
Junior Year in Munich at Wayne State University

Why choose Junior Year in Munich at Wayne State University?

One-semester or academic year study abroad at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU Munich) in any major is possible with JYM, America's oldest study abroad program in Germany. JYM is a full immersion program; all instruction is in German. Internships, undergraduate research opportunities and scholarships are available.



Yes, I recommend this program

Easily the best decision I ever made.

They JYM Program is one of the oldest (if not the oldest) study abroad programs in the US for good reason. It is a fantastic way to embrace a culture and immerse yourself in the city in a way that you could never get another way.

The support staff is there for you physically in the city and helps you navigate the complexities of studying abroad. While you do take some culture classes at the Munich JYM office, you are an actual student of LMU. Taking classes in German at one of the top universities in Europe. The academics of this program are top notch.

But it's not all serious all the time. Your year abroad starts off with Oktoberfest (Fun Fact: actually starts in September) and continues with festivals, parties, hiking trips and endless opportunities for travel.

The program handles all the official paperwork and pays for everything but living expenses and transportation.

If I had to sum up my experience in one weekend it is this:
Friday: finished class at LMU and went to a University Festival in the English Garden. Saturday: Took the train and went hiking in the foothills of the Swiss Alps. Back In Munich by the afternoon. Decided on a trip to Prague for the night.
Sunday: Back to Munich for a day in Museums and Theatre.

What would you improve about this program?
I can't think of any improvements for the program overall.


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