BRIGGS CAPITAL EDUCATION: every letter in CAPS, briggs and capital are blue navy, and education is orange, the circle is orange

Briggs Capital Education

Why choose Briggs Capital Education?

Our organization has created a leadership and business education program that is unlike any other. We have selected a beachside campus location in an internationally diverse community to give our students an environment in which they can learn, explore, and thrive physically as well as academically.

We have set out to develop an innovative education program for young minds to take on the challenges of the modern business landscape. Our program is designed to teach you to look at the world through the lens of an innovative entrepreneur. Our students will explore the problems that are seen in life and in the world and evaluate their potential for entrepreneurial innovation. They will progress and iterate toward solutions that are ideal for current and future markets. As they do this, they will become a business leaders prepared for the future economy.


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