Quick Chinese Education and Training Center

Why choose Quick Chinese Education and Training Center?

The Chinese language learning population is exploding and we have the best way to quickly and easily learn Mandarin! Our one-of-a-kind method of teaching and friendly instructors are proven to bring students to a high level of speaking in less than half the time. Our state of the art facilities at three popular locations throughout Beijing coupled with 13 years of expertise make us the perfect choice for all of your Chinese learning needs. We customize your learning program to include cultural activities and trips for any interests. We believe that students need to learn both inside and outside of the classroom to truly gain an understanding of Mandarin.



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Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Katie Christopher

We recently chatted with the Marketing Assistant of Quick Chinese, Katie Christopher, to learn more about Quick Chinese and the philosophy behind their study abroad programs.

What position do you hold at Quick Chinese? What has been your career path so far?

I am a Marketing Assistant. I'm still attending grad school in the US for my MBA and came to work here in China for the summer.

Did YOU study abroad?

I did study abroad! I went to Brighton, England, about an hour south of London. I was only a sophomore in undergrad but I had always wanted to go to Europe and it was a great opportunity for me at the time. I am also taking part in Quick Chinese's mandarin study program while I am here working for them and live with students studying abroad in Beijing from the US, so I feel as if this is a second variation of my studying abroad.

What does the future hold for Quick Chinese - any exciting new programs to share?

At Quick Chinese, we are currently in the middle of expanding our programs to hopefully bring in more western students. Our previous efforts have focused mainly on Japanese students so we are very excited to have more people here from the US and Europe.

What about the future of the industry? How do you think study abroad and international education will change over the next 10 years?

I think that in the future, it should become a requirement for all college students to spend a semester abroad. It doesn't need to be anything fancy and expensive... just enough to broaden their horizons and expose them to other cultures. It really helped me to grow as a person and I feel as though I learned more during my overseas experiences than during any other part of my education.

Which country do you think is an underrated study abroad destination? Conversely, do you think there is a country which is overrated?

I loved England, but I do think it is a bit overrated in comparison to other destinations. Many people go there because they speak English and many things are quite similar to America. This of course is fun and easy, but it doesn't give you the same experience as immersing yourself in a different language and entirely different culture does.