Italian Language Course

Italian language online course

Why choose Italian language online course?

Byron Tree is an independent school based in Rome since 1990. We offer a full range of linguistic services: from both general and specialist English courses to the supply of translating and interpreting services,as well as the organization of trips abroad and the assessment of workers' language skills. Flexibility and quality are the cornerstones of our business. Thanks to these, Byron Tree has over the time become one of the most highly regarded companies on the market and can now boast an excellent customer portfolio, customers who are guaranteed an approach to training that can generate growth and change.We offer different Italian language courses: intensive, semi-intensive; individual, specialist theme-based tuition. You can study the language through Italian songs,Italian movies, Italian cuisine and so on. Courses are aimed at improving the knowledge of Italian language and culture providing a strong basis in Rome for students who want to continue their studies when in Italy.


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Yes, I recommend this program

Experienced and effective yet fun language course

I've studied a number of languages in a number of countries (as well as being a language teacher myself), and so I tend to approach each new course with a rather critical eye. However, this course more than surpassed my expectations as I found the lessons not only to be well structured and expertly planned, but more importantly effective. Each lesson I felt I had gained a new skill in the language and, with an emphasis on practicing in class, I honestly felt more confident and comfortable interacting with people outside the class.


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Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Francesca Patrizi

Job Title
Director of Studies
Francesca Patrizi has an M.A. in Modern Languages from the Università La Sapienza in Rome. Since 2000, she has been teaching Italian as a second language in Japan and in Italy, where she has also worked as courses coordinator. She is currently working as a Director of Studies of the Italian department and language instructor at Byron School in Rome.

What position do you hold at Byron Tree? What has been your career path so far?

I am the Director of Studies of the Italian department at Byron School. I started teaching Italian in 2000, after my degree in Japanese, when I went to Osaka, Japan, to teach in a Multimedial Center.

I was there for more than one year, and when I came back I took a specialization in teaching methods and glottodidactics; after that I started working in different schools in Rome, and I had the occasion to meet students from all over the world with different needs and abilities. Working in a team with my colleagues has helped me to be a better teacher, and now at Byron Tree we all can count on each other giving mutual help when needed.

What country have you always wanted to visit?

Every country! My biggest desire is to visit the entire world.

Why is language learning and cultural immersion important to you?

Learning a language is always a mind-opener: you learn how to communicate in a totally new way, you learn to see things from a new point of view.

Going abroad, in the place where the language studied is spoken, is the final present everyone should give to themselves because you can finally see “live” what you have imagined studying or seen through “lenses”.

What unique qualities does your company possess?

Byron School has a great staff of welcoming people: Emanuela, Silvia, Irma, and Maria always make a big effort to make students feel at home. And not because they are working, but because they are like that.

Also, everyone of us knows that high-level quality must be the standard: for this reason every class, every activity is a unique event, a unique opportunity to know new people, new things, new habits, new words.

What does your home-country's culture​ value that is taught in your program?

The value of welcoming, the value of food, the value of every art: we bring as much of this as we can to our classes every day . Among the many possibilities, you can enjoy themed courses to study the language through Italian contemporary music, Italian cuisine and Italian cinema.

Our event “SayEat!” is a wonderful occasion to speak Italian in the kitchen while chopping, stirring, mixing and cooking dishes that reveal Italy’s culture, with its flavours and aromas. And no matter what your Italian or cooking skills are like. Come to visit us!