What inspired you to take a gap year in Tanzania with Gap Medics?
Dom: I've always been interested in the medical field and a few years back, I decided that I wanted to become a doctor. At school assembly, the year 11 coordinator announced the Gap Medics program in Tanzania and described what it was about. Not having any medical work experience behind me, I took this great opportunity to further my knowledge of the medical field in a third world country.
What were some highlights of your travels?
Dom: A great highlight of my experience was watching multiple surgeries and medical procedures. In particular, my favourite procedure was the multiple Caesarian sections; one of which were twins. Also, living with a great group of people in the house significantly enhanced the experience. Outside of the hospital, we had the option to go on safari. It was incredible to see all the African animals. Beats any zoo I've been to. We also visited the orphanage which was eye opening above all else.
How has this experience impacted your future?
Dom: I think this wasn't only a trip, it's a life changing opportunity. After my first day at the hospital, I knew that becoming a doctor was right for me. It inspires and motivates me to do my best in school to achieve my goal of med school for 2013. It has also impacted my personality. Being in a third world country opens your eyes and see what conditions exist outside of the developed countries we are enclosed in. I can now honestly define what a first world problem really is. I found it difficult listening to my friends complain about their iPhones etc while there are people in Tanzania with out proper essentials such as food and medicine. It causes you to grow as a person and appreciate what you have in every aspect.