From living in an indigenous rural valley in Kenya for a year, to establishing education for Haitian refugees in the Dominican Republic, to now raising her two young children in the Amazon Basin, Robin has helped to define what authentic volunteer immersion experiences can be. She has developed programs on 3 continents which has transformed thousands of lives. Robin is a best selling author, a motivational speaker, a community development worker and a Mom.
Staff Spotlight: Robin Wiszowaty
What is your favorite travel memory?
Fewer moments or experiences mean more to me than when values and humanity meet together. Watching teenagers heckle one another over a spontaneous soccer game amongst the peaks of the Andes mountains or in the depths of the Amazon Basin - despite missing a shared language - brings laughter to even the shyest of us.
How have you changed since working for your current company?
Working with ME To WE has taught me to take my passions and turn them into tangible action. I began with the idea that I knew there were ways to make our world a place we are all more proud of -- to ensure access of basic rights to children around the world. Now, I'm a part of the solution. A part of the movement.
What is the best story you've heard from a return student?
I walked up behind a 13 year old boy, Aiden, who was standing at the edge of the deck overlooking the Napo River and endless forest in every direction.
'What are you thinking about?' I asked in order to start our conversation, as his eyes were intent and focused on the orange hues of the sunset.
His eyes looked up to mine with a bouncing energy, soon running through his arms which began gesturing wildly to meet the pace he began to answer 'I was at Kanambu community, and I was shoveling to mix sand, rocks, water, and cement to make a concrete. We poured it on the ground which will be the floor of a new classroom! I did it! I did that! I made the floor of a classroom! I didn't know I could help to make a difference! But I did today!'
If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?
Each program you choose is a win -- although its a final toss up between two incredible spots: 1) Travel to Ecuador and visit communities who for generations have lived amongst the peaks of the Andes Mountains. 2) Come to the Amazon and travel by canoe to our lodge in the middle of rain forest to KNOW what it means to live in nature.
What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?
ME To WE is the place for authentic and immersive volunteer experiences. You're able to interact directly with indigenous community members in rural areas where you have the introduction from a team who has deep relationships with the community -- trust, respect, and comfort are already built into your own personal introduction. Looking for something real and authentic? ME To WE has the support before, during, and after your trip!
What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?
An experience is most successful when it most effectively meets the goals of the traveler. People travel for all sorts of reasons ... to experience a language, try a career path, have an adventure, develop a new perspective ... When a company is able to provide the experience the traveller is looking for then it is the most relevant.