
Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University (KTMU)

Why choose Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University (KTMU)?

Looking for study abroad opportunities in the Middle East and Central Asia? Then it's time to look into Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University (KTMU). Click on one of the programs below to see more information right now! Studies include a variety of subjects, such as anthropology, art history, literature, language and culture to name a few. The program accepts applicants from a variety of backgrounds, including scholars, academics, professionals, students and retirees at any age, with past participants ranging from 18-75 years old. Get a closer look at one of Central Asia's most diverse countries, and enrich your life with an active course of study in a new environment. Study with KTMU in Kyrgyzstan!


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Yes, I recommend this program

First and only campus university in Kyrgyzstan! Also no tuition fee!

- Good, multi-cultural environment in KTMU campus!
- Alive campus life, sportive and cultural facilities.
- Campus life with in city range (3-4 km from downtown Bishkek).
- Nice place for accommodation. Delicious foods! Avaliable different cuisines!
- Great experience.

What would you improve about this program?
Good education while learning more then one foreing language (Turkish, Kyrgyz, Russian, English, Chinese)!


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