FAULU is a Swahili name that simply means “Success

Faulu Productions Community Based Organization

Why choose Faulu Productions Community Based Organization?

Faulu Productions is an organisation inspiring hope, resilience, and initiative amongst the refugee community of Kakuma. It is a community-based organisation situated in Turkana state. Faulu aims to support our community to help them become self-sustaining in the midst of the incredibly dry and difficult environment of Kakuma and thereby lift them out of extreme poverty and hardship.

You will have the opportunity to try different roles and projects, dependent on your interests and skills. These volunteer opportunities do not require specialized skills (although these would be an advantage), and we accept volunteers for both short and long-term placements, all the year round.
School Children in this refugee camp rarely have the opportunity to interact with foreigners who speak English. Promoting these skills can have a profound impact on the children's future career prospects.



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