  • Thailand
120 hours
Training Type

Program Details

Teaching Practicum
Job Placement


Starting Price
Price Details
Price includes complimentary accommodation during the 4 week course along with a pre-sourced, guaranteed job placement. It also includes 1 week Cultural Orientation with group activities such as Muay Thai, cooking classes, market and temple visits and volunteering at a local animal rescue! Get access to our Online Teacher Ressources, relocation accommodation assistance, 24/7 in-country support, lifetime placement support in our partner network, and the opportunity to join our Digital Marketing course to become a paid consultant and make extra cash while abroad!
What's Included
Accommodation Airport Transfers
Feb 15, 2024
Mar 01, 2024
13 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Teaching in Thailand is the experience of a lifetime! One of the most popular teach abroad destinations in the world, Thailand has everything one could want - food, beaches, nightlife, rich culture, and high quality of life. The teacher salaries are quite high relative to cost of living, with plenty of savings potential. The public holidays are numerous, which, along with school breaks, gives you lots of time to travel!

The Take on Thailand program comes with a GUARANTEED, pre sourced, paid job after the course. Full support from beginning to end with an in-country team to assist you throughout your entire experience. We have 3 program options in Thailand: In-person TEFL, Online TEFL and a program for candidates who are already TEFL qualified. They all come with pre-sourced, guaranteed teaching jobs in Thailand.

Check out our link to see how you can apply and speak to one of our Abroad Advisors!

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Program Highlights

  • Accredited TEFL/ TESOL Certification course
  • Guaranteed, pre-sourced job placement in Thailand
  • Complimentary accommodation during the training course
  • Full pre and post departure support including visas and documentation
  • 1 Week Cultural Orientation with group activities

Program Reviews

4.81 Rating
based on 77 reviews
  • 5 rating 80.52%
  • 4 rating 19.48%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Benefits 4.6
  • Support 4.75
  • Fun 4.45
  • Facilities 4.65
  • Safety 4.9
  • Instruction 4.75
  • Support 4.95
  • Value 4.6
  • Academic Rigor 3.4
  • Job Assistance 4.95
Showing 73 - 77 of 77 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great Fun!

Ill keep it short and simple:

- TEFL heaven are extremely helpful in the build up to you getting to your program. Will keep you to to date with everything way advanced and went out their way further with information re my visa runs as I had a few issues I should have dealt with before leaving. So, very helpful, and supportive.

- Location and travel to training program in Koh Samui was very well organised, no issues!

- Our training was very fun and informative. Had three great, helpful trainers and although, as mentioned below, a couple only had a semesters worth or experience, I believe, after doing just one semester myself I could provide more than enough information to help new arriving teachers, just as they did for me. To be honest the job is potentially one of the easiest jobs going... (Teaching in Thailand).. The only thing you need to be taught is prepare your lessons, teach with a big smile on your face and kids will love you. So I do rate the course - it gives you the basics to work off and allows you to go out there with a few ideas which you use, then expand in your own way to your own level of students and schools ability.

- After training you don't hear much from them (which is fine, you don't really need to... I'm sure if you had a few problems they would help you out though but I personally didn't need any help so no need!). They pass you on to the partner organization, Media Kids, who are a bunch of Thai's who just like robbing schools and, so I've heard, teachers of money. Wouldn't trust them as far as I can throw them and really think TEFL Heaven would improve if they found new recruit agency in Thailand.

But ye overall very good company, do everything you need them to. Don't think about it just sign up and get in involved. Met some very cool people through the experience and had some amazing times so sign up and get started - you won't regret it!

46 people found this review helpful.
Response from TEFL Heaven

Thank you for the excellent review!

We do give alumni opportunities to become assistant trainers after just one school term teaching and as you say, for what the assistants have to do and teach, it is enough. Thank you for emphasizing that! It's good that at least with every course there are 2-3 trainers - 1 main trainer and 1-2 assistants trainers.

I am sorry that at the end of the review you started to spread some hearsay rumours which are unfounded, however, about one of our partner organisations - especially when you yourself had no experience of this!

