Alumni Spotlight: Mariella Krielen


Mariella Krielen volunteered in October & November 2008. Born in the Netherlands, Veghel, on June 12, 1977 and lives in France now.

Describe your day to day activities as a volunteer.


  1. Get the dishes and put the plates in the right order on the tables and freezers for preparing food for the animals.
  2. Check on schedule what is your job for the morning food preparation and prepare that part.
  3. Check what feeding round is yours and with who and go feed the and of course also clean water on the whole round.
  4. Help others if finished early and clean food preparation room.
  5. Have breakfast.
  6. Check if your up for dishes if so do this if not than Check the list for jobs that need to be done this day, choose one, sign your name at the job and go and do the job. Do this till all jobs are finished or its lunchtime and in that case finish after lunch. Otherwise go give animals attention after lunch.
  7. Get clean dishes and same routine as in morning for afternoon feeding only always bit different in who gets what in afternoon and u have a different job in afternoon.
  8. Check if ur up for afternoon dishes or check round (check if all animals ok for the night) and go do this. Otherwise you can shower and relax till diner. After dinner is free time, can hang out together and play game or watch movie in entertainment room if you like.

What made this experience unique and special?

Mariella: I learned a lot about birds & met some great people. Of course you learn about all animals but it wasn't my first volunteer time and I already had my FGASA course, not a lot was completely new for me exapt the birds.

How has this experience impacted your future?

Mariella: Like some volunteer places I have been before, I'm addicted to it and wont stop for anything as long as I can help out animals. This place has only made this feeling stronger.