
Kindergarten Siem Reap

Why choose Kindergarten Siem Reap?

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Kindergarten is a free school to poor children located in Teuk Ville Comunne in Siem Reap. It has already 100 students, divided into 3 different classes. Khmer and English Classes are FREE for all the village children.

Given that the poverty line in the rural areas of Cambodia is set at US$0.25 per person per daily consumption, 53.7% of the population in Siem Reaps is still living below the poverty line.

Due to poverty, children in Cambodia are forced to give up the chance of receiving education to work and supplement the family’s income. The opportunity cost of sending their children to school are very high in some families, making it almost impossible for the children in the families to receive education.

We really need YOU to help us as volunteer and teach our beautiful children. They all want to learn!

Thank YOU!



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