  • Italy
    • Florence
Academic Year, Fall, Spring, Summer
Subject Areas
Art History Arts Culinary Arts Design History Humanities Interior Design International Business International Relations Landscape Architecture Language Studies Liberal Arts Literature Music Public Relations +5

Program Details

Program Type
Direct Enrollment
Degree Level
High School Diploma Associates
Apartment Dormitory Host Family


Starting Price
What's Included
Some Activities Classes Wifi
What's Not Included
Airfare Travel Insurance Visa
Jun 22, 2020
Feb 21, 2020
9 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Study in Florence, Italy, with Istituto Europeo and join the semester and summer academic programs. Courses offered include Italian language, Music, Liberal Arts, and Social Sciences. Istituto Europeo has been working with some US University and worldwide agencies to provide students who wish to study in Italy some valuable international experience. The medium for instruction is English for all offered courses, except for Italian language courses.

Students have the option to choose Intersession, Spring, Fall, Summer, Sessions, or a Full Year Session program. Intensive language courses are available and students can choose to have three elective academic courses added to the language program. Instructors for Music courses are prominent and well-known musicians and lyrical singers.

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Program Highlights

  • Introductory Italian Language Courses
  • Specialized and Core Modules in a Variety of Subjects
  • Internship Program in Local Businesses (ONLY for Diplomas and Dual Diplomas)
  • Preparation CILS Test for Admission to Bachelor's Degree at Italian Universities (ONLY for Dual Diplomas)

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Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
based on 16 reviews
  • 5 rating 100%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Academics 5
  • Support 4.95
  • Fun 4.9
  • Housing 5
  • Safety 5
Showing 9 - 16 of 16 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

From Canada to ISTITUTO EUROPEO in Florence, to study opera singing

I chose Italy and Florence for my music studies because I had just entered a point in my life where I was, and still am, “starting over”, it made sense to me that I wanted to go back to the beginning in all other aspects regarding this change. So, it was logical that in order for me to understand the city where opera was born I needed to move to Florence, which just happens to be in the beautiful country that is Italy. My experience at Istituto Europeo has been absolutely positive, I would recommend the same experience to a friend. My teacher, Valeria, is very good. She places importance on every aspect of my life, not only the voice – but nutrition and my physical health as well - now I run 5 days a week!

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Joven soprano costarricense y estudiante curso de técnica del canto

Me llamo Maria, vengo de Costa Rica, y soy estudiante de canto en la Univesidad de Costa Rica. Estoy perfeccionando no solo la parte musical sino la parte de la cultura: me gusta mucho también el arte, la danza y la pintura. Soy soprano. Estoy frecuentando el curso intensivo de italiano, que ha sido muy interesante y me ha gustado mucho; he aprendido mucho para estar poco tiempo. Despues estoy llevando el curso de técnica del canto, donde tuve la oportunidad di estar con Valeria y con Diego: excelentes los dos. Con ellos ha sido muy claro y muy fácil de entender, entonces me ha gustado mucho. La ciudad de Florencia es mágica. Es una ciudad muy rica en cultura, no solo en música, sino también en arte en general. Es muy impresionante también ver estos grandes edificios de tantos años atrás: es muy rico no solo en arquitectura, sino también en el lenguaje – aquí el italiano es facil de entender, ¡en Roma no entendíamos nada! Por eso, me he sentido muy a gusto en la ciudad.

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Tenor costarricense y estudiante del Istituto Europeo

Me llamo José Daniel, y soy de Costa Rica. Me gusta cantar, es mi profesion: soy un tenor. También toco guitara, piano, escribo música... Soy un músico. Escogí Florencia porqué de antemano ya sabía que esta ciudad es una cuna del arte en Italia

y casi en el mundo en general. Hay muchisimo arte, no solo de la parte del canto, sino escultores, pintores, arquitéctos. Entonces escogí Florencia para estudiar la lengua, puesto que aquí comenzó casi todo lo que tiene que ver con la lengua italiana y la ópera: Florencia es una ciudad somamente importante para Italia. En el Istituto Europeo estoy frecuentando un curso de italiano, un curso de libreto de ópera y un curso de canto con dos profesores; todos los cursos me gustan mucho. En particular, me gusta muchisimo la clase de libreto, el profesor Fabio es una persona muy amable, inteligente y tiene mucho vocabulario y facilidad para explicar una cosa, encuentra siempre los ejemplos. También la clase de canto con Valeria es muy buena, me aclaró muchas cosas, y con Diego lo mismo: es práctico, rápido, me gusta su forma de enseñar.

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Vincent, Opera Singer at ISTITUTO EUROPEO

I was looking for language schools in Florence and Istituto Europeo came out first. Then I realized that Monica Benvenuti was teaching at Istituto Europeo. Basically yes, Monica made me decide to come to Istituto Europeo. I have a friend who studied here

with Monica Benvenuti and for this reason I knew that she is a great teacher. Monica expects a lot from me…but she’s very motivating. Here in Italy you have teachers that teach only one subject, they are specialized in one subject and this is good, because you can concentrate solely on one subject at one time.

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Canadian soprano at ISTITUTO EUROPEO for a Study Abroad in Music

When I was researching places to study in Italy, I came across Istituto Europeo and I kind of just knew I had to study here. I researched the teachers at Istituto Europeo and came across Susanna Rigacci. I listened to her singing on YouTube, then I spoke

to my teachers back home and they all agreed that she would be the right choice for me. Before coming here I was focusing completely on technique and Susanna gave me the opportunity to actually sing and blossom in my own singing style. The Study Abroad experience changed me in a lot of ways. It taught me to be independent: being alone in another country made me stronger mentally and taught me to be my own support system. I would definitely recommend this experience to students. Especially If you are studying opera as I do. I think it has helped me to grow, and to learn a lot. Studying Italian in Italy (as studying any language in its home country) is extremely helpful, because you are forced to speak it with people who don’t understand you. Studying Italian here helped me immensely to learn it much quicker. But also singing: where else you can study opera if not in Italy?

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Study abroad

When I was going to istituto Europeo to do my study abroad program I didn't know what to expect. I entered the room on the first day and it was just 6 of us during orientation. At first I was a little taken back, I was expecting a huge college program with different students from different universities from the states; that wasn't it at all. Long story short I really enjoyed the classes being small, it really gave us the opportunity to get to know our teachers and get on a personal level with them (professionally). I really enjoyed my time abroad at istituto Europeo, I would recommend anyone to go.

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Hoe overleef ik... Florence?

Eind zomer 2015 besloot ik voor drie maanden te gaan studeren in Florence. Italië is op zich geen vreemd land voor mij, want ik kom hier al jaren in de zomervakantie. Toch vroeg ik me in het vliegtuig, op de heenweg, wel even af waar ik nou in godsnaam aan begonnen was. Enerzijds was ik ontzettend benieuwd naar het ontdekken van deze stad, anderzijds vond ik het ook spannend om me alleen in een vreemde stad in een vreemd land te begeven. Achteraf kan ik zeggen dat ik een fantastische tijd heb gehad. Dit zal me voor de rest van mijn leven bijblijven.
Met dank aan Istituto Europeo heb ik de taal pas echt goed leren spreken. Daarnaast had ik veel profijt van de Italiaanse docenten, die mij in detail konden uitleggen wat bijvoorbeeld een handgebaar of spreekwoord inhield. Het fijne aan Istituto Europeo is dat de taallessen alleen in de ochtend zijn. Dat betekent dat je de hele middag de tijd hebt om op eigen houtje (of met je nieuwe vrienden) de stad te verkennen. Florence is daar de perfecte stad voor. Er zijn talloze musea en bezienswaardigheden, maar ook café's, markten en restaurants. Zelfs na drie maanden in Florence te hebben gewoond heb ik het gevoel dat ik zo veel dingen nog niet heb gezien. Gelukkig zijn er bij Istituto Europeo nog aanvullende cursussen die je een beetje wegwijs maken in de overdaad aan kunst en cultuur in deze stad. Ik heb naast de taallessen ook kunstgeschiedenis gevolgd. Hierin heb ik veel geleerd over de kunst uit de middeleeuwen en de renaissance die Florence bezit.
Ik kan Istituto Europeo aanraden, omdat je hier met open armen wordt ontvangen door een groep lieve mensen. Ik heb veel van ze geleerd, en zonder deze taal- en cultuurcursussen had ik het lang niet zo leuk gevonden.

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What a trip!

Throughout this trip I not only learned multiple different things about the history of Florence but, I was taught how to live a different lifestyle. This trip came with many other small excursions that were also beneficial and fun. This trip was a life time experience and I am ever so grateful I got to be a part of it. I highly reccommend the Istituto Europeo and its program. I coulnd't reccommend them more. They provide for really complete educational and recreational experiences. It doesn't get any better than that in Florence, trust me!

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