  • Peru
    • Cusco
    • Machu Picchu
1 to 52 weeks

Program Details

Age Min.
Age Max
Short Term Spring Break Summer Winter Year Round
Apartment Guesthouse Host Family Hostel Hotel
Small Group (1-15) Medium Group (16-30) Large Group (31+)
Travel Type
Budget Family Older Travelers Solo Women


Starting Price
Price Details
Maximo Nivel offers top-rated volunteer abroad programs. We strive to offer all-inclusive program fees that are affordable, transparent, and accessible to everyone. Along with Maximo’s professional program management, multi-lingual team, and 24/7 in-country support, your volunteer program includes:
Airport pick-up
Host family accommodations (shared room)
Breakfast and dinner, 7 days/week
3-4 hours/day practical work, Monday-Friday
Program and safety orientation
Walking tour
Official certificate of volunteer service
Letter of recommendation
Spanish language tutoring table
Tandem Conversation Program
Office-wide WiFi and computer lab
Salsa dance classes
Cooking classes
Institute is open 7 days/week
Emergency contact number 24/7
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Some Meals Wifi
What's Not Included
Airfare Domestic Airfare Travel Insurance
Feb 15, 2022
May 31, 2024
95 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Peru is one of the world’s richest countries in terms of natural resources. However, its social development has not kept pace with its commercial development, and Peruvians still wrestle with illiteracy and basic social justice. Peru works hard at self-improvement, making it an ideal place for international volunteers to get involved, contribute to sustainable programs, and provide help to vulnerable populations. There is no shortage of things to get done in Peru and international volunteers can truly learn to serve here.

Maximo Nivel provides volunteer abroad projects at our institute in Cusco, Peru, both in and outside of the city center. Projects are also available off-site in the Sacred Valley (mountains), the Amazon region (rainforest), and Quillabamba (rainforest), some of which are rural areas and offer a more “off-the-grid” experience than the city of Cusco. Volunteers always have the opportunity to serve in both urban and rural communities.

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Diversity & Inclusion

LGBTQIA+ Support

At Maximo Nivel, we deeply value diversity in all its forms. We maintain an open-minded approach, recognizing the significance of varied perspectives, intelligent discourse, and the transformative power of a positive mindset. We warmly welcome and respect individuals from all backgrounds, irrespective of politics, gender, gender identity, age, race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. Whether it’s volunteering, Spanish immersion, TEFL certification, international internships, university courses, or GAP year experiences, members of the LGBTQIA+ community are wholeheartedly invited to participate in our programs.


Ethical Impact

At Maximo Nivel, we work in close partnership with our local communities in Latin America to ensure that volunteer projects align with genuine local needs, fostering meaningful and relevant impact. We emphasize sustainable initiatives designed for enduring change, rather than short-term interventions. By promoting cultural sensitivity, we facilitate enriching exchanges rooted in mutual respect, and our commitment to local employment further integrates and supports the communities we serve.

Program Highlights

  • New volunteer programs start every Monday year-round
  • All-inclusive—shared accommodations, meals, and many extras
  • 24/7 in-country support
  • Academic credit available
  • All-inclusive program fees from $665

Popular Programs

Working with Kids

Homelessness and poverty have left many children in Latin America without access to proper education and a loving environment. Maximo Nivel’s childcare projects aspire to change children’s lives by providing caring and nurturing volunteers to work, study, and play with them.

Teaching English

Speaking English is a life-changing skill for people in developing countries, because the language opens both academic and professional opportunities, and provides a path out of poverty.

Conservation projects in Peru

Your work may be focused on reforestation, organic gardening, wildlife and animal monitoring, trail maintenance, and educational workshops for local communities.

Construction Projects in Peru

Maximo Nivel’s construction programs focus on community development. Construction projects may include building or repairing homes, adding classrooms to schools, or making structural improvements to clinics.

Program Reviews

4.94 Rating
based on 138 reviews
  • 5 rating 94.2%
  • 4 rating 5.8%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Impact 4.75
  • Support 4.9
  • Fun 4.8
  • Value 4.75
  • Safety 4.85
  • Program Selection 5
  • Pre-departure Help 5
  • In-program Support 5
  • Impact on Student 5
  • Value 5
Showing 129 - 136 of 138 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great fun working at the zoo!

Had a lot of fun working with the animals, its a little sad to see the poor conditions they are living in but great to be able to make a little difference in their everyday life, I was blown away by the variety of species they have and delighted to be able to interact with them. I wish I could have made a bigger difference by helping raising money but will do my best to raise awareness on the importance of wildlife conservation, would definalty recommend the program to any animal lovers!

What would you improve about this program?
I wish the tasks werent as repetitive, everyday is the same thing except from the occasional animal escape which makes the program even more interesting! I feel like eventhough our help is very much appreciated, more could be done to help the zoo such as organising events to raise funds or for example educating nearby schools about the importance of wildlife for the ecosystems or even getting volunteers with internet access to help set up a facebook page and that sort of things to increase outside help to the project.
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Organization of the medical campaign was great. I felt useful and that I made a difference.

The early mornings made for an extra long day and also made it difficult to adjust to the altitude/environment/time change/flight/etc. Being able to meet a little later in the morning and maybe working later in the day could allow more time to adjust. Being ready by 7-8am is much more reasonable than 3-5am.

What would you improve about this program?
The early morning start times. And machu picchu was too early.
29 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Once in a lifetime trip!

