Alumni Spotlight: Katherine Sherry


Katherine is a 25 year old fashion designer, tea lover, canal boat dweller, based on regents canal in London. She works in a bike shop, has her own cyclewear brand and is already planning her next trip back to Malawi with Love Support Unite!

Why did you pick this program?

Katherine: I had friends who had already been out to Malawi with LSU and had come back with massive smiles, amazing tales and a huge, warm love for the country in their hearts. It was very inspirational and I had to see what all the fuss was about!

What do you wish someone had told you before you went abroad?

Katherine: You don't need to pack as if you're going for a year. You inevitably only end up wearing your three favourite outfits on rotation and it's a huge pain lugging all your bags through the airports, in the back of pick ups and walking in the heat - pack light!

What is the most important thing you learned abroad?

Katherine: Human beings are great - everyone has such interesting stories and while you're able you should try and hear as many of them as possible.

What do you tell your friends who are thinking about going abroad?

Katherine: Do it. Do it now. It's really fun.

What was the hardest part about going abroad?

Katherine: I found myself getting a bit stressed before I went with the thought of booking flights, remembering my jabs and malaria tablets, packing the right things etc. But in reality Alice and Nina (who run LSU) made the whole process so smooth and were always on hand with advice, it really was plain sailing.

What's your favorite story to tell about your time abroad?

Katherine: LSU run and support an orphanage for girls, Tilinanu ( When we arrived at the amazing house where 34 girls live they were all up and singing and dancing (with some FANTASTIC moves!) It was such a memorable moment to start the trip with.

What made this experience unique and special?

Katherine: The amazing people I was surrounded by. Every person came with some great ideas of what they wanted to do during their trip and it was hugely motivating seeing people to make the dreams reality.

Tell us about an experience you had that you could not have had at home.

Katherine: At the weekends LSU often plan a trip out of Lilongwe (Malawi's capital where they are based). While I was there we went over to Lake Malawi, a beautiful part of the country, and spent a few days at Lake of Stars Festival. Music, drinks, beach, dancing, sunshine, big smiles.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

Katherine: You can get out of your trip and much as you put in, LSU have a great set up where you have the spark of an idea, you fundraise, you go over to make your idea come to light. No idea is too big, they will help you make it happen.

What made this trip meaningful to you, or how did this trip change your perceptions or future path?

Katherine: Well, I am already planning my trip back! I am working with LSU on a new idea regarding child safety in Lilongwe. I am working on an concept which links with my own cyclewear brand ( to provide road safety vests to children in order help keep them visible on the roads after dark. An exciting project.Watch this space -->