Staff Spotlight: Sam

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Sam spent most of her 20’s travelling the world solo and writes about her travels in her blog, named Honest Explorer. She has a passion for exploring new places and has worked for IVI since 2019, enjoying being part of a small team.

What is your favorite travel memory

Wow, this is a tough question! Sometimes it’s not the place that sticks in your mind, but the people you meet! I have travelled around the world and met some real characters along the way. Every destination is unique, for me I love the feeling of exploring somewhere new and not knowing what you will come across next.

My first volunteering experience when I was 18 will always be special to me. I worked on an amazing wildlife sanctuary for two months, and it was the first time I was away from home. I gained some independence and confidence on that trip and got to see some awesome places on days off. I felt so free and inspired on my return home!

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I learn on the job and have enjoyed progressing through roles and learning more about the company I work for. I love being part of such a small and friendly team of people. This is the first job where I get to work from home, and I love the flexibility it can bring.

I have volunteered in the past and I know how it can really change people’s lives for the better- both for the people you help and for yourself also. I enjoy being part of something that brings about positive change and would encourage all those thinking about volunteering to give it a go.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

I think for me, I love hearing about how the volunteers grow whilst on their projects. We had a girl named Marina who helped with our nutrition project in Fiji. She was studying dietetics and, although she was taught how to take blood pressure on her course, she had never actually learnt how to take blood pressure manually. This is something she got to do in Fiji, and she took back her new skills which could really help her in her future career. As well as that, she got to practice talking with people from all over the world, and another culture. Learning these life skills can be excellent for young people to really push their learning and to help them grow in confidence.

I am also very pleased to see so many people raising funds for our projects, before or after their placement. We've had many volunteers who have raised money to buy vital supplies to our worldwide projects and we can't thank them enough!

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

Wow, another tough question! I would go on any project really, but probably somewhere where I haven't been before, as I love exploring new places!

Nepal is very appealing to me and we have some exciting projects there, such as teaching Buddhist monks up in the Everest region. Costa Rica also sounds exciting as it has some incredible biodiversity there and some more remote type placements.

IVI has impactful projects all over the world that really give back to the local communities, so I know I could find a meaningful project in any of our destinations.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

I love that we are a non-profit organisation that’s passionate about giving back to developing communities around the globe. We are a small team that works hard to sustain our mission to fight poverty and help underprivileged communities all over the world.

I am proud of our team who are all so passionate and generally care about the people on our projects. Our health projects in Fiji and Bali are a testament to the dedication and commitment the health & nutrition team shows, to really make a change over there - and we are seeing great results from it.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

I think teamwork, respecting each other and getting along well are key components to any company thriving. All the people on the team being fully aware of the main purpose and mission of the company is also very important, so we can communicate our values to our customers in a consistent manner. I think if a team is passionate about its work, this can only be a recipe for success.