Why choose PermaTree?

Permaculture Tropical Fruit Farm & WildLife Refuge. Sustainable Lifestyle Research Hub. Ecuador
The vision in a nutshell is, to live a sustainable life in harmony with nature as self-sufficient as possible. With permaculture as a practical tool for self-supporting ecosystems to build and to promote biodiversity. A community where you can come, share, learn and be inspired for a better sustainable life. We set impulses for future generations by researching and implementing sustainable lifestyles.
We are a grass root organic farm with the target, to live sustainable within the next 3 years. To grow our own food from vegetables to tropical food forests. You can be part of this thriving process! Gain valuable experience and learn about smart permaculture principles. Learn ecological awareness and more about environmental protection.
Volunteer Program: Long-term Permaculture volunteering positions. Spend 3 or 6 months to a year at the PermaTree Project, in Ecuador.


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