
Hotspots2c Tours

Why choose Hotspots2c Tours?

Travel can be one of the greatest educations received by anyone, at any age. At Hotspots2c we take pride in creating bespoke and transformative tours that are designed to complement your educational programme, be it for school, university or volunteering, in the most effective and authentic way.

From vibrant cities to quiet, wild spaces; from beaches to rolling vineyards; from sunset safaris in the African bush to vast plains of abundant wildlife, South Africa has it all. And every kilometre travelled on tour will reveal something different of the vibrancy and diversity of our people, culture and places.

Hotspots2c has worked with a large variety of top university groups or returning students as professionals, as well as under 18 volunteer organisations and minors, giving us valuable insight to design trips that are specialised in the areas of respective interest. Our focus on adventures promotes compassion to other cultures with unique and genuine immersive experiences. Let's go!