We have several partner organisations that we use and if we have any serious problems reported to us, we would deal with them - but no partner has robbed schools or teachers! We have never had any of that reported to us, and if we had, we would have swiftly dealt with it.

Thank you for recommending us!


Mike Maitland

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Yes, I recommend this program

highs and lows

Overall, the experience was amazing.
Thailand was just as beautiful as I remebered from previous holidays and the people I met on the course were amazing.
Though we arrived in rainy season it was still great weather with incredible thunder storms.
The internet was knocked out by a Tropical Storm on our 2nd night and we had to return to the basics of human interaction, which lead to many hilarious and memorable conversations.
The TEFL experience is something I would recommend to everybody and would LOVE to do again.
I would more than happily return to Thailand, but not to Bangkok. The loud and busy city can be daunting for a girl on her own and I found it to be quite an isolating place, yet the 4 days I spend visiting a friend in Chiang Mai made me realise how easily I could settle into Thailand's Second City and love every minute of my life there.
I certainly miss all the 'WTF? Moments' that Thailand has to offer... from Chihauhaus in baby slings with little red plastic cowboy hats; to 5 people on a motorbike; to seeing a guy casually walk his 7 foot tall, baby elephant through the market casually; to drunkenly learning Thai Tongue Twisters with the locals in exchange for teaching them ''She sells Seashells on the seashore'' and ''red lolly, yellow lorry''... from which absolute hilarity ensued...

The children were so impressed when teacher finally learnt how to say ''Yiy Gin Lam Yai, Naam Lai Yiy Lai Yoi''...
I have so many amazing memories I can look back on with so much joy. It truly was a life changing experince.

The only disappointment to the experience was the company I was placed with.

The managers are utterly devoid of social skills, the company refused to pay me for my final 2 weeks when I had to rush home as my Grandma was rushed into hospital on Boxing Day. (They only bothered to tell me this the day before I was due to leave and they were due to pay me)
I found the management to lack any form of empathy or underrstanding about the circumstances and I can completely understand why they have such a high turnover of staff, they really made me feel alienated and unappreciated.
The staff at the company, however, were fantastic! The nicest group of you could ever ask to work with.

So with high comes a low... but you just learn to take a deep breath and say 'mai pen rai'' (no worries)

What would you improve about this program?
Cease all communications with the partner organization, SpeakEZ, whilst the staff bases at the San Phran school seemed more than happy with their experience. The managers running the Bangkok Branch are abysmal.

Staff only stay 1 term and THAT is asking ALOT of anybody. Almost all the British staff were unsatisfied with the managers' attitudes and behaviour. I would liken them to Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumber, only much more verbally abusive and living so much more securely in the own little Wonderland.
They have NO respect for their staff and know that most employees will stay the full term as they cannot afford to go home, nor do they want to leave behind all the other benefits of Bangkok and Thailand.
Perhaps if I had been placed at the other branch with the other managers I may have been happier.
What I have earned is that when I take my next job abroad I will not be trusting anyone to find me a placement and I will need to ensure the staff I will be working meet my standards of proffessionalism
44 people found this review helpful.
Response from TEFL Heaven

Thanks for the review - I think! We appreciate your comments about the training, we just think your comments about your placement are very negative and we need to make everyone reading this aware of the true situation.

I have contacted Speak EZ and they have responded below:

Dear Mike,

Thank you for bringing this review to our attention and allowing us an opportunity to respond. The employee in question was placed with Speak EZ after finishing her TEFL course. From day one her demeanor was very unprofessional and she struggled to get along with other staff members. Three of our schools complained about her within a short time of her starting working. Our response to this was to give her additional training in an attempt to improve both her teaching skills and also her attitude. Unfortunately, all the hard work our managers put in was in vain. Her attendance record was poor and she continued to show a lack of commitment to both our company, but more so the children she was teaching.

After working for a period of approximately eight weeks she handed in her notice shortly after returning from a two week Christmas holiday. Although she left without giving the required notice period, and that we were subsequently short of teachers, we still paid her for each and every day she had worked. We felt this was a fair thing to do as she was returning home for a family emergency.

