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Project Manaia

Why choose Project Manaia?

We are a small-scale marine research organization, operating from aboard a 21m sailing boat and running various efforts to find solutions to marine pollution, observation and data collection on Marine Megafauna as well as habitat mapping across the Mediterranean Sea.


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Yes, I recommend this program

Project Manaia

I am currently a zoology student, whose focus has shifted to marine biology and conservation and I recently volunteered with Project Manaia on SY Waya Waya for 4 weeks. In that time I gained knowledge and experience that turned out to be crucial for why I was offered a seasonal job once I returned home. I believe this work is incredibly important, especially in this time, and I feel lucky to have been a part of the team. Not only do I feel like I learned so much in a rather short time, but upon leaving I also felt that I had a better idea on my own direction for the future.

It was exciting for me to learn about sailing as well, since I had little to no real experience with it prior to joining Project Manaia. The crew was wonderful and supportive, always willing to help and to teach. It can be a little awkward getting to know people at first, but when you are stuck together in small quarters, it doesn't take long to get comfortable and settled in!

I really enjoyed the overall experience, while it was a good learning experience, I also had a lot of fun! I think this is a great opportunity for students studying marine science, and anyone who would like to learn about or contribute to marine conservation.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice would be to go into this willing and ready to learn. Embrace the differences between crew members, its a wonderful opportunity to make friends and collaborate with people who have a different focus and different ideas. And of course be open to adventure, as things don't always go as planned :)
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Yes, I recommend this program

Sailing across the Mediterranean

I recently had the incredible opportunity to volunteer for a research expedition aboard SY Waya Waya, while doing my Bachelor's Thesis. The combination of scientific discovery, hands-on learning, and the sheer adventure of sailing made it an experience I’ll never forget.

This experience was unlike anything I’d done before. Our primary mission was to collect data on marine ecosystems, with different focuses (e.g., plastic pollution, seagrass, marine mammals, etc.]. From deploying sampling equipment to recording observations, every task felt meaningful and contributed to the larger goal of understanding and protecting our oceans.

As someone with a passion for marine science but limited field experience, I was thrilled by how much I could learn in such a short term. The crew was knowledgeable and always willing to explain the methodology and provide guidance. Whether it was learning to identify species, analyze water samples, or handle data, I came away with practical skills and a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of marine research.

Living on a sailboat was an adventure in itself. It wasn’t always easy (eg., unpredictable weather) but they paled in comparison to the beauty of sunsets at sea, dolphins riding the bow and the satisfaction of contributing to important work. The people who also participated in the same program had a similar vibe to me and were open to making friends making it easy to get along, have fun and work together during our stay


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