
  • Weather
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Yes, I recommend this program

GLA South Africa

This was an amazing eye-opening experience. I had traveled Internationally flly before, but nothing could have prepared me for GLA South Africa. We stayed on multiple nature reserves, and I saw some of the most breath-taking scenery of my life. My favorite of the reserves was called Zingela. This portion of the trip was filled with amazing views, lots of activity, and fantastic wildlife spotting opportunities. I learned so much about the river ecology and the giraffes that inhabit the area through immersive lessons and exploration taught by professionals.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
If I could do this program over again, I would have packed better hiking shoes and anticipated the colder winter climate.
  • Wildlife
  • Community
  • Culture
  • Weather
  • Food
  • Activity to Downtime Ratio