
Firesoul Media

Why choose Firesoul Media?

Firesoul Media, in association with the Escuela International de Cine y Television (EICTV) in Cuba, offer a month long, hands-on Documentary Summer School and an Intensive New Year version of the same every year. The workshops are held partly at the world-famous Escuela Internacional de Cine y Television (EICTV) and partly in Havana Old Town.

- Gain a diploma in Directing Documentary
- Learn how to tell a story through theory and practice
- Work with a professional film crew to make a short documentary
- Discover Havana - one of the most fascinating cities in the world



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Yes, I recommend this program

100% recommend FIRESOUL MEDIA EICTV course in Cuba

Quite simply, the most comprehensive, all-round documentary-making course.
A great crew of professionals, fellow student filmmakers, superb and material rich location! One can learn not only about filmmaking but about the world at large and delve into the deeper technical aspects of filmmaking on set. The skills acquired are broad and all encompassing. I'd like to thank everyone who made my experience so unique and unforgettable! I would definitely recommend FIRESOUL MEDIA. Dynamic, fun, organized, professional and on the ball.

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