My trip to Cusco, Peru became an adventure I will never forget. As we were building the community center, we became friends with many of the local children and we also were able to play soccer with a variety of locals. My group was able to accomplish a great deal while only being in Cusco for a week. Marco was a great construction manager and we had great support from the individuals at Maximo Nivel. It really surprised me how great of an organization Maximo Nivel really is and how great their employees are. However, I really thought Mark was a massive help on a day to day basis with our work and also outside of our work. Mark provided us with information and directions on the best places to go in Cusco, and numerous times fully answered our continuous list of questions. Without Mark, our Cusco trip would not have been the once in a lifetime trip it was.

What would you improve about this program?
Create an end of the week meal to celebrate what has been accomplished.
28 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Maximo Nivel FTW

I had an absolutely incredible experience volunteering in Cusco, Peru with Maximo Nivel. Setting up a clinic in a remote village, volunteering in orphanages and a home for abandoned seniors, working in a medical lab doing HIV, TB, pregnancy, and blood testing, and hands-on volunteering in a zoo full of exotic primates, colorful birds, and a feisty Llama were some of the most incredible volunteering opportunities I have had. When we weren't volunteering, we were having just as much fun touring the historic capital city of the Inca empire, Cusco, or going on a 3-day trek to Machu Picchu, or enjoying the exciting night life in Plaza Del Armas. I highly recommend this affordable agency full of fantastic people like Mark, Josue, Catherine, Sylvia, and Heather who really care about the volunteers and the projects they work on. It doesn't get any better than Maximo Nivel!

30 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Te Extrano Maximo Nivel

Volunteering through Maximo Nivel in Cusco, Peru was an amazing experience. I taught English at an institution called Qosko Maki, which operates primarily as a shelter for homeless youth but also offers English classes to locals in the evenings. Students of all ages come in with varying degrees of English competence and choose the volunteer with whom they want to learn from. Attendance is not mandatory and on any given day I can have as few as one student or as many as 15. Classes are, therefore, quite informal and students usually dictate what is taught each night. I got lucky at my placement because my students were mostly adults and were already at an intermediate English level. Super convenient for me because I didn't know any Spanish. I was able to communicate with them outside of the classroom and most Friday nights we would go out to Temple or other nightclubs after classes. On Birthday's or when volunteers would leave, we'd always cut class short and have a mini party. I loved my students and miss them very much.

The beauty of Maximo Nivel is that they are SO flexible. I went on 3 major treks/trips during my 2 month tenure in Cusco without any issue. I went on the Inca Jungle Trek to Machu Picchu, to Arequipa to hike Colca Canyon and finally to Tambopata to experience the Amazon Rainforest. Just let them know in advance and there shouldn't be an issue with you taking time off your placement.

What else can I tell you...I lived in a homestay which was great because it forced me to learn Spanish. I loved my house parents and their adorable grandkids (although I think they only liked me because I kept giving them candy). I took private Spanish lessons at Maximo Nivel every morning for 2 hours and also had the unique opportunity to learn from a tandem partner; a mutually beneficial arrangement with a local, where I speak to him in Spanish and he speaks to me in English. That was a neat experience. My tandem and I would go out for breakfast, go to historical sites and even went to the bar a couple of times. Really interesting way to learn more about the local culture and to practice what I learned in class.

I recommend this program without reservation to anyone interested in travelling abroad and learning a different culture while having some fun. I love the friends I made in Cusco (volunteers and students). I want to go back!

What would you improve about this program?
Maximo Nivel needs to be a bit more strict with their volunteers. Part of the appeal is its flexibility but I noticed that some volunteers took advantage of that and rarely went to placement. That's about it. Really great program. Love the staff. Josue is a pretty sweet field manager.
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Hogar de las Estrellas Special Needs Orphanage

Great project! This was a fantastic cause and this experience opened my eyes to the vast needs of the special needs population in Peru. I am working on expanding my experience by collecting donations in the states to send to the orphanage.

What would you improve about this program?
1) The volunteer program was fantastic!
2) The Spanish classes lacked organization and rigor.
3) I had issues with the recommened travel organization and would NOT USE WORLDWIDE EXOTIC ADVENTURES! Book your excursions on your own.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Cusco, Peru-Childcare and Jungle Programs

I loved both programs during my six weeks and the program staff was always great! I started in an after school program and loved working with the kids. Some spanish is necessary, basic is okay, we did a lot of math and reading. Consistency of volunteering hours from day to day was also a must for an effective relationship with both the teachers and kids.

The jungle was fantastic! The work was good, we did some reforestation, walked trails to document wildlife, and some construction projects. The food was great-all vegetarian. The bungalow we stayed in was open, but all beds had mosquito netting for the many many insects that occupy the jungle. There was no electricity, so people had time to read, play cards, etc. A small town was just a ten minute walk away (snacks, no internet), a larger town with internet was a 20 minute taxi ride away.

What would you improve about this program?
To include at least one week of Spanish lessons in the program fee, and possibly make it specific to the program. My vocabulary was very different for the jungle than it was for childcare, but I found that in both, I used some phrases over and over again. For example, with the after school program, a fourth grade math lesson (how to say: add, subtract, multipy, divide, convert, fractions...) in spanish would have been very quick/easy and would allow a volunteer to jump right in on math homework from day one and build from there into other subjects.
33 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Cusco - Childcare Program

The overall program was great. I really liked my placement and the experiences that I got from it. Working the little girls and the teacher in a classroom seating made it easier in regards of the planning of activities for the day. Everybody at Maximo and the school placement was very kind and helpful, and happy to have us there to help them out. My host family was wonderful too. Always open to questions and very warm and kind. The food was delicious. I will totally recommend this program.

What would you improve about this program?
The only thing that I will suggest is to make future volunteers aware that knowing the basics of the native language in any program (in this case Spanish) will help them out big time. I think that those that didn't speak any Spanish and were just starting to learn it, wouldn't get as much out of the experience as those who did speak a little bit and were able to help out even more while interacting with the locals.
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