I feel that as a company we did everything possible to assist this teacher, so that her experience of teaching in Thailand would be happy, and that the children she taught would receive a good standard of teaching. It makes me sad to see that despite of all of the hard work we put in to assist this teacher in many different ways, she has felt it necessary to write a review such as this. Luckily this is a one off and most of our teachers enjoy their Thai experience and working for us.

Marek Brooks
Course Director
Speak EZ Language School

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No, I don't recommend this program

Teaching is great but the training course not so good

Teaching in Thailand has been a great experience, but I cannot rate the training as highly. I stayed on Koh Chang which is a lovely island but the accommodation was appalling. Tefl heaven advertised this as 'experiencing real Thailand' which really is a nice way of saying, 'we will do this as cheap as possible'. The 'hut' where I stayed was invaded by an army of ants on several occasions to which there was little done about it. During several thunderstorms I was awoke while sleeping on my mattress on the floor (no bed) to having rain dripping on my face and the mattress soaked. I also had two very expensive silk tops eaten by some sort of insects which I had to discard. While we stayed in horrendous conditions the trainers where in luxury huts, I think this is disgraceful.
The food in the accommodation was mediocre and rather pricey considering you have to eat there most days. There are no shops nearby as a substitute. To get to the nearest shop you have to either walk along the beach which you cannot do when the tide is in or get a taxi which costs 50 baht per person each way.
We did our training above the restaurant at the resort which was once again, another hut. This obviously lacked air conditioning which is highly uncomfortable when you are training 7hrs a day and have not acclimatised to Thai weather.
The training itself was poorly put together as we were taught by previous teachers who only had the experience of 1 or 2 semesters. This meaning that they had only taught for around 4 months, I highly doubt they are qualified to teach anything other than English as a foreign language.
Whilst having this experience my friend did his training at the same time in ko Samui and stayed in a 4 star hotel with air conditioned classroom. We paid the same amount and I think he got a lot more for his money while I feel very much ripped off.
Tefl heaven also neglected to tell us that our tefl certificates are not up to the highest standard and although we have all paid a lot of money, we can not get a job teaching in a language school back home. So basically the only countries you can teach with your tefl certificate is where tefl heaven have their training programmes.

I would like to say that the teaching itself is great and thoroughly enjoyable but this is not with any thanks to tefl heaven as they send your information a consultancy agency, who are responsible for placing you and everything after that. I have heard some bad reports from the partner organization, Media Kids, but through my experience they have been very helpful.

29 people found this review helpful.
Response from TEFL Heaven

Sorry to hear that you could not recommend us!

Your review is more of a rant and I am sorry that you somehow felt you did not get what you expected, but I also feel that much of what you are saying is not true and is tainted by a negative opinion overall.

We have run our training on Koh Chang for years and most trainees love staying in the huts near the beach. There can be ants in Thailand at times but mentioning this to any resort staff gets rid of them - no problem. Also, if you had problems with leakages you should have mentioned this as well and we would have moved you. And if you look on the website of the resort for the real prices of the accommodation you will be surprised to see that it is not as cheap as you think!

We love our resort on Koh Chang, as have hundreds of others who have trained there - private beach, swimming pool, and also the open air training area - if that is not to your taste then I am not sure we could have satisfied you. The resort on Koh Samui is different of course, but the air conditioned room is more like a classroom and does not have views of the sea and the beach like Koh Chang. Honestly, I think you missed out but only because of your dark glasses!

The trainers are not in 'luxury huts' at all and were in the same standard of room as everyone else but had a fridge and a TV - not really luxury.

The trainers also are more experienced than you say and the main trainer would have at least been in Thailand for a year. We received very good internal feedback about them and no one mentioned that they felt they were inexperienced. In fact we get very positive comments about all our trainers!

You haven't mentioned anything about how prepared you felt after the training, probably because you felt you were quite prepared - since you mentioned how much you loved the teaching element and did not mention anything about struggling with that. Some positive comments here would have been a better review, because this review is completely unbalanced and I am sorry that you decided not to speak more truthfully.

In closing, I am glad you actually did say something positive when you said you loved the teaching!


Mike Maitland

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Yes, I recommend this program

A good experience from the inexperienced

You are well prepared by ETA before coming to Thailand. They tell you exactly what to bring, and what clothes are appropriate. Not everyone gets this level of advice.
The course is set in a tropical, laid-back atmosphere, which unfortunately means some of the students take a similarly laid back attitude to their studies. The 'trainers' do not enforce their initial rules, as they have only been teaching for 3-4 months at the most. I would appreciate more experienced teachers to teach hopeful teachers how to be teachers.
There are plenty of fun and exciting activities if you do not have the time or inclination to travel around Thailand during or after your job, you can get your rewarding holiday experience as part of the TEFL Heaven Course!
I went to Koh Chang and I found the locals friendly and welcoming - although a little too friendly in the late night bars. Women beware of creepy Thai men looking to score a foreigner.
Accomodation was lovely, I got to wake up to a beach view every morning with some local macaque monkeys hanging out in the forest next to our huts.
I felt very prepared for my teaching placement after we were sent to teach in a local school for practise, this was the highlight of the academic side of the course as it provided real hands-on experience!

What would you improve about this program?
They need to hire more experienced trainers, the two on my program seemed unprofessional and their advice on schools and students was in some cases wrong and I was in for a shock when I finally got to my Thai schools. This is possibly because they had only worked in 1 school themselves and so could not provide broad advice on all students in Thailand.
28 people found this review helpful.
Response from TEFL Heaven

Thanks for the good review!

I checked who was on your course and the main trainer had a few years teaching experience, not 3-4 months as you described. We are sorry to hear that you felt you did not get good advice from that particular trainer but perhaps you are referring to the assistant trainer? In any case, we believe both the assistant and main trainer performed well through the internal feedback we requested.

We do prepare you well before you arrive, thanks for mentioning that. We make sure you have everything you need before you fly and keep in email contact with you throughout the period before you come.

Thank you for saying you felt well prepared to teach after the course. I'm glad overall that you had a good experience!

All the best,

Mike Maitland

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Yes, I recommend this program

Life changing

Moving abroad is stressful itself especially to a non English speaking country. Right from the start I was put in touch with my fellow course mates taking much of the stress of moving away!
By the time I got to my town I felt well equipped to deal with my teaching life. I had a good social network all around Thailand from my course which made settling in much easier!!
Although going to a small town was daunting at first especially as every where I went I got laughs and giggles for being white I quickly made friends both English speaking and Thai And really felt at home!
One of the highlights was morning assembly and teaching the whole school English songs.... 1500 kids singing and dancing is hilarious.
Another big highlight was riding my bike through a rice field after getting lost only to stumble across an Australian teacher skipping at a boxing camp... Almost 2 years later i now live in Oz! Without taking a leap of faith with tefl I doubt or paths would have ever crossed!
Food was unbelievable and I'm pretty sure I have consumed things I didn't even know were edible!
I was lucky not to suffer much home sickness however I did have difficulties as does everyone from time to time from missing home.

What would you improve about this program?
My course we didn't learn much Thai which I would have liked. Although it made me the village entertainment when it came to ordering my dinner!
25 people found this review helpful.
Response from TEFL Heaven

Thanks for the great review!

We are glad you got a network of friends from training with us - we know having friends in Thailand - good friends you can contact and meet up with - makes this experience all the better!

We now have an hour of Thai lessons every day on the course - sorry you didn't get that during your course!

All the best in your future adventures!

Mike Maitland

Read my full story

Questions & Answers

With TEFL Heaven, Asia teachers are required to be from the age of 20 - 55 years old. In Latin America and Europe you would be required to be between the ages of 18 and 65.

Yes. It says on the website: FOR THOSE WITHOUT A BACHELORS DEGREE If you do not have a bachelors degree you can receive a guaranteed paid teaching job on this program: PUERTO VALLARTA & PAID JOB MEXICO If you have not yet acquired your bachelors degree yet, but are still studying, you are also eligible for the guaranteed paid teaching job, as long as you get your degree certificate sent to you...