Medulin Boat Excursions

NAVIGARE j.d.o.o.

Why choose NAVIGARE j.d.o.o.?

We are a family agency from Medulin with over 30 years of experience in creating boat trips around the Medulin archipelago.
We own three ships with the capacity to transport 110 passengers, 40 passengers and 12 passengers (private tours).

What do we do?
Group and individual excursions, organization of team building on board, up to weddings, and hen and stag parties on board.


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Yes, I recommend this program

An unforgettable experience

"In the summer of 2023, I worked for the first time in Medulin, Croatia. I had several job opportunities, but Afrodita's offer and attitude grabbed me the most and I haven't regretted it for a minute. I worked as a "Booker", I received a lot of help during my apprenticeship and later on, as it was a team effort the whole time. I have a great experience, I am satisfied with the work and the team. 🤩 In addition to these, what is really great is that I found new friends and acquaintances. You shouldn't miss the fact that you enjoy your time at the sea and on the beach every day☺️"

2023 nyarán dolgoztam először nyári munkát Horvátországban, Medulinban. Több meló lehetőségem volt de Afrodita ajánlata és hozzállása fogott meg a legjobban és egy percig se bántam meg. "Booker"-ként dolgoztam, nagyon sok segítséget kaptam a betanulásnál illetve a későbbiekben is, hiszen csapat munka volt egész végig. Nagyon szuper tapasztalatom van, elégedett vagyok a munkával és a csapattal is. 🤩 Ezek mellett ami igazán szuper, hogy új barátokra, ismerősökre leltem. Azt se szabad kihagyni, hogy mindennap a tengeren, a parton élvezed az időt☺️

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Lépj ki a comfort zonádból és élj meg minden pillanatot mert hiaba több hónap egy szezon meló, hamar eljön az utolsó nap.
  • Munkatapasztalat
  • Barátok
  • Tenger
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Yes, I recommend this program

Unvergessliches Erlebnis - "Unforgettable experience"

Ich kehre seit mehreren Saisons immer wieder zu diesem Team und Unternehmen zurück. Da merkt man sofort, wie gut es ist, neben der Tatsache, dass man damit viel Geld verdienen kann, ist das Wichtigste, dass man Fremdsprachen verbessern und sogar von Grund auf lernen kann! Es ist ein kleiner Ort, den man auf den ersten Blick mag und der nie enttäuscht! Du kannst so viele neue Leute kennenlernen, die für den Rest deines Lebens deine Freunde bleiben werden! Ich empfehle es jedem, der offen für neue Siege und einen neuen, anderen Lebensabschnitt ist!✨

"I have been returning to this team and company for several seasons. You immediately notice how good it is, besides the fact that you can make a lot of money with it, the most important thing is that you can improve foreign languages ​​and even learn them from scratch! It's a small place that you like at first sight and never disappoints! You can meet so many new people who will remain your friends for the rest of your life! I recommend it to anyone who is open to new victories and a new, different phase of life!✨"

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
Ich würde nichts ändern!
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Yes, I recommend this program


I had the pleasure of working as a server on the fish picnic boat and participating in dolphin excursions in Istria, particularly in the charming city of Medulin. I am compelled to leave feedback regarding the exceptional teamwork and memorable experiences shared during my time there.

One of the most remarkable aspects of my experience was the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues from neighboring countries. Despite our diverse backgrounds, we seamlessly came together to deliver exceptional service and create unforgettable moments for our guests. The camaraderie among us fostered a positive and welcoming atmosphere, enhancing the overall experience for both guests and staff alike.

Whether it was serving delectable seafood dishes or guiding guests on enchanting dolphin excursions, our teamwork and mutual support were evident in every aspect of our work. Each day brought new challenges, but our collective dedication and willingness to go above and beyond ensured that we consistently exceeded expectations.

I am incredibly grateful for the friendships formed and the invaluable lessons learned during my time working on the boat in Medulin. It is a testament to the power of collaboration and teamwork, transcending borders and cultures to create truly memorable experiences.

In conclusion, I would like to extend my sincerest appreciation to all my colleagues and supervisors for their unwavering support and camaraderie. It was an honor to be part of such an exceptional team, and I will cherish the memories and friendships made for years to come.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Ob ich das empfehlen würde? Und wie! - "Would I recommend this? And how!"

Es war eine unglaublich großartige Erfahrung und ein richtiges Abenteuer. Jeder Tag bot neue Herausforderungen und war eine vollkommen neue Chance, um sich sowohl beruflich als auch persönlich weiterzuentwickeln. Da ich ein absoluter Sprachenfan bin, war dieser Job mein Paradies. In einer Minute sprach ich Deutsch und im nächsten Moment führte ich ein Gespräch auf Spanisch. Außerdem habe ich eine Menge fantastische Personen kennengelernt, mit denen ich heute befreundet bin - von Kund*innen bis zum Team, und das Team war spitze. Wir hatten so viel Spaß zusammen, konnten aber auch alle möglichen Problemlösungen gemeinsam finden. Probleme schnell und erfolgreich zu lösen, war noch eine Fähigkeit, die ich dank dieses Jobs verbessert habe. Dies war wirklich eine wunderbare Erfahrung, an die ich mich immer gerne erinnere, sowie an die prachtvolle Meeresansicht. Zögere nicht und bewirb dich, denn es wird sicherlich ein unvergesslicher Sommer sein!

"It was an incredibly great experience and a real adventure. Every day offered new challenges and was a completely new opportunity to develop both professionally and personally. Since I am an absolute language fan, this job was my paradise. One minute I was speaking German and the next minute I was having a conversation in Spanish. I also met a lot of fantastic people that I'm friends with today - from customers to the team, and the team was great. We had so much fun together, but we were also able to find all sorts of solutions to problems together. Solving problems quickly and successfully was another skill that I improved thanks to this job. This was truly a wonderful experience that I will always remember fondly, as well as the magnificent sea view. Don't hesitate and apply because it will certainly be an unforgettable summer!"

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Yes, I recommend this program

Файна праця - "It's very nice"

Дуже сподобалося працювати в Медуліні,містечко дуже гарне,сама компанія виконала все що обіцяла,ставленя до вас як до працівника дуже добре,атмосфера дружня даже б сказав сімейна,праця була дуже цікава і динамічна,великий плюс що щодня ви розвиваєте свої навички комунікації і вивчайте багато нового для вас,також з вами працюють молоді люди як і ви,також кожного дня у вас є вільний час поплавати в фантастичному чистому морі і насолоджуватись літом,все дуже сподобалося,рекомендую всім хто хоче незабутнє літо

"I really liked working in Medulin - the town is very nice, the company itself fulfilled everything it promised, the attitude towards you as an employee is very good, the atmosphere is friendly, even family-like, and the work was very interesting and dynamic. A big plus is that every day you develop your communication skills and learn a lot of new things. Also young people like you work with you, and every day you have free time to swim in the fantastic clean sea and enjoy the summer. I liked everything very much, I recommend it to everyone who wants an unforgettable summer